(05-16-2019, 07:43 AM)CatMan Wrote: [ -> ]Hi Shannon. I figured you would post here at some point.
I would have posted a lot more if I didn't have all this drama going on. Your first post is full of misunderstandings. I'm afraid I can't clear them up just now.
Quote: (05-12-2019, 05:19 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]I expect that within the next 6 months I'll be finished with FRM.
Are you planning to wait until then, the finishing of FRM, to release the next DMSI?
(05-12-2019, 05:19 AM)Shannon Wrote: [ -> ]...I'm going to adjust the aura to create that dreaded comfort that CM thinks is a terrible idea in the affected. Sorry, CM, but they need it, and the FRM too. We need them to be making decisions based on what they really are choosing of their own free will, not based on fear. That's pretty much what's stopping us at this point I think.
1. Even MORE friend zoning and lack of sexual attraction then. Wonderful. :/ I'm so sick of the weak beta nice guy "funny/nice/charming" thing, they just swat it aside and never value or respect it, very disheartening to read this will be enhanced now. And if they do "need comfort", not sure why they line up for bad boys who give them the exact opposite in chaos and drama. I feel zero sexual attraction from them, but super beta and valueless, so if anything, massively boosting status, and massively boosting sexual attraction and "fear or danger around the man/dark triad" would be what they seem to line up for in reality I've witnessed more times than I could count. More "asexual friend zone Mr. Nice Guy" is deeply concerning to me.
If the problem were what you think it is, what I am planning to do would still help.
Problem A: The people running the program fear achieving the full results that the script can achieve.
Solution A: Remove that fear and execute the script fully.
Problem B: The people being affected are in many cases wanting to do things that they consider somehow threatening to do, whether they are in public or otherwise. They therefore do things to prevent anything from happening towards them achieving their desires.
Solution B: Remove that fear so they can make the choice of what to do with their rational mind, instead of having a knee jerk fear reaction that doesn't take into account the real desires they have, the real situation and the real consequences because of some imagined "boogeyman".
Removing the fear for the people you are affecting will make them more comfortable with what they are feeling towards you, and leave them with logic with which to decide what to do about it. It's not going to take away their free will, but it will provide them with the freedom to make their choices without an irrational blockade of fear. Thus, comfort with considering their response to you and what to do about it.
You are completely misunderstanding the situation, and thinking way too much in the PUA mindset. Remember that DMSI is designed not to make you a better PUA or give you any "dark triad" or affect your expression of your focus into your gender, but to cause you to generate an energy field that powerfully and successfully communicates to those you want to have sex with that you are an excellent choice for having sex with.
The real problem you are talking about does not stem from DMSI, it stems from you. What you're seeing almost certainly consists of two main issues:
1. You're most likely not executing enough to project that energy in the first place. I don't know, since you never reported.
2. You're almost certainly self sabotaging through body language, choices, actions, etc. in order to prevent yourself from succeeding.
Since the script is designed to prevent that sort of thing, all I can conclude is that we are probably getting closer, but you're still simply self sabotaging out of fear.
Quote:2. This last part alarmed me a bit. You mention how they need to choose of "their own free will". Hmm...concerning also...so if those girls have already rejected us in the past for example, as I've had several around me that have done so over time that I really want to attract finally, or just aren't attracted by default for whatever reason, then how am I supposed to get anything going with any of them? How can this program change anything if they still have to choose us themselves without any influence, what does the program actually DO then? Seems like it'll change nothing then in reality if it all comes down to them choosing and having all the power, when they've already chosen beforehand or have a type and you aren't it anyway.
