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While dancing yesterday, I noticed I was drawn to a beautiful girl. At the end of the class only she and I was lingering for the next class. I sat down in one end of the room. She came over to talk with me. Another girl came in, and started talking with us. I wished she had not, but I didn't care. While talking, I projected emotions.

I have also started to notice the difference in how men and women communicate sex. Women seems to talk about emotions, and it doesn't matter what kind. Men's talk is mostly about the raw underlying sexuality. I am beginning to get comfortable doing both.

I have learned EFT, and I use it if I get too fascinated by a woman. I have also used to let go of my last relationship that ended in March, perhaps due to me starting on the alpha trail. I still kind of miss her, even if she was pretty difficult ;-)

I am guessing Shannon is testing out the new XM stuff on manifesting women, and this makes me very interested. :-)
I just started Stage 4 yesterday. I am just writing a little to keep myself going. I used to be terrible shy with women, but I am now starting to enjoy their close company, sitting beside them and talking etc. I think I will soon start touching them. I have made a couple of choices, making myself more independent, that seemed necessary to progress along this path.
One key point to remember about touch: some women like and respond to it; some women do not. Trying to touch a physical core personality will register as communication; trying to touch an intellectual core personality will probably register as unwanted, or at best, no value/no response. It's physical and emotional core types who typically respond to touch, and intellectual/passionate types who generally do not.
Another important point is to test the waters in safe ways. There are entire forums dedicated to the proper escalation of "kino", so I won't even try to duplicate what's out there.
I was with some friends I know very well last night. As I was going back to sit down at the sofa, a woman stood in my way, saying "I'm not moving". I put my arm around her waist and said, "Well, can I have the last dance then?". I could tell she got excited, and that my other friends were looking at this new strange, but interesting behaviour. Not only that, but earlier in the evening I had taken my trousers off because I was feeling hot (I do know them very well, and I did ask if it was OK with them), just because I wanted to.

I really do enjoy this kind of careless behaviour. It is wonderful because I did it without all the usual thinking.

Tonight I am going out to see some friends again. If I feel like it, I might do something a little bit crazy. :-))

Stage Four is a breeze.
Met a Brazilian woman on the bus tonight. We had a good chat.

The only sensible way to point XM is towards women, women and more women. :-))
(10-26-2012, 12:30 PM)alpha123 Wrote: [ -> ]Met a Brazilian woman on the bus tonight. We had a good chat.

The only sensible way to point XM is towards women, women and more women. :-))

There are two paths one can take in life my friend. One can make oneself successful financially... or with women. The only way to do both at once is to do money first.

This thing will probably completely destroy any hope of making money while it's pointed at women. If you want it pointed at women, you'd better be sure you have the resources to focus on women and only women. They're expensive to chase, and expensive to catch.
(10-27-2012, 01:10 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-26-2012, 12:30 PM)alpha123 Wrote: [ -> ]Met a Brazilian woman on the bus tonight. We had a good chat.

The only sensible way to point XM is towards women, women and more women. :-))

There are two paths one can take in life my friend. One can make oneself successful financially... or with women. The only way to do both at once is to do money first.

This thing will probably completely destroy any hope of making money while it's pointed at women. If you want it pointed at women, you'd better be sure you have the resources to focus on women and only women. They're expensive to chase, and expensive to catch.

I can't agree more, Shannon. Big Grin
Do you want to know how to make a small fortune with women?

Start with a large fortune.
He, he, funny and true :-)

Was out dancing tonight. A woman I know drove me home.

Yes, I have spent too much on women already, being silly Mr. Nice Guy. And even as I wise up and stop doing this, it will sure cost to buy clothes, entertainment and dinners.

I have no interest in making money. I know have a steady, secure job, and I earn OK. I just need enough money to keep going.

If this XM thing really works, I would point it towards women before money any day. :-))
(10-27-2012, 01:47 PM)alpha123 Wrote: [ -> ]He, he, funny and true :-)

Was out dancing tonight. A woman I know drove me home.

Yes, I have spent too much on women already, being silly Mr. Nice Guy. And even as I wise up and stop doing this, it will sure cost to buy clothes, entertainment and dinners.

I have no interest in making money. I know have a steady, secure job, and I earn OK. I just need enough money to keep going.

If this XM thing really works, I would point it towards women before money any day. :-))

It would seem you have yet to learn your lesson, apparently. Perhaps you should get what you're after. Wink

It's not a matter of whether the XM works, it's a matter of if it works the same way for everyone, and how fast it works. I know it works... but I need to know how it works on larger time spans, and larger numbers of people.

When the time comes, I'll release some programs based on it, and you guys can see it in action for yourselves. If it woks the way I think it will, I may re-do all of the manifestors in this.
Great! I hereby order a manifestation of an endless stream of hot tempered, gorgeous sambistas, getting ecstatic feelings of their own uniqueness, beauty and desire when I perform my incredible samba moves around them.

But seriously, make it more general, so that any woman who come into contact with me, will feel this way. And out of compassion, let the taken ones feel it just a little less, to prevent them going insane.

And also, seriously, if done the right way, I think making women feel pleasure like this shouldn't cost any money.

I am definitely onto something here.
I am feeling empty and low. I can't dance or box because of a strain in my hip. I met my former girl friend in the weekend, and now I feel that I miss her. I didn't help that she was friendly. Also, I have started fantasizing about the woman that is taken again. I have decided to do less dancing and more boxing. Still, I want to be a lover, not a fighter, even if right now I don't feel like being either. I am reading some meaningful books.

Women, women, women.
I have changed boxing club, and did a session today. I am a beginner, and it seems I always will be, although the trainer says I have some killer instinct. Next week I will start dancing again.

I find myself often thinking about my former girl friend. Texted a little with her the other day. Many smilies. I must admit I miss her, but I just have to let her go.
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