The human mind is a dynamic system. It is always changing. How stability (permanence) is achieved is by causing the dominant programming to remain dominant. To make it dominant, and keep it dominant, requires that it become dominant for long enough that it becomes self regenerating.
Making a program dominant depends on having enough repetitions to outweigh the previous programming. Keeping it dominant depends on having it be dominant long enough for it to create the outward reality and then the acclimation to that outward reality that leads it to become self regenerating.
How long this takes depends on the individual.
I can tell you that SM2 made some changes in me that are permanent and some that are not, but I only ran through it once. Each situation will depend on the person using it, but three run-throughs most definitely should make it by and large permanent if you don't thereafter use something that conflicts.
Pretty much anything you do in life to improve yourself can change your baseline significantly but not expect to be permanent with 100% of the changes unless you apply yourself consistently. i.e. go to gym, improve your golf swing, improve your dating.
Ok i got a question does SM3 help on this thing??????
First i have extremely high Ego. therefore i dont flirt with woman who i dont think its attractive enough. therefore i dont get any practice out of them.
of course they do show signs of interests and my mind thinks " i can fuck them" but in reality...i never tried to
so therefore i never go sexually with girls im not attracted to. But the thing is ...some of these girls arent that bad looking.
my problem is i always end up approaching girls that u guys would rate around 9's...
the ones that are hot , good looking , well dressed and pretty face.
and i end up not getting much pratice out of those ones lol
only recently i have manage to almost gotten laid with girls i liked.... but the progress is too slow. and i wanna shed my ego so i can accelerate my progress by MAYBE.....having sex and start flirting with these girls who gives obvious signs of wanting to have sex with me... and when i get real experience with these girls hands on....every week...and day moving forward would be much easier.
then from there i can quickly jump into the high level .....
i have been having this ego every since i was like 14....
so im wondering would SM3 help me in a way with this????
EDIT: another thing is im going after girls i "Really Like" . therefore im not in the mindset of being sexual and just thinking i want to have sex with the girls. i have a very hard time going for girls that i dont like.
i want to start going after those girls "i would have sex with" but doesnt have to like and invest my feelings into....
and i need to shed that Ego. in order to do this.....
cause for example im getting signals left and right form girls all over the place. and what did i end up doing???
i end up approaching two extremely hot girls. that shows zero signals. and i get no emotional respond to it....
how fuckin stupid is that???
and i dont talk to those girls that showed any signals because my mind tells me " they arent hot enough, and oh i could of laid them easily " . and there goes all my real experience i could of have learned from these girls....
So again i was wondering which sub would best take care of this???
im thinking about buying SM3. which seems like it will get me sexually active... and change my perspective...
and as long as i can shed that ego i can bet i will be having sex with girls 4-5 a week... no problem...
Do you think SM3 will benefit me in this way?
I am guessing you haven't done Alpha Male yet, if you have an extremely high ego. You need to run AM first before using SM, because SM is designed to start where AM leaves off, and AM will help with ego balancing.
I think you go after girls you know you can't get. It might be because you're afraid to try or be vulnerable with the girls you can get. I don't know. SM3 aims at females who you would define as physically beautiful.
It also only works for people 18+, so if you're not at least 18, it's not going to do squat for you. SM3 has fear destruction in it, too, btw.
But definitely do AM first if you haven't.
dude im at stage 6.... of AM5. day 27? im pretty much done man......
Physical beauty eh????
Looks like ima be approaching the same girls...after all =_=
Shannon, let say if I have done 2 runs of AM 5.0, and yet I haven't fully achieved all the intended goals of the program, and then in this kind of condition I move on and attempt to do SM 3.0, what will happen?
Will the SM 3.0 helps to build on whatever I got from AM 5.0 and improve things even further, or will it screw things up and I won't get the best result from SM 3.0?
(10-23-2013, 01:04 AM)ALI6NMENT Wrote: [ -> ]FluffyBunny,
Are you sure it's the 'ego' and not higher standards, preferences from having run Alpha?
Why would you want to have sex with girls you don't like anyway?
Maybe it is fear of success, or some other form of self sabatage.
Maybe it's a mixture of all above,
I am sure OGSF will help...solo or in a 6 stage program.
Only you know why and what is REALLY holding you back.
If you think it is the EGO, why do you think the EGO would be doing this?
I think it more of an ignorance thing .....
you could say its a preference. but ur suppose to be netural to both ugly and beautiful girls.... and i am not.... so theres a problem ...
(10-23-2013, 08:24 AM)FluffyBunny Wrote: [ -> ]I think it more of an ignorance thing .....
you could say its a preference. but ur suppose to be netural to both ugly and beautiful girls.... and i am not.... so theres a problem ...
Are you saying you find it easier to interact with attractive girls? Because I've noticed this myself. My coach says it's because I am attractive and so is she, we naturally go together well.
As for my coach, he's late. :@
plus its not from running alpha.
i already had this standard way beofer i was running alpha.
i was a Beta. back 2 years ago.
i wouldnt even consider myself close to a true alpha at the moment.
2 years ago i was approaching girls way out of my level. they were 8 9 and 10's .....
the girls like cheerleaders lol , or really good looking well dressed... or hot bodies ones , or extremely pretty faces.
back then i didnt get good responses from all...
but i only liked those girls i kept going at it...
once in a while.... i maybe go for cute 6,7 when i find them quite cute....
now ... im still doing the same thing... although im skill level is quite different now.
the girls would show signs of want to fuck, as well as interests ...
im just at this point i gotta read the signs right and pull the triggers....
im moving way too slow...cause im super selective on who i approach or talk to in my social circles.... its been like this since forever....
if its an Ego things. its because i think those ugly girls arent good enough for me . and that is for sure right... but the thing is i never fucked an girl thats 6. so thats why im saying part of it could be ignorance .....
cause im sure.... when the 6 is giving me a bj &.shallows it.... lets me do ass....cooks me dinner..... i bet i would start getting phone numbers form them like crazy too
so im working on this idea atm.... not sure how to crack this code up....
other then get super horny...and push myself to just land a 6....and who knows lol
Hmm, I'd say it's fear coupled with beliefs. First of all, you seem to believe you can't have sex until you have sex. You also seem to have lowered your standards, for whatever reason I don't know.
Why did you lower your standards and what do you imagine would happen if you just went after 8, 9, and 10's?
(10-22-2013, 06:39 PM)FluffyBunny Wrote: [ -> ]dude im at stage 6.... of AM5. day 27? im pretty much done man......
Physical beauty eh????
Looks like ima be approaching the same girls...after all =_=
It's hard to keep up with everything from everyone and do everything else I have to do.
I'd suggest OGSF for a while, maybe 3 months, and see how that helps.
(10-23-2013, 07:02 AM)Tiesto Wrote: [ -> ]Shannon, let say if I have done 2 runs of AM 5.0, and yet I haven't fully achieved all the intended goals of the program, and then in this kind of condition I move on and attempt to do SM 3.0, what will happen?
Will the SM 3.0 helps to build on whatever I got from AM 5.0 and improve things even further, or will it screw things up and I won't get the best result from SM 3.0?
SM3 is designed primarily to build on the state AM5.0 gave you, and even if you used it twice without maximum results SM3 can and will help, although making you more alpha is not the main goal. But it has OGSF in it, which is almost certainly going to clear away a lot of garbage. In your shoes, I would probably aim for AM6.
i am deciding to run AM6 or SM3.... not sure which one to run...