08-04-2015, 03:49 AM
Just going through the video comments, adding this one to the thread:
Silk Mask 1 year ago
Transmuting negative thoughts and traits by enhancing or amplifying them so they can be utilized in the highest manner is what a lot of people call change. My point is that personal change happens when people are ready for it no matter what you call it. I like that you've given some very simple, easy to follow instructions for those who suffer from negative thoughts & behaviors. Transforming or transmuting the self hating life long beliefs and behavior into a productive constructive behavior is brilliant. And just for the record, Religion and Spirituality are two different things. Religion comes from man Spirituality comes from within. which is as close to God as we can get.
Silk Mask 1 year ago
Transmuting negative thoughts and traits by enhancing or amplifying them so they can be utilized in the highest manner is what a lot of people call change. My point is that personal change happens when people are ready for it no matter what you call it. I like that you've given some very simple, easy to follow instructions for those who suffer from negative thoughts & behaviors. Transforming or transmuting the self hating life long beliefs and behavior into a productive constructive behavior is brilliant. And just for the record, Religion and Spirituality are two different things. Religion comes from man Spirituality comes from within. which is as close to God as we can get.