05-12-2018, 03:43 PM
Hey everyone,
I'm back for another journey. This thread is more for notes, as I dont plan on posting a journal or posting too much for that matter.
Some of you might know me from my journal from AM6, which didn't do too much for me, and EPRAH (?).
Anyway, I thought I'd post a little about my history with women. As my history is a bit different from most of the journals I've read about.
First off, what attracted me to DMSI was the "aura" of sexiness that people commonly refer to as the "end all, be all" or the goal of the program.
I have experienced this "aura" without the aid of subliminals in my daily life, when I conquered my goals in dating/sex a few years ago (of course the end result is also why I chose to run DMSI).
If I was to describe the "aura" that I felt (the best I can describe, but it is hard to do because words do not do the proper justice), it would be a mix between being:
- Totally confident: (100% sure of yourself. Imagine that all your friends & society said that the sun was not going to rise tomorrow. And you're like "F**k you, its going to rise tomorrow.")
- Totally cocky: (I think people make the accusation that confidence and cockiness are two different things- but I say that cockiness is the playful version of confidence)
- Sex: the best way I can describe this is just knowing (like the sun is going to rise tomorrow) that you're an attractive man, and you can easily have sex or get it whenever you want). You also don't hide your d!ck, and your quite upfront and "frank" about what you desire- in terms others can understand... quite literally spelling it out to the person- mode 1).
I had women tell me I looked like sex when this was happening, and allowed me to touch them intimately very soon after meeting. I've kissed women, approx 2-3m after meeting them, and taken women directly home (no dates), again after approaching them.
Secondly, I did not need to buy DMSI, but I was curious after taking a 18mo break from dating (to build a business that didnt end up working). This "break" I took was a bad choice because I wasted two years not going after women, and creating the lifestyle that I wanted. This of course turned me into a n00b again.
So daily (3-5x) a week, I go out and approach women, anywhere from 1-10 typically, sometimes 20+/day.
I noticed some self sabotage happening that I didn't notice before (I didn't have this prob before), that being women not responding to my 1st feeler texts after I get her number. I'm thinking its self sabotage because of where I currently am right now (living w/ father, on an inconsistent hourly job which leads to living w/ father).
The most noticeable thing is a lack of desire to follow up on leads. I love approaching and that fear/excitement of meeting someone new, but after the #, I just dont do much or persist.
So, I am curious what might happen, since I have (for the most part) done previously what DMSI is supposed to do. I'll do the best I can to keep an open mind about what is happening.
Anyway, I think thats about it.
I think I'll start with v3.2b.
I'm back for another journey. This thread is more for notes, as I dont plan on posting a journal or posting too much for that matter.
Some of you might know me from my journal from AM6, which didn't do too much for me, and EPRAH (?).
Anyway, I thought I'd post a little about my history with women. As my history is a bit different from most of the journals I've read about.
First off, what attracted me to DMSI was the "aura" of sexiness that people commonly refer to as the "end all, be all" or the goal of the program.
I have experienced this "aura" without the aid of subliminals in my daily life, when I conquered my goals in dating/sex a few years ago (of course the end result is also why I chose to run DMSI).
If I was to describe the "aura" that I felt (the best I can describe, but it is hard to do because words do not do the proper justice), it would be a mix between being:
- Totally confident: (100% sure of yourself. Imagine that all your friends & society said that the sun was not going to rise tomorrow. And you're like "F**k you, its going to rise tomorrow.")
- Totally cocky: (I think people make the accusation that confidence and cockiness are two different things- but I say that cockiness is the playful version of confidence)
- Sex: the best way I can describe this is just knowing (like the sun is going to rise tomorrow) that you're an attractive man, and you can easily have sex or get it whenever you want). You also don't hide your d!ck, and your quite upfront and "frank" about what you desire- in terms others can understand... quite literally spelling it out to the person- mode 1).
I had women tell me I looked like sex when this was happening, and allowed me to touch them intimately very soon after meeting. I've kissed women, approx 2-3m after meeting them, and taken women directly home (no dates), again after approaching them.
Secondly, I did not need to buy DMSI, but I was curious after taking a 18mo break from dating (to build a business that didnt end up working). This "break" I took was a bad choice because I wasted two years not going after women, and creating the lifestyle that I wanted. This of course turned me into a n00b again.
So daily (3-5x) a week, I go out and approach women, anywhere from 1-10 typically, sometimes 20+/day.
I noticed some self sabotage happening that I didn't notice before (I didn't have this prob before), that being women not responding to my 1st feeler texts after I get her number. I'm thinking its self sabotage because of where I currently am right now (living w/ father, on an inconsistent hourly job which leads to living w/ father).
The most noticeable thing is a lack of desire to follow up on leads. I love approaching and that fear/excitement of meeting someone new, but after the #, I just dont do much or persist.
So, I am curious what might happen, since I have (for the most part) done previously what DMSI is supposed to do. I'll do the best I can to keep an open mind about what is happening.
Anyway, I think thats about it.

I think I'll start with v3.2b.