I wasn't going to write any journal originally because I just simply want to run it and detach from any outcome but I'm kind of excited for version number 2 coming out anytime soon so I'll write few sentences to let you know the differences from my point of view.
I did few subs in the past and then had a longer break, grabbed TLAM few months ago to eliminate all of my limiting beliefs about money and ran it for few months on and off. Main reason for me being off the subs was just the amount of time I had to spend listening to these tracks, with 5.5g tech this is no longer the issue and I'm loving the fact that couple of loops does the job, thanks Shannon

So far I did (US/LM):
30 days running 1 trickling stream loop per day (3x8 days + 2 days off system)
Then I decided to do another 2 weeks with 2 loops per day system:
Trickling stream on headphones followed by Ultrasonic.
Now I'm on my 6th day off.
I didn't want to jump straight into version 2 because at the end my 2 weeks with 2 loops I started to feel kind of tired and slept a lot.
I think it was 100% right decision because right now I really started to feel that this sub just kicked in.

Entire week I feel really good with super positive mindset, smiling a lot and really enjoying all social interactions.
However, this is not the mail goal for me.
Main goal is to get my ecom business properly off the ground by the end of this year and set myself on a new success path.
I'm also entirely open to any ways to achieve my success, doesn't have to be through my ecom business but I will continue to put most of my efforts there.
I know I might have some sort of deep fear of success because deep down I know that if I push little bit harder and stick to it long term I would just crush it.
Therefore, really feel pumped for this new version!
Destination: Abundance, lets go!