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Alpha Male V6.
Quote:...Mmm.... Strong presence, more masculine ,better dressing. Many Friends of mine ,boys and girls said that i'm more handsome, cool ? , Wwwooohoooo ,I love this one. And don't ask me how confident I am. It's 9,5/10 or nah wait, it's 10/10 for rate .hahaha lol...
-Noah Chandra said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:Hi Everyone,
I just now started stage 4 of AM6. I've been keeping an offline journal which I will clean up and post at the end but wanted to drop this now.
Today I ran Pat Tillman Run and noticed something in the photos taken of me. In the photos I am standing in a more manly way, taking up more space and my smile appears different. More confident. The thing is, I wasn't thinking about this stuff when the pictures were taken....I just did it, naturally. I compared to pics of myself from last years run and pics from before I started this sub.
I am SO VERY happy to be able to see, literally, this physical transformation taking place. I've noticed some of the more mental/psychological changes but this by far as been a big defining moment for me.
Thanks Shannon!!!
-J2N said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:...Over the last 4 months i became fully extroverted and no social situation really frightens me any longer...
Kurohawk said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:After 3 days of using AM6 I`m more self-confident, powerful and masculine, attraction level has improved even more and I can freely and easily show women that I`m sexually interested in them and they`re pleased about that (in general)...
-Voytek said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:Im feeling insanely euphoric right now. I have lots of dreams but woke up earlier then usual. My attention turns more towards myself even if I'm texting, sexting and chatting with multiple girls. Enormous self validation going on...
-Kol said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:My confidence and dominance gets off the charts. Its madness, I can't even begin to describe what this stage does. The zen state gets more and more an reality, worries and doubts are reduced, yet im still shifting in attraction and sudden something kicks in that it is ridiculous...
-Kol said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:...I feel very calm and realxed in all situation. People treat me in a complete new way, they are really respectful and try to initiate conversations with me. Some of them just starre at me or watch every move i do...
-HorizonPUA said this
Quote:AM6 5G has been magic pill in itself for me already lol. I only have time to use it for 8-10 hrs a day max, but so far it's hitting all the bullet points.
I'm on stage 4 now. Every time I'm out, I get very obvious looks from girls all day. It used to be so rare from stage 1-3. The SM lead-in is working as promised. I've also really alpha-ed up, such as more dominance and assertiveness. It's leading to more attraction from the females during the interactions - resulting in more dates.
Thanks so much, Shannon! Big Grin
Honestly 500 USD well spent for me. Can't wait for the SM3 next.
wolverine_i_am said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:...Also the discipline! Months of cold showers, 9 days caffeine free, 2 days sugar free (some fruit) and my diet is so clean, I also train first things now right after my morning ritual of gratitude, visualisation, rain pray journaling (thanks 4K). I also notice myself getting more excited by challenges etc. Eslima5's book recommendation has helped here a lot too. I am also a bit more chill about the financial side of things, a good friend of mine and I have a lot of good ideas we are putting together. I am back to being a full time personal development machine.
-Yeah! said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:...I never thought I will make it this far. I mean at first I am shocked with the thought of me becoming a man doesn't give a **** what others think of me. Well I got to say that I am becoming that man. That even if I eat alone or become the center of attention I kind of not give a **** anymore. I still believe I still have a long way to go but this is big progress..
-Javier Gerado said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:...The SM lead in seems to be building up, I´m almost burstig currently. Stage 3 was heavy, but stage 4 builds further on this. Its so strong. Validation is further reduced to the point people can be showing IOI´s but I remain unphased, I am the prize, I am an 10.
Imagine damon salvatore cocky on steroids. Also my sexuality is more on an cintinuum. Everything I read is like an super computer absorbing it, yet fleeing aswell. The sub is digging deeper and drilling deeper in my psyche and I´´m hyped. No more holding backs.
I feel being aflame-ablaze now. I lead. So many things are clicking, including being dominant when it isnt necessary, which is rather clownish. ´Calibration= Im taking the lead and just do it now. My eyes lock better then ever.
My attitude gets alo more rude and an get on with it, like, being sexual and keeping at it. like, more blunt in stating some things.
I get more liplicks aswell as mesmerizing stares and one girl at work did an boobdisplay and didnt hide it at all, like, full exposure shirtwise aswell as buttdisplay...
-Kol said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:...Im starting to truely understand the concept of seeing women just as normal people instead of sources of validation. I can freely express my personality talking to them without flinching or needing anything.
AM is working on very deep things now i don't know where to start. At the end of every stage i look back and say: man im now truley alpha! Then the next stage starts and i find more stuff that needs working on...
-Kurohawk said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:Right now my confidence is on steroids, have never felt this good in forever, no apparent reason just glad to be alive.
-Kurohawk said this
Alpha Male V6.
Quote:I've never been this comfortable in my skin ! AM6 is Delivering
-Kurohawk said this