12-04-2023, 08:41 PM
Frankly I do see some reactions, which are actually a lot more subtle than on DMSI (because when that gets going it gets really friggin' obvious) but they're there. Nothing too radical though. People, women especially, keep complementing my voice, which is tittilating for sure and a good indicator I managed to fix it to some extent, but also a little bit annoying because everyone's like "OMG you should be on the radio or something", and I'm like, "I'm, like, an opera singer", and they're like "OMG sing something" and I'm like, ":rolls eyes:,
ighs heavily:". It's also annoying because it's a reminder I should go and practice and I've been slacking off on that front, haha.
That recovery assistant course turned out to be pretty fun, actually. Next session is in like a couple of weeks.
I do have a lead on a full-time, salaried editing job, though, going to be performing a test task on Thursday and then we'll see.

That recovery assistant course turned out to be pretty fun, actually. Next session is in like a couple of weeks.
I do have a lead on a full-time, salaried editing job, though, going to be performing a test task on Thursday and then we'll see.
"A man who is doing his True Will has the inertia of the Universe to assist him." - A. Crowley