12-14-2018, 10:23 AM
Other observations, so far:
- More creativity at work. Just when I think that I'm done with a project that I thought was done (and would've satisfied everyone) two weeks ago, I find myself spending each day correcting newly-observed (if trivial) flaws that I'd been missing for several years, condensing redundancies where there's a common denominator, sharing features unique to one application across similar applications after they've been condensed, and a whole lot more. In a word, what I'm seeing is: opportunities. Things that don't need to be done but can be.
- More relaxed sleep, with less restlessness. Could also be the recent addition of postbiotics to my health regimen, but I can't rule out fear reduction providing a more peaceful slumber. Might be a little of each.
- Laughing and finding significantly more humor in funny things. It's as if I'm letting myself enjoy "what happens to me" more fully.
- Enjoying music in ways that I haven't in years. My lessened enjoyment of music was one of the reasons that I stopped making it, and throwing away my effort toward doing so was a consciously recognized self-punishment that I imposed on myself years ago, back when I was dating the aforementioned ex. It'll be interesting if these changes lead me back to it, but I hold no present expectation of that.