09-05-2017, 02:34 PM
(09-05-2017, 02:27 PM)RTBoss Wrote: Dang, I've been on Version B for over a month!? What?!
Anyway, I am back to E2 levels of non-desire to post in my journal. It's probably because so much has become "normal" to me, I don't feel it's post-worthy.
I'm still feeling amazing, on-top-of-the-world, internally. I just upped my loops to 6 via sway testing. Dowsing pissed me off when I couldn't get it to answer in any consistent way for a few days straight a few weeks ago. I had been doing variations of 5 and 3 loops, but then decided to actually sway test. 6 loops. So we'll see where that goes.
I swear DMSI made me a better fisherman while I was on my trip. It was crazy, as if my energy/aura gave me preference over anyone near me for the fish to bite. Some dickwad would come fish too close to me, throw his line in the water, and come up with nothing. Then I'd throw in and catch a nice keeper.
Anyway, externals on the lady front is just more of the same. Lots of looks, lots of attraction, women opening me saying "Hi," but nothing blatant or extreme.
What's dowsing?
Snipers must work on fish as well