I've been using UMS for about 3 months now, in this way:
2 loops (170 m.), 3 days on, 4 days off (for 4 weeks)
2 loops (170 m.), 4 days on, 3 days off (for 4 weeks)
3 loops (255 m.), 4 days on, 3 days off (for 4 weeks)
The thing is, I've no idea if I should be using it more or less. And if I should increase listening time, should I increase # of loops or # amounts of days (or both). So, I'm hoping for some guidance. How to know what's optimal and what are signs of using it too much?
Shannon In addition to my previous post, another question I have about this sub is this:
I purchased the 5.75g version but after downloading the files itself they all show '_5_5G_'. Is this normal or did I receive the wrong files?
I can send a screenshot of the files if you like.
Usually Shannon has said to change 1 variable at a time, for example you might start with 1 less day off and see what happens, then change another variable.
After a few cycles of the ASRB2 (days on/off) when you start to get the urge to listen more then that's your subconscious guiding you as there's a module for it in newer programs so it's okay to follow it.
Usually using it too much can lead you to be overwhelmed, tired all the time, maybe hard to think, but might be different depending on the person. But if you've been using it for 3 months then you should be able to better notice if this is happening.
As for the files saying 5.5g, that's fine. For UMS after Shannon released it he decided that it was time to classify new programs as 5.75g, but for UMS the filenames still say 5.5g and I changed the title of the page.
Ok thanks @
Last week I removed another day off so using it 5 days on, 2 days off. The next day I felt extra tired, overwhelmed and quite bad. Now, I've had these feelings since the start of listening to UMS (even feeling quite ill for months) but I figured it was resistance and I'd to move through it.
When these feelings reduced a bit I started to add some exposure time (using the schedule I wrote in my 1st post).
Now, when you say these feelings are indications of using it too much, I can either 'move through it' like I did (stick to added listening time, wait untill bad feelings lessen and continue to add usage time) or stick to my current schedule for as long as I use the sub?
I understand it has a module built in to guide you but because of my responses when I do add usage time I find it hard to know what to do. Is there an 'average' listening time/schedule people use this sub and find it effective? Like a safe guideline that you generally can't go wrong with?
(10-14-2020, 01:37 AM)Jacques Wrote: [ -> ]Is there an 'average' listening time/schedule people use this sub and find it effective? Like a safe guideline that you generally can't go wrong with?
Those would be the instructions that come with the program.
That can be found on the description page on 5.5g/5.75g programs.
My answer could have been more helpful, apologies.
Here are the instructions for UMS:
Use this program 2 loops per day for 3 days on and then take 5 days off. Run all loops back to back to prevent breaking the Audio to Silence Ratio Balance (ASRB) and losing its benefits.
Hoping someone can advice me about the following.
I'm using UMS (5 days a week) and I plan to use it for another 6 months (1 yr total).
So I know I'm supposed to use it exclusively (use no other sub) but I'm currently experiencing stress and I like to use the stress relief 5g sub to reduce it. This sub usually produces results immediately so I'd like to use it for example a couple times a week to reduce stress.
So is the only way I can use Stress relief to wait for another 6 months (untill I've finished UMS) and then run it for a longer period of time (like months)?
Or maybe is it an option to use Stress relief for example on the 2 days in the week when Im not using UMS?
(12-09-2020, 01:24 AM)Jacques Wrote: [ -> ]Hoping someone can advice me about the following.
I'm using UMS (5 days a week) and I plan to use it for another 6 months (1 yr total).
So I know I'm supposed to use it exclusively (use no other sub) but I'm currently experiencing stress and I like to use the stress relief 5g sub to reduce it. This sub usually produces results immediately so I'd like to use it for example a couple times a week to reduce stress.
So is the only way I can use Stress relief to wait for another 6 months (untill I've finished UMS) and then run it for a longer period of time (like months)?
Or maybe is it an option to use Stress relief for example on the 2 days in the week when Im not using UMS?
I forgot to say: I'm talking about using Stress relief for 0.5 or 1 hour per time using it, just to calm down and relax.
(12-09-2020, 05:02 AM)Jacques Wrote: [ -> ] (12-09-2020, 01:24 AM)Jacques Wrote: [ -> ]Hoping someone can advice me about the following.
I'm using UMS (5 days a week) and I plan to use it for another 6 months (1 yr total).
So I know I'm supposed to use it exclusively (use no other sub) but I'm currently experiencing stress and I like to use the stress relief 5g sub to reduce it. This sub usually produces results immediately so I'd like to use it for example a couple times a week to reduce stress.
So is the only way I can use Stress relief to wait for another 6 months (untill I've finished UMS) and then run it for a longer period of time (like months)?
Or maybe is it an option to use Stress relief for example on the 2 days in the week when Im not using UMS?
I forgot to say: I'm talking about using Stress relief for 0.5 or 1 hour per time using it, just to calm down and relax.
If UMS is producing stress, you don't want to relieve that stress through a subliminal or something like that. That stress is telling you that UMS is working, but some part of you is fighting the program and trying to get you to derail it. Instead of trying to use something to relieve the stress, try to figure out the root of the stress and work through it. It's just like getting a thorn in your foot. It hurts, and if you don't pull it out, it will get infected. Pulling it out (working through the stress) isn't comfortable, but leaving it in and just trying to disinfect it to kill the pain of the infection is only going to keep the problem in place.
My concern is that relieving the stress will also decrease the success of UMS in achieving its goals, depending on how you respond to Stress Relief. So figure out exactly what is causing the stress, and then work through it.
I think it's not so much that UMS is causing the stress. UMS causes a mild headache, tiredness and a feelings of overload, especially when I wake up after a night it was running. I just turned up the listening frequency (from 4 to 5 cycles per night) and usually that's when the symptoms are the heaviest.
The stress has been there for almost as long as I can remember. Stress and fear were very dominant factors in my youth and life. They've limited me/had an impact in ways beyond what I can explain here. I feel the stress in my body (tension) and it basically prevents me from being able to relax. I always feel like I should do more/should have done more and so on.
I meditate a couple of times a week to find relief. The thing is, I'm not able to reach the deep relaxation/stress relief I experienced the couple of times when I did play SR while meditating. That relaxation caused me to feel much better in my body.
I'd like to use many of your subs to improve many aspects of my life. They'll all take longer periods of time to use. In an ideal world I'd also use a run of SR each day or a couple times a week for my well being. I like the immediate effect so I guess that works better than running SR for months and hours daily, switching to another sub and having the effects fade.
So basically I'm trying to figure out a way to use SR but I know I shouldn't use 2 5g programs together so I guess the only way would be to wait untill I've finished UMS and run SR not as a relaxation practice but intensively for a while (just like other subs) and than move on to another sub, right? Anyway, I'm glad you're creating these things and I wish had them earlier in life.
Trying to meditate while using a subliminal is pretty much a conflict of interests if you're meditating to clear your mind, because while you're trying to clear your mind, you're simultaneously inputting all kinds of instructions and telling it to do something. It can't meditate and focus on doing something at the same time.
In cases where you want to meditate, don't run a subliminal at the same time. You should be able to meditate and run a subliminal at different points in time successfully, but that is not guaranteed.
If I were in your shoes, I would be using UMS and trying to meditate while no subliminal was playing, if I found the need to meditate. But then we have the question of, is relieving the stress actually undoing the effects of the program? Sometimes, when a program is trying to achieve a goal, there is fear and stress results. By relieving the stress the wrong way, it is possible to remove the incentive to act that triggered the fear and thus stress, and therefore kill the results the program is trying to achieve.
It sounds to me like your best bet is to use something to help you overcome fear for the time being.