(03-25-2015, 06:39 AM)THolt Wrote: [ -> ]Does the project yourself into the future feature in BAMM really project yourself into the future or is it a visualization feature? How has it affected your results with BAMM thus far?
It is intended to literally focus some of your energy, mental and otherwise, toward bridging the "gap" between the "now" self and the "I have already achieved the goal" self. It's designed to create a bridge, a link, a persistent connection between the two states of being, which is intended to cause the probability lines in which you have achieved the goal to become dominant because they have more energy and focus. The idea is that by doing so, you slowly but surely find your way to and through those probability lines into the "end point" of the connection, which is the "you" who has achieved the goal.
How this has affected my results with BAMM so far is hard to explain, but I will attempt to. For one, I see the effects most clearly through my predictive models, which show me the dominant probability. Since starting BAMM 2.0, I have been seeing a definite point of achievement of the goal where that was not visible previously. That point does shift in time occasionally, and sometimes will slip forward or backward a year from it's current point. It appears to depend on the butterfly effect based on choices I make in the now, but unlike before, I always see this point of achievement when I do medium term "pings" of the dominant probabilities with my predictive models.
Other than that, a lot of what BAMM does is so smooth and natural, and "becomes you" so well, that it's hard to discern, especially considering that I don't have a map of what would be happening right now if I was not using BAMM. But, for instance, I have noticed that over time, things just seem to fall into place towards achieving that end goal. I still have to work at it, but the effect is almost like watching a film in reverse, which is to say, things appear to defy probability. Not necessarily in staggeringly huge ways, or all the time, but they do seem to defy their resting state of likelihood without the impact of the program, and this is a discernable pattern over time.
For instance, when Andrew and I went out searching for an office, we had a lot of very specific requirements and limits. We expected it to take us a week or two to find an office that fit our needs, and were not even sure one would be found in the cities in which we were then living. Yet it took us a total time of 4 hours to find the office we currently use here in Florida, and not only was it exactly what we needed, but it came with some perks and bonuses that are very unusual; for instance, the landlord gave us, without prior negotiation, the promise in the leasing contract that the rent will never increase as long as we rent this office. He also has been very understanding when rent was late for whatever reason, before we got set up with autopay. Never have we had a problem with the office or the landlord, and both are exactly what we needed, even if we did not know all of what we needed at the time we were looking for this office. On top of that, the office is only a couple miles from my house.
That's just one thing. Many things I cannot remember, but similarly unlikely, have happened over the time I have been using this program. Another I believe is the work of that part of the program, and probably the Optimus Engine, is Andrew introducing me to perfumery, and my resultant success with that. We hope to bring you some offerings in that direction soon. I find it amazing how they just sell themselves, with me only having to explain how my creations are different than the norm, and why they need to be used in a specific amount. I walk into a place wearing Black Velvet, the cologne I created for myself, and regularly have someone ask me what I am wearing and how they can get some. And the price rarely phases them when they smell how good it is. I'm not exactly going out of my way to try to sell it right now, but it's still selling. Before, I had no interest in or knowledge of cologne or perfume. Now, I can create a decent perfume or cologne in days, and an excellent one in 3 to 9 months of work. Fresh Woods #6, for instance,
everyone likes. I have never seen anything do that before.
Then we have the new technologies I am working on, and making amazing discoveries and strides with. Stuff I was convinced was flat out impossible even just 6 months ago.
I don't yet know what it is that will make me achieve the goal yet, but I do know it's coming. I know without a shadow of a doubt that it's coming. Something is going to change relatively soon that will make it happen.
Hope that answers your question.