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Full Version: Money Bump - BASE 2.1 - Round 3 (last round in 2017)
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(07-31-2020, 04:01 PM)Ampersnd Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-31-2020, 03:38 PM)tolgaocal80 Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-31-2020, 03:29 PM)Ampersnd Wrote: [ -> ]I wished that I could have learned to connect the pain of doing the right thing in the moment (e.g. studying instead of video games) to my personal growth. I also wish that I could've thought to numerically track all of the right actions, as I've done with my backpocket goals list.

guess what, I am thinking the same way and I am 21, so I think everbody thinks the same way and it is a excuse to not doing the right thing.

Thinking the same way in what way? That's you've followed the 9 steps above, or that you've wanted to connect the dots on pain and success?

sorry, I wrote to word file it seems I forgot to paste here, I was referring "I wished that I could have learned to connect the pain of doing the right thing in the moment (e.g. studying instead of video games) to my personal growth."  I wish the same for me.
Stage 6, Day 19,

Started a new 100 Day Challenge. This time, I've got a morning routine involving the gym at 6 AM; our gym lets you book pre-set 1 hr blocks, so that works well for me.

Bought a new guitar for 200 USD and it plays great.
Also bought a set of books for my book project. Was able to find a ton of them online as well.
Stage 6, Day 23,

I'm 4-5 books into my book project and doing just fine. I'm also doing my gym/running routine as per usual.

I'm getting better at laying down the pipe lol. I fucked a woman so good she wound up in some other spiritual dimension for 10-15 minutes after her orgasm.
Stage 6, Day 25,

I'm in a real "women REALLY ain't shit" kind of mood today, and they haven't done anything to slight me.
Stage 6, Day 28,

Wondering if there's a subliminal that will promote iron-clad mental toughness.
I assume that the Self-Discipline module from BASE (my current subliminal) is helping with that.
Stage 6, Day 31,

Tonight's the last night with BASE Stage 6.
My self-discipline has upgraded to a level I haven't experienced in about 5 years, and even beyond that level.

5 years ago, I was able to get myself to the gym almost each morning, or do hill runs, rock it at my internship, and tackle my side projects. Everything I had been doing was related to my goals and to-do lists.

Today, I have a very sophisticated to-do list and a definite purpose, and an unrelated full-time job. Almost everything I do is related to that.
I've added semen retention into the mix, as well as cold showers, morning gym sessions, a tailored Crossfit/running routine, improved nutrition (now under my control), and I'm rocking it at the guitar and my book project.

My largest dilemma is between repeating BASE or UMS. I already have both. The 5.75G tech would work well overnight, though I don't put earphones over my ears when I'm sleeping.
I'm at least 2-3 weeks into using UMS.
Here's a fun story.

On July 11, 2020, I sprinted 1 K on 5 occasions (with rest), totaling 22:50 of running.
On July 15 2020, I ran a 5 K in 24:25.
On August 27 2020, I ran a 5 K in 22:30.

The whole point is that after 6 weeks of training, I was able to run a 5 K faster than my 5 x 1 km splits.

Today, I ran three miles separately. The first mile took 5:59 min. The second mile took 6:41 min. The third mile took 6:38.
The total time took 19:18 for 3 miles (not quite the 3.1 miles of a 5K.
I suppose that in 2-ish months of training, I might be able to run a sub-20 minute 5K.
Nice! Are you following a particular training protocol?
(09-10-2020, 05:00 PM)RTBoss Wrote: [ -> ]Nice!  Are you following a particular training protocol?

Yes, it's from Tim Ferriss' "Four Hour Body". The 12-week Crossfit/plyometrics training program for ultramarathoners.
After that, I'll probably do the 'Twice the Speed' speed training course and then TOTAL BEAXST from Athlean-X.
Might also throw in a vertical jumping program - Flight School - due to the correlation between vertical jumping and sprinting speed. If I can get an extra inch or two of distance with each pace as a result of adding springiness in your leg, you can cover a ton of added distance after 15 minutes of running.

I've also noticed a correlation between my 10 K, your 1 mile, half-marathon, and 800 meter; they all seem to track together. My thesis is that improve one; sprinting, will improve my long distance running.

All of my running stats are at about half of the elite level. Since my sprinting speed is really just a fast run - at about 20-21 km/h, just about half the speed of Usain Bolt (44 km/h), and my 10 km is at 51 minutes (while the world record is 28 minutes).
My half-marathon, last I checked, was 2:06 (while the world record is just under 1 hour).
My 400 meter is at about 1 minute 20, while the world record is at about 43 seconds.

I want the springiness of sprinting; I seem to have a cap at the moment but my perception of 'fast (long-distance) running' will probably shift if I figure out how to sprint quickly.
Alpha Male v6.0, Stage 1, Day 4

Hi y'all, it's been a while.
I didn't find much changed under UMS, so I decided to change to AM6.

Overall, I feel like an improved person over the past 12 months.
My discipline levels have gone up in October 2020 versus October 2019
My perseverance has increased.
My maturity towards big projects has also increased; I realize that it's a day-by-day improvement, and I no longer lose patience.

Two or three years ago, I'd be short-sighted about the future; I wanted my months-long projects to be done NOW.
Last year, I accepted that good things take months to accomplish, but still felt impatient.
Now, I've fully accepted it, and this acceptance has allowed for me to become increasingly vigilant about how I spend my time, hour-by-hour.

I've given dating a shot, with some success. I think my flirting skills are off; I'm simply too logical and don't take risks into the emotional realm. My prospects have petered out. I think that I'll be focusing on my projects these next 6 months.

These projects are:
- Complete my book by end of 2020; I'm about 80% done with my 3rd draft. Historically, I've finished my book within 1-2 months at this point.
- Complete a 12-week Squat and Bench press program to max out strength. Currently Week 3/12. The logic is that increased squats = faster sprints and better long-distance pace. I will be introducing weekly mileage on my treadmill after that to improve cardio.
- Continue practicing guitar 1-2 hours per day.
- (Tentative) Join a part-time Coding Bootcamp in late February/early-March; this would last 6 months and take up 3 evenings per week. This would be a nice kickstart to a new career, especially one that has a lot of possibilities and is in demand. My current career caps very early, and doesn't have much room for advancement.

I've managed to sneak in Stage 1 onto my work computer so that I can play it on loop as I work; there's no one else around, and most people who walk past the office are women.
I've been sleeping extra since I've been playing these loops. The full-body workouts aren't helping.
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