On the impact Alpha Male has:
Quote:im on my second run at the moment and have to say the changes i have made from my years of using Shannon's subs have been phenomenal, especially from doing Am.
woceyes said this
On Alpha Male, and the Naturalizer:
Quote:The Naturalizer is like a ninja: I had to review my posts to remind me of all these things. My progress this month is amazing.
Sean said this
On the Naturalizer and AM 5.0:
Quote:The Naturalizer is the subliminal equivalent of disguising a rodeo clown as a ninja-wrapped-in-stealth-bomber-material. The effects of AM5 are so radical, they're like a clown at a funeral. Somehow, the Naturalizer masks all that like the invisible gorilla in the selective attention tests.
These changes are THAT HUGE for me, but it's only by looking back at my posts that I realize all of this happened in the past three weeks. From a logical standpoint, I can see how radical the change is. From an emotional/irrational standpoint, I have zero reaction.
This is superawesome in the respect that in the middle of taking new action, I don't have some kind of startling "this is not who I am" thought interrupt me.
Sean said this
About AM 5.0 compared to 2011, and the Naturalizer:
Quote:I can see a big difference in it vs. 2011, but in 2011 I was depressed in stage 1 and it was very very rough. Stage 1 of AM5 is 10x easier and more comfortable. Naturalizer?
Ryan said this
About using the Alpha Male Training Set 5.0:
Quote:I've had a lot of self-reflection on my life and habits during AM. At times rough but always coming out stronger.
Pat said this
On the value received from Alpha Male 5.0 versus the price:
Quote:Shannon, EACH Stage has been worth the price of the whole package.
Convincing me of that beforehand would have been very difficult, and the Laffer Curve on your products won't support that price point right now. That said, the value IS there!
Sean said this