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Quote:Day 21

The following words come to mind when I think of what Maverick is doing. Some of them come from the product description or have been used by others, so I don't claim any originality.


It's clear that my primary focus is going to be my work. I dream about it. I wake up thinking about it. I might go as far as to say that I'm consumed with it. But, that's not all.

My work can only take me so far. There's this inner expansion. There's something burning inside and it's boiling to the surface. My work won't continue to be enough of an outlet indefinitely. Imagine a cross-section of a volcano, where the magma pool is expanding. It finds multiple avenues to the surface. It has to escape. In similar form, I'm beginning to need another avenue of expression. Most likely, this will be in the form of a workout routine, at least in the beginning. For the first time in my life, I'm actually experiencing the sincere desire to engage in the activity without vanity as my motivation. That's crazy.

Also, my libido is increasing. It seems to be a side effect of the inner expansion I've described above.

Considering the fact that I've been running Maverick for less than a month, I'm really excited about where this might be taking me.

-NOMAD said this here
Quote:Will start new month with hybrid 1 loop.

Lot of changes. I am more relaxed through out the day. could be because I stopped consuming any caffiene.

I have been more upfront. I do want I want and say what I feel. 

Lot of nice work at my job. I have been a good mentor. But I am more satisfied about it in the past month. 

I am enjoying life in general. Doing my machine learning courses. I am doing 3 in parallel, each are on different concepts, I am just learning chapters in the order I feel is right. 

I have been more conscious about the words I use. How I want to write and say something to someone.

Not sure why, but I have be more assertive with my action in bed.

-Vida said this here
Quote:This is a sub for manifesting... I am manifesting and manifesting everyday since I started, it is unbelievable ! Manifesting projects, speaking engagements (as I wrote last time), people who are working in my field (I did not know I will talk to them, but they are the ones contacting me !). I am into subliminals for more than 10 years, I did not have all these manifestations without doing anything on my side, just spontaneous !

-Geotrouvetout said this here
Quote:On that note, change is abundant. Not only from Maverick but it seems that change is in the air. A lot of people I know are having some major thing come up in their life right now. Maverick has been helpful in a lot of ways getting me to process through a lot of the change in a timely manner. I feel like the entire process of change; identification of the issue and acknowledging it, information acquisition, and understanding, application and experiencing the new state of being are all much more streamlined than those around me at present and more than is usual for me. I think for the first time in my adult life, I feel like deep change is a possibility and my current overarching goal is to maintain any change acquired on Maverick to remain even after I stop using Maverick itself.

-Chris P. Bacon said this here
Quote:It's interesting how Mav is causing me to address a lot of key issues in me without addressing the fear surrounding these issues. All the while addressing fear by killing the roots? It's paradoxical how not focusing on fear resolution still addresses fear, most likely by addressing the root. I think that my OFv4 run was necessary for me to run Mav, however, I think the time I've been on Mav has been more productive as far as internal change is concerned compared to my whole OFv4 run.

-Chris P. Bacon said this here
Quote:It’s 3 am and I can’t fall asleep, I’m having influx of ideas and realization that is washing over me, I’m also partially disgusted by some of my routinely habits in recent couple years. I have taken “time” for granted, I think we all do, but I can not allow for this to continue anymore.

I am no longer interested in watching life taking me left and right drifting around like a complete mediocre. I have seriously mis used my time in the past couple of years consuming a lot of time gaming with friends and justifying to myself how useful it is in my overall life.
From now on I’m going to be a disciplined person, to others it will not appear as so but to me I will be. I will trust my creative part that kicks in every night to develop the complete calendar for the next day. 

Im going to live by this calendar to my best of ability, I need to start living rationally, honestly people think about, we are taking time for granted. 
Im going to think objectively about what I want and what I need to do on daily basis. 
I also realized I am missing huge human interaction in my daily life, seriously, what more precious than making connections with people? Real legit genuine connections? I think I’m missing big time on this part. 
Im going to completely stop coffee intake until further notice. I need to conduct serious research into caffeine intake and it’s affect.

I am going to have a very strict sleep schedule and sleep routine, last month I had a very strong urge to buy an advanced health watch which monitor my sleep, which I did. And boy my sleep is all over the place. I’m almost waking up and going to sleep at different times every day. I sometimes get as little as 5 hrs of sleep, mind you I do intense workout during the day and I exhaust the shit out of my mind playing moba game strategy with friends. 
No more and I say no more.

Calendar it is with effective alarm system. I’m not turning into a robot, but I’m deliberately going to decide what to do based on my needs and based on my liking and interest ahead of time. 
I’m going to eliminate any unhealthy dopamine induce items whether it’s food or habits or electronics.
I’m going to put real interest when talking to people, I have a wonderful girlfriend but I now want a fwb too that is at the same sexual drive as me.
I have tried so many productivity systems before but now I think the only one that could work and have real potential is a simple visual iPhone calendar. Without a clear routine I will never be able to optimize. 
Im going to start taking good care of my nutrition food wise, I’m at a very good supplementation level but I lack in term of actual food and balancing ratio of carbs Protien fat etc.