This program is never going to take away anyone's free will. That's precisely why you can and do still resist it. It isn't giving you the right set of instructions yet for how to achieve it's goals through persuasion alone. It also will never take away the free will of the person you are affecting through your energy field and the modulations to it that DMSI is doing. Taking away their free will is not just bad, it would be illegal. I'm not going to produce a program that takes the easy way to achieving its goals but does so in a way that makes the program illegal. That would be bad for DMSI, IML and the entire subliminal industry. So what it is doing now is to give you the energy that causes the affected to be much more aware of you, and which naturally signals you as the ideal sexual partner and pick. The concept is something like pheromones, but made of energy, and which we can amp up and manipulate with much higher degrees of control and power. The goal is to communicate that the user is the most sexually attractive person they know, in a persuasive way that does not override their choice of what to think or what to do about it.
You should already know that for literally years it has had the ability to get people who are affected to re-assess their point of view concerning you. Just as some pheromones can generate this re-consideration and re-assessment. The key is, of course, to actually execute.
As usual, I see you're still beating the tired old dead horse of "them having all the power", despite being told thousands of times and seeing many examples of this being just a case of you insisting that the past must be the future as a self defense mechanism to protect you from actually making any changes that might get you what you consciously want. They only have the power you give them.
When DMSI is finished, and probably close to finished, everyone else will see that what I have been saying all along has been true, we just needed to figure out how to build the right script. You, well, that remains to be seen as to how FRM and the completed Magnus Engine affect you and your refusal to change and all-encompassing focus into fear and a mindset of sexual and romantic poverty (which, as you have been seeing and ignoring for a long long time now, generates the reality you currently experience beautifully).
Quote:You've said before it attracts girls to us, somehow, because we're attracted to them, and somehow, to the level we are attracted to them as well. Now, they must have free will in order to do any of that you're saying, so I don't understand. I don't see how they can have free will, and the first part can remain true also. To be fair, I've never been given a clear explanation how this whole DMSI process works from listener to "affected", without lots of woo woo. But still, seems like either the first part of the paragraph doesn't work in reality, or the second part, the free will, derails everything as they choose to not want you, negating the program.
I'm kinda rushed here, so this may not be 100% what I wanted to say, but wanted to get it up asap. The intent behind all of it should be clear, regardless.
Thank you, appreciate your time.
So CatMan believes that women should have no free will, because if they do, he won't get laid. And, anything he doesn't understand, doesn't see with his own eyes, doesn't want to hear, and/or doesn't want to understand is "woo woo".
I have actually explained how it works and I know you read it. We have seen enough results to know that, when the script is executed, it can and does produce the desired results. We also know that this is apparently a very scary thing for most people to do. So there's a lot of fighting to not execute to protect the users from scary sex.
Lately you sound like the whole first two years you were here using DMSI never happened. I'm guessing this is a doubling down of your subconscious to blind you to the fact that if it wasn't doing that you might be getting much better results. But this is a pattern for you, CM.
Furthermore, just how do you think you would feel if I created a version of DMSI that could take away the free will of the affected, and it was you being affected? Would you like that? I know I wouldn't. And we also have to find a way to keep DMSI from damaging happy relationships that already exist. I don't want some guy I meet at a convention I happen to attend DMSI'ing my girlfriend into bed. I'm sure none of you would like that either. I'm sure a lot of happily married men and women would much rather their happy marriages didn't disintegrate just to get your penis wet. And I'm sure that if DMSI did all these things, it would create such panic among the SJWs that we would end up with the SJWs inciting a media frenzy over the "grand conspiracy to control women's minds", which would lead to all sorts of bad laws and worse conditions for the entire subliminal industry. So you have to think with something other than your penis here, man. You have to consider the ramifications and consequences of what we are trying to do here, and what will result when we achieve the goals. Taking away someone's free will with this isn't just illegal, it would be a genuine nightmare. And it's not worth you or anyone else getting their dick wet in some woman who rejected them for.
The end goal is to achieve the goals of the program, while balancing the effects to prevent that alarmist reaction out of misunderstanding, fear, SJW bullshit, media agenda and political agendas.
You wouldn't need to know how it worked even if you didn't already know. But refusing to allow it to work because you don't understand, or "believe in", how it works, is just another way for you to refuse to cooperate.