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On the value of Woman Magnet 2.0, at $500.00 per copy...

Quote:I wrote with Cory Skyy and was 1 step before joining his blue print program, where he will transform average joes into true ladiesman. I declined, because I didn´t know, if I have enough time next 12 month. Initial price was at 3,000$. I think, when it´s not blueprint anymore, the final price will be at leaste 10,000$ for 12 month.

Put this in comparison to Women Magnet 2.0, where you´ll get additional subliminals and you know the deal... I think it´s really cheap with 500$, as it will (my feeling tells me that) at LEAST give the results that Corys program will give me,... and all of that, while I am sleeping. And it will go a lot deeper and really transform from the inside out. Glad, that I made the right decision ;-).

Smash said this here.
Quote:I also agree with Ryan, get WM2.0 if you've got the money. The pre-order bonus is worth the price alone.

K-Train said this here.
About the bonus materials for pre-orders of Woman Magnet 2.0:

Quote:I want to give GFK a test this week but I'm honestly so happy with results just from TUW-P5j (PGK) and TUW-P17g2-SB (WK) that my motivation to test the others is low. I did test WK for about 5 minutes at a restaruant (I turned it off however, because I remembered I was with family and didn't want to violate the instructions or want them affected) but even with that short exposure the waitress (female, definitely 18 or 19) started acting strange for the rest of the night. My cousin noted that everytime she came around she would give me lust eyes and when she came to tell me about the progres on my food she got waaaaay up in my grill. My folks actually thought she was going to kiss me.

K-Train said this here.
About the power of 5G on WM 2.0:

Quote:So started listening last night and Shannon you aren't joking about 5G. I feel exhausted this morning both physically and mentally. Going to have to plan to get a few extra hours sleep at night to keep up.

jimbobday said this here.
About the impact of the new 5G build technology, as presented in the Woman Magnet 2.0 6 stage set:

Quote:....WM2.0 has made changes faster than any other sub I have tried Smile

jimbobday said this here.
About Woman Magnet 2.0 in 5G/HST/SOS:

Quote:It has been awesome. For the first time ever I walked into a mall today and felt zero Social Anxiety it just wasn't there no matter how hard I looked for it. The changes have been huge and i'm feeling quite solid within myself even with my current financial crisis. Decisions are being made quickly and smoothly even in high pressure situations.

Conversation has just been flowing beautifully and so naturally its almost like poetry. At the same time i'm so relaxed around it all. People are just opening me up without me doing a thing. This is how it happens when resistance is not present.

Would definately say this sub is going to get to an insane level by the time stage 6 is met.

jimbobday said this here.
About Woman Magnet 2.0, the naturalizer and progress: all feels so natural. It wasn't till this morning when I was heading up heading up the elevator to work that I realised just how much I'd changed in the last year. I remember this time last year coming up that same elevator feeling suicidal and now I've got every part of my life back in order (and in most cases a lot further than back in order) apart from women but I know that's just a matter of time.

jimbobday said this here.
On the awesomeness that is Woman Magnet 2.0 in 5G:

Quote:Stage 1 - Day 5,

The subliminal is strong. Holy sh**. A combination of my recent realization and this subliminal! I am already doing and seeing things that a natural would do!


- My neediness is very little, I have to really look for it to find it lol.

- Women look at me everywhere I go. They can't stop but hit eye-contact or get caught in looking at me. Some of them just stares at me after they catch me looking at them. I feel like I want to f*** around with them Guys also looks at me and they can also really sense my presence

- I just say things, things I normally wouldn't say because I would be too much in my head, without ANY uncomfortable feeling. It just comes out and it is very NON-NEEDY = Not reaction seeking (Is there a living in the moment subliminal in this 5G too?!)

- I am much more comfortable socializing in a way that I just talk. I did catch myself thinking a bit too much about going over to some girls but then I thought f*** it! and forgot about it, immediately.

- Bad judgements and bad references from previous experiences with people is dissipated. I do what I do, love it or hate it. Either way, I don't care! That's how I have truly felt today

- All these things above is a sign of me not giving a f*** on a higher level

I think my presence is just much more comfortable to be within. I have to consciously remind myself to feel gratitude though and people look in my way.

This is only after 5 days of using it lol. (with +12 hour every day) and I am already noticing change!!

Shannon, this program is already greatly on convincing me that it was all the money worth and more Smile

LionMonkey said this here.
On Woman Magnet 2.0's effects within the first week of use:

Quote:Just met a twenty six year old girl with her mom at our usual bar. She wanted to work to get me. She said she didn't want to kiss in front of her mother but later she just kissed me.. plus the words coming from her mouth.. uff! And I thought I was a very straight-forward guy...

She wants to see me again...

This sub is the shit! Lol.. Just saying guys, just saying... Wink

LionMonkey said this here.
About Woman Magnet 2.0:

Quote:I'm so much more comfortable in all social environments now. I hardly talk but I feel mostly completely at ease and relaxed in social situations. I also realized the other day that I have become completely comfortable in my new flat during stage 3 which is cool. I've also had many other instances of feeling at ease in new social situations.

Fear is another big one that has become so much clearer to me. I've realized how all my anxiety was based around fear, everything that came up from November last year was all based on fear. Some of that has cleared. I had my ex contact me the other day which would usually send me into a tailspin of anxiety due to fear of abandonment rearing its ugly head. This anxiety was next to non existent. Getting past this anxiety is the main reason I started using Shannons subs in the first place and it feels like such an accomplishment knowing that fear is next to gone. I was also quite easily able to just delete the message and not worry about it with no draw to reply back through being able to now see how manipulative she was. This again is huge for me and another testament to Shannons subs. Depending on how things go with WM OFSG may well be my next port of call as i'm loving the feeling of freedom that comes from letting go of fears.

I've been finding more and more random people are talking to me since starting stage 3 as well. Last night I had a random girl come over from the other side of a room to start talking to me. I found I had no expectations of anything and was just chatting to her like I would with someone I've known for years. I've let go of a lot of worrying about whether people like me or not or feeling embarrassed about things. Like today I just found myself singing loudly in my car and just enjoying it without worrying about what others though of me.

Jimbobday said this here.
Woman Magnet 2.0.

Quote:I`m way more communicative than normal, I can easily interact with any one, especially with girls and... they approach me and tell me their names! When I pass girls I must look in another way because I don`t want to attract so many of them! It`s quite insane! But you know what? I love it!...

-Voytek said this here
Woman Magnet 2.0

Quote:OF (overcoming fear) implemented into WM2 works amazingly! I`ve no aproach anxiety at all and don`t feel any social anxiety, I feel so powerful and natural, even when someone want to disrespect me or laugh at me.

Before I`ve started WM2`s ride, I wasn`t so confident and natural in interactions with people, also I wans`t so confident when I was conversing with women and now I can approach any woman without any hesitation and talk with her very easily. Awesome!

-Voytek said this here
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