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duuude rock on!
I have been dancing samba for two days with about 25 extremely fit and beautiful women. It has been like a long, fast and sexy boxing workout. On the second day, a couple were dancing fairly close to me. I talked to a couple of them, got them to help me a bit, but behaved very non sexual, and tried not to look too much. Kind of difficult, since these women are very sexy. The dynamite Brazilian instructor took me by the hand a couple of times to show me. Just imagine those hips starting rolling, pumping up and down. They look at themselves in the mirror, and I swear they turn themselves on - quite understandably. Tonight I am going to the samba party. I know this is what I want, so I do it. In fact, I do not feel very insecure - and if I do, I just don't care! I am not there to pick up women, I am just there to enjoy myself.
Yeaa buddy! I want to come to samba class with you
Went to the samba party by myself. Talked to a few people, some of them women. After a while I did some dancing. Then I went home. I am very happy with this.
I went to a Vietnamese restaurant by myself. Haven't been there for many years. Noticed what was going on around the tables. A nice, single woman to the left. After some time, I turned my head and we looked at each other, but damn, I forgot to say "Hi". Must always remember to say "Hi". The waitress gave me attention on how to mix the sauces and eat the food in the right way. Some other fellow working there started telling me about his sinuses problem. This was all a little strange and unusual.

Last night at the samba party, the insanely fit and sexy dance instructor came over and said "So, you came after all, it makes me happy", and gave me a hug. I didn't now what to say, so I just said "Thank you".

I left the last dancing session early. The instructor asked me to come over with her behind a curtain, giving a twinkle to the other women. Suddenly I felt like 10 years old. She gave me some private instructions on how a man should dance. She said I should practice a lot until she comes back next time. Why not, I would be really something to be able dance with a woman like that. Maybe I have been watching her unbelievable bum going everywhere too much :-)

I have started reading about seduction. I want a woman, so somehow I will have to seduce somebody, or somebody will have to seduce me. Seduction seems very intricate, it happens on many levels, and in many areas, not only in sexual relationships. Before, I have never had any interest in this subject. I have felt it was wrong in a way. I have probably been mistaken.

I have stopped singing in the local church choir. I am too busy. I will take it up next year.

Tomorrow I will start stage 5 of AM2011.
Dancing, my friend, is seduction. It is literally a mating dance, when done properly. Women love to dance because it makes them feel good, and men usually don't, because they feel judged. Women love a man who can dance, because they know he knows the "dance of seduction". Certain types of dancing, such as the Latin family, are very much a dance of seduction, and many women find them very arousing. They are designed to be arousing to both, I believe. It is a socially acceptable way to express the mating ritual.

Damn, I have to go learn Latin dance now. Big Grin
Laffing out Loud! i only WRITE THAT WHEN i AM LITERALLY laffing out loud other wise I hate writting that damn LOL symbol bullshit(to me it is) the reason Im Laffin out loud Shannon is becuz that makes two of us that need/want to learn latin dancing rituals;-) thanx Mate. have good sunday/week.
Thank you. I am having a big smile. Some time in the not to distant future, I know I will feel confident and enjoy myself on the dance floor. I am beginning to get the hang of the basic samba step already.

I went for some physiotherapy today with my hip. Nothing serious apparently, just some kind of muscle problem. I did not feel very embarrassed when the female physiotherapist was working on it, and this kind of surprised me.

As of right now, I am beginning on stage 5.
Sent a message to a woman I have met that I liked. Tried to keep it kind of general. I am happy about this.

A couple of days into stage 5.
Just back from Paris. By myself. Not bad. One evening I suddenly decided to take pictures of women I liked. Pretty crazy being me. One told me off, saying that I was "very rude to take pictures without asking". I collapsed into "very sorry". Bad move. That pissed her off. I should have asked her to take a new picture. These things, ie. emotions in women, happens so very fast. But never mind. Also, talked to a few other women. One thanked me for an interesting conversation. She had the most beautiful eyes. Next time I must remember to say something like, "Has anyone ever told you that you have very beautiful eyes". While in Paris, I wanted to go out dancing by myself, but chickened out in the end, and ended up by myself in the hotel room. I doesn't matter. I am doing very well.

Read a post from someone who was worried about what the script actually are saying. I was too. But not any more. This is going fine. Stage 5 seems quite easy.
As a pro photographer, I can tell you there are two ways to do things with a camera. You ask first, or you just do it and then use that as an excuse to meet her. I prefer the former, as it's professional to be polite. I know some fellow photographers who have done some amazing things with some really beautiful women by just shooting first and dealing with the fallout later. But immediately apologizing is the wrong way to handle it if you have already taken your cojones out.

As for the beautiful eyes thing... bad move. A woman who has striking eyes hears that same thing a dozen times a day, and it got old 25 years ago. If she has a feature you like, and you think it's something other guys will have commented on ad nauseum, make no mention of it. At all. Ever. (Until she's already your girlfriend, maybe.) Instead, pick a feature she's never been complimented on, and nonchalantly tell her that it's nice on her. Her clavicles, for instance. How many people comment a woman for having beautiful clavicles, or shoulders, or a graceful neck, or jaw line? It is a lot nice than hearing "Great tits/ass/eyes!" all the time. Find something unusual and unique to compliment her on (genuinely!), and then when you do it, do it as if it's a passing thought that doesn't really matter. You cannot come across as desperate that way. Plus, it will make you stand out from the crowd, and that gets you NOTICED.
I'm a couple of weeks into stage 5. I feel insecure. I have had a reoccurring dream, in which I run around half naked, with only a quilt to protect me, worrying that people will see my little dick. I have read somewhere that dreams like this can indicate that one is afraid of letting people know who one really is. So, at the moment, I don't feel terribly alpha :-) I have been worrying about my controlling boss, as well as my economical situation, which is not bad, but lately I have been spending too much money.

If stage 5 will unfold like previous stages, next week will be better. Also, I am looking forward to the samba class later today.
Day 18 of stage 5. The subliminals seem to start interacting with the outer reality. It has been rough. I have had a big confrontation at work, which for my part resulted in sleeping and eating problems. I have felt very vulnerable. But, my colleagues said they where very impressed with the way I was handling it. It did not get angry, and did not say or do anything stupid. At some point I cursed the subliminals and wanted to stop, but I have kept going. There is some real change going on. Also, I have to take work more seriously.

I have started listening to Learn French for about 3 hours every day, just to motivate me a little in my efforts. I hope this can be done alongside with AM. I didn't really want to mix them, but I will start SM, and I understand SM should not be mixed.
Stage 5 was pretty difficult. I have been feeling insecure and vulnerable all the time. This might also be because of work. Now I am onto stage 6. I hope it will be easier.

A couple of new things has happened. A woman came on to me very strongly. Even if I liked her, I was not really that interested, so I did not return her advances. I definitely feel better around people. Almost to the point where I feel better to be with people instead of being alone. Also, I have gotten a few invitations from people. I quite enjoy these things.

I am not to happy at work. I try to do my best, but get put down. I will try get a new job when the opportunity arises.

Now I am going to samba class. :-)

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