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What specifically would you like me to explain further?
The self optimizing amplifier is directly affected by perceptory pressure. When you have the pressure set right and the self optimizing amplifier present, it's like you have walked into the Twilight Zone. I know how to set the perceptory pressure, but right now it must be calculated and set for each situation manually. My initial efforts to make it self adjusting have had some interesting impact, but there are limits even to what I can do with that because of other variables. <------
this piece and the preceptory pressure and how that can/may fluctuate-and/or 'flow'(?) with The Self Optimizing Amplifier technology and anything else that relates to it??? as well as suggested might a 'Primer' be in order for those of us who ARE using BAMM? As in an addition of SOA,for 'day use' or for several hours before using BAMM??? something to this effect. NOt trying to exclused anyone else from using SOA whose not using BAMM< @ this time,but perhaps a specific SOA addition we can ALL use along with BAMM???

PS: and Might SOA be 'out' for usage by christmas if not before???
I'm working on a complex upgrade right now, and attempting to find a way to include SOA in it. So far I'm not sure how to do that. The grammatical structure seems to be conflicting. So there's another factor in whether or not I'll be able to use it... there's a lot left for me to learn yet.

I am going to have to sleep before I can answer your questions in a way that will make sense. My brain is melting right now. I've been getting too little sleep, and even caffeine isn't doing anything at this point. So I will answer, but right now it's time for me to go home and catch up on some sleep first.
Completely understood and respected. thanx Shannon thus far for sharing and answering some of the questions,as it were. much apopreciated. I Look forward to Part II. Rest well and thank you so much for all of your hard,and sometimes very intense work that you put into all of this!! NO Sub owner have I ever seen or known has put this much into on such an on going basis. peace. Keith.
SO now it looks like INDIGO MIND user's will have Two Cannon's instead of Just One:
As in : Optimus Engine &
Self Optimizing Amplifier !!
Although in all fairness the 4g titles are loaded,and the 5g titles are just the same and even more
chock fulla programming and technology that some of us might understand fully and other's not. Fortunately we dont have to know exactly how our computer's or vehicles work in order to use them/drive them! We just know they work when used properly and we do...same with the Subliminals...
Okay, I am pretty wiped out after today, but I'll try to explain further.

(09-23-2013, 01:55 PM)ncbeareatingman Wrote: [ -> ]The self optimizing amplifier is directly affected by perceptory pressure. When you have the pressure set right and the self optimizing amplifier present, it's like you have walked into the Twilight Zone. I know how to set the perceptory pressure, but right now it must be calculated and set for each situation manually. My initial efforts to make it self adjusting have had some interesting impact, but there are limits even to what I can do with that because of other variables. <------
this piece and the preceptory pressure and how that can/may fluctuate-and/or 'flow'(?) with The Self Optimizing Amplifier technology and anything else that relates to it??? as well as suggested might a 'Primer' be in order for those of us who ARE using BAMM? As in an addition of SOA,for 'day use' or for several hours before using BAMM??? something to this effect. NOt trying to exclused anyone else from using SOA whose not using BAMM< @ this time,but perhaps a specific SOA addition we can ALL use along with BAMM???

PS: and Might SOA be 'out' for usage by christmas if not before???

So perceptory pressure is the amount of urgency one feels to cooperate with the instructions and suggestions the subliminal is giving them. If the urgency is low, the priority it gets is also low, and it doesn't get as much result in most (but not all) cases. (There is another phenomenon I am simultaneously investigating that seems to be the reverse of this at settings that theoretically should not even be having an effect, but they instead appear to be triggering cooperation from an entirely different much deeper level of subconscious awareness instead.) If the perceptory pressure is balanced right, the urgency will trigger cooperation and action, but not resistance.

I explained this to Andrew like this. If someone calmly whispers to you, "Close the door," it is not going to be perceived as an urgent necessity. You can assess what the request is, an then decide that it has fairly low priority, and then do it or not, at your leisure.

But if someone screamed, "CLOSE THE DAMNED DOOR!!!" at you right in your ear, it would be perceived as being a very important, high priority, urgent thing, and would probably set most people to responding with either immediate compliance, or a resistance response ("Screw you, buddy!").

If you were calmly but firmly told that the door needs to be closed, and the statement was put in a firm, but polite manner, and you respected the person who was making the request, it is very likely that you would do the action immediately without resistance.

In all three cases, the perceptory pressure is respectively very low, very high, and properly balanced. In subliminal scripting methodology, there are ways of adjusting perceptory pressure through wording choice and the use of specific technologies, including how they are tuned. Get the balance right, and the response is much more likely to be cooperation. That, of course, is the goal.

The self optimizing amplifier is seeking to take the response to the suggestions being made and cause you to amplify them until they achieve a state of magnitude such that they are useful in the desired, intended and/or necessary ways. Pre-apmplification perceptory pressure levels dictate whether or not the SOA is triggered fully. Post amplification perceptory pressure levels dictate to what degree the SOA is triggered. Perceptory pressure, therefore, is very important in supporting the self optimizing amplifier. The SOA also feeds back into the impact of perceptory pressure by causing the amplified response to increase perceptory pressure as a result of the amplification process. This must then be directed and "shaped" in the right ways and at the right levels to temper it and maintain desired effectiveness, instead of triggering resistance.