I don’t know what’s going on but I’m for real disgusted by my habits of taking time for granted and keep wasting it all day drifting by. 
I’m also very disgusted by my sleeping habits almost every day waking up real tired, drifting throw the day like a zombie on caffeine, then sleeping in afternoon, then having peak energy at night preventing me to sleep, and on and on same day.

No more 
Thank you Maverick for stripping me.

-Samba99 said this here
Quote:Girls are coming into my life, and surprisingly it seems really easy and effortless, in the past couple weeks, I got so many butt presentation that my head is spinning, some of them were too good, and yes these girls appear to be unconscious yet conscious about it at the same time. Hard to explain. But honestly, I have seen some of the best ass in my life time hahah, good stuff.

I realized when I talk to women, I’m very very calm internally, but this is only happens when I’m interested sexually in her. It seems as part of seduction. But some of the women I’m currently talking to are very easy going, like responding very well and attentive.

I am more and more liking Maverick, and it seems I may continue to use it for a long while.

-Samba99 said this here
Quote:I want to take a moment to capture what I feel.

I’m feeling very grounded, it’s such a nice secure feeling, it seems as nothing can hurt my ego, I feel suddenly my insecurities are lifted, my fears are heavily reduced, and I just feel balanced.

It’s a good feeling that I didn’t have for a while now.

I suddenly feel so what? What if something goes wrong? So what? I am still in present moment, what’s better than the moment, the now.

I honestly used to be very self centered, and I wasn’t aware about it. Now, I feel okay I know i might be the best in the room, in a lot of situations but if someone walks better than me or anything, I used to feel negative emotions , but now?

I just appreciate.

Alright, all this might just be the side effect of having higher confidence. I am not sure of higher confidence or just elimination of fear.

-Samba99 said this here
Quote:If I were to describe my last few days in one word it will be tranquility,

Almost as there is nothing to worry about anymore, which is absolutely fantastic

I’m not sure what it is, but it seems as im projecting an aura, and this aura almost like it provides me with constant bliss and it seems as it’s blocking negativity coming through,

Reading my earlier posts, I talked about negativity a lot, and it seems these negative thoughts were coming from deep within my mind, slowly to the surface and away to the atmosphere outside the aura, and then you have the aura not allowing anything negative coming through.

-Samba99 said this here
Quote:Day 19,

Is this the Maverick subliminal or the 'Tiger Blood' subliminal?
I'm feeling something vicious yet powerful building in myself.

I accepted an invitation out with someone from my kickboxing club. I was at a Latin night club event and danced with a couple of beautiful women. Chatted with one for a chunk of the night and we got along well. I have her number and we have plans tomorrow; I consider her an 8.5 minimum, maybe a 9. She's from the Dominican Republic, and we get along well on a personal level too.

Approach anxiety? What is that?

-AmpersndThe2nd said this here
Quote:Feeling the inner will bubbling for the specific things that will fast-track me towards my goals.

-Ampersnd said this here
Quote:Feeling the inner wolf energy increasing by another step. An inner instinct that I'm trusting as it's growing. LET'S GO!

-Ampersnd said this here
Quote:Day 6

I feel really good today.

One thing I'm noticing is that my interactions with people are different. It's subtle, but it's there. It could be, in part, because I'm more present in conversations. Typically, my mind is running multiple directions because I'm frequently dealing with multiple urgent matters at once in my work. But yesterday, I noticed that I was able to subdue the 'scatteredness', and be there in that moment. I know some of that probably comes across as me parroting the posts of others, but it's what is happening. I'm not saying it's some drug-like laser focus experience or anything like that. It's just that the noise is subdued enough that I can actually participate in whatever is happening in front of me. This has extended to my home life as well.

-NOMAD said this here
Quote:Later this evening (a few glasses if wine in), my wife signals to me that it's time for sex. I'm in. My wife is pretty conservative and I've come to conclude that her upbringing has shamed her into thinking that sex = bad. It usually takes some alcohol before she loosens up and is able to have fun. I lead her to our bedroom. She told  me to put it foreplay...just do it....okie dokie. During the act, she told me over and over again how much she loves me. She told that she always wants me to do her, but that I don't...what?!? (I'm always down for sex). I'm going to spare everybody the juicy details, but holy shit, this was wayyy out of the ordinary...even when using pheromones (which I've avoided b/c I don't want to taint my observations) I'll share this, though...she begged me to finish...I went the extra mile...she was thoroughly satisfied....the I forward 20 min...just before i ate dinner, she wanted seconds and I delivered. I'm in my mid-forties. I'm not the young buck I used to be. But you'd never know it tonight.

Was it maverick? That's the only explanation I can come up with.

-NOMAD said this here
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