When this feedback set and balancing is done properly, the result is incredible. Like I mentioned before, the effect is about like stepping into the Twilight Zone. The normal rules no longer apply, and the whole of reality gets shifted n the desired direction, such that what the sub is attempting to accomplish becomes a perfectly natural foregone conclusion, and anything else would be absurd.

Get it wrong, and you end up with resistance and an internal struggle over how to react, which usually results in increased stress levels as the instructions are resisted. In some cases, the resistance is overpowered and the response comes through regardless. In others, the stress levels simply become unbearable.

I am contemplating how to create a single stage enhancer for day use that would allow me to maintain the original set for at least 2-3 years, while adding in adjustments and accentuations with a single day use program. That will take some time to figure out.
Whats NOT to Like?( I 'Liked' this post). Dayummmmmm. I'll say it'll take some time. talk about complex. Keith. Oh... Almost fergot... Thank You!!
Yes, it is getting to the degree of absurdly complex to keep track of and work with these technologies and concepts I am discovering and attempting to develop. It is to the point that it can and frequently does take me days just to get one section of one part of a script correct. I am working on the pre-script for both OED 2.0 and Weight Loss 6.0, and they are - even as one section of a statement - so complex grammatically that, for instance, I had tested 11 variants before I realized that there was a statement subject missing. No wonder they kept failing the model runs.

But, this is what I get paid for. Smile
I am contemplating how to create a single stage enhancer for day use that would allow me to maintain the original set for at least 2-3 years, while adding in adjustments and accentuations with a single day use program. That will take some time to figure out.
Subliminal Audio Specialist & Administrator <---- Shannon's quote......
Sounds awesome,a primer for BAMM. Wow. Gonna be plenty powerful with the additions. <-----Keith.

----> SHannon's quotes from abouve:When this feedback set and balancing is done properly, the result is incredible. Like I mentioned before, the effect is about like stepping into the Twilight Zone. The normal rules no longer apply, and the whole of reality gets shifted n the desired direction, such that what the sub is attempting to accomplish becomes a perfectly natural foregone conclusion, and anything else would be absurd.

Get it wrong, and you end up with resistance and an internal struggle over how to react, which usually results in increased stress levels as the instructions are resisted. In some cases, the resistance is overpowered and the response comes through regardless. In others, the stress levels simply become unbearable. <-----Shannon's quotes....

Keith's comments: the former sounds phenomial,incredible and awesome the latter could be disasterous . what a fine balance, delicate,powerful tool this is Shannon. the question IS,how the heck do you get it right and the right calibration,settings and fixtures for everyone??? thats huge!
Mind boggeler.... there must be ways to do so and since there are,YOU'LL find'um! I appreciate and admire you on this Shannon,I do not,However envy you. Its a daunting task and one that WILL pay off deeply in the future. Thanx Man. Keith.
There is no way to achieve a perfect product for everyone. But the reason I am going into the realm of such complexity is that this is what's required to make the programs self adjusting to as many people as possible. Self optimizing script, self optimizing amplifier, and I even have an experimental self optimizing perceptual pressure script in the works, although I am unsure whether that will work.

By creating programming that adjusts itself to the user's unique set of circumstances, it works better for more people. It's just not easy to do, or fun. Smile But progress isn't about fun, it's about making things better. That's what I'm here for.
I have been noticing lately that I had gone off in a tangent of selfishness for a while on why I wanted to become wealthy and what I was going to do when I did. But recently I have been gently reminded that "my wealth" is not my wealth. That my wealth is only mine because of what I am here in this world to accomplish, and that without that purpose, I have no need for wealth. So selfishness is not going to get it.

I expect to have a lot of wealth, even after I finish doing what I'm here for, but my wealth is going to be spent on my purpose. As long as I remember that it's not about me, I'll be successful.

I have been noticing that whenever I don't play BAMM, I am easily distracted, and when I do, nothing feels as good as being productive.

Recently, I have also noticed that BAMM appears to be attempting to accomplish its goal in a multi-threaded effort. There appear to be several different ways I will probably be able to achieve major wealth, if not actually doing so through some or all of them. This is exciting. Watching my model forecasts actually come to pass is almost surreal, even though I have known for a long time how accurate my models are.

I feel as if I exist on the border of several different major probabilities, and sliding back and forth from one to the other as I am best served in achieving my goal.

I am also noticing that women are taking a decidedly different response to me, as well. Some of it may be experiments I am running that alter my aura or other aspects of how they perceive me, and some of it may be that I am now acting and projecting myself in a decidedly different manner. Yesterday I went to Wal Mart to get some paper towels and found myself charging through the store. Twice I almost ran into people, and twice they apologized to me. As if I were not the one about to bowl them over, but instead, someone of major import.

There's more going on, but I am not at liberty to discuss it. The things converging for my success recently are pretty awesome, though.
huh???(Shannon)- posted this last night but it didnt 'make it in'. Keith.
You know when you work for a long time and try to get things to fit together just right so everything works smoothly? And when they do, it just clicks and everything goes right?

Well, recently I reached a major milestone/goal and once I did, it made something click. Something big. Something very, very important. You'll see what I mean within the next, oh, say, 15 months. Smile

This is a direct result of BAMM 2.0. Click. Smile
It did open my mind. To a solution I have been seeking for a long time. And that will lead to what I have been looking for.

I'm going to allow you guys to wait and see what happens, because while I know the major overall of it, I don't know exactly how it will play out. But I do know that it will happen at the end of 2013, or more likely, some time in 2014. In other words... within the next 15 months.

Be patient. We're very close. Smile
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