(04-21-2017, 02:17 PM)Nox Wrote: Sure could use an update here after SIL Friday...
Well, Nox, like any good soap - the positive must always be followed by a negative. That's how they keep you interested in the story, right?
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Last night she asked me if I wanted to "meet at the lake." I said, "Go ahead and meet me at my house." No reply. Whatever, I'm sure she got the text. This morning I trained my clients, the last of which - my mother - was to take my son with her so I could go mushroom hunting with SIL.
I took my mom upstairs to the nursery to show her how my son's old room had been transformed by my wife into a Harry Potter theme for my almost-here baby girl. Turned out awesome. While we're up there, in walks my SIL. She's early by 40 minutes! Totally caught me off guard. I wanted to eat something before leaving, so the aura would be powered up. Instead, I had to rely on the protein shake (whey isolate in water, no fat/no carbs) I had a few hours earlier...
I noticed right away that (though she was wearing scrubby clothes to hunt in) she had makeup on. Curious. I then had to install my son's car seat into my mom's car, and while I did, my mom started asking about SIL's husband and his new job. SIL replied it was going, "Ok." She then went on about how he wasn't even going to be home on a lot of weekends. Her tone did not sound positive about it, at all. Thought that was interesting. I also was having a helluva time with the car seat install, and I'm sure she got a nice view of my ass & crotch while I fought with that thing, but I have no clue if she took advantage of the view.
Mom and son left and we went back inside. Suddenly, my guard was up (energetically) - I could feel it. I mean, we're friends, but if there's male ASD - I was in male ASD-mode. I had her sit next to me on the couch as I pulled up Google Earth and showed her on the map where we'd be going. She sat pretty close, but no physical touch. When we left, she insisted she take her own car (which later on turned out to be a good idea). She followed me close, so should have been in full gear.
Light banter and laughing as we walked to our target area...found mushrooms immediately, so we both were pretty happy. I'd lose track of her here and there, but we were in close proximity the entire time.
But, I may as well been mushroom hunting with the Queen of England. She was composed, and just...normal. I was, too. No jokes with innuendo - in fact, if anything, I was making the most lame jokes ever (IMO). I don't know if she likes dorky/lame jokes, but that's what I was throwin' at her.

At one point, my internal dialog was, "(As if I'm talking to my subconscious): I don't know what I'm looking for in this situation, particularly, but my subconscious knows, and I just need to trust that it knows what to do and go with that." It almost felt like I was losing attraction for her as I was hanging out with her.
She could only stay out for a little over 90 minutes, so not long. I walked her back to her car, where she asked me to go again with her next week. I said I would, of course. We said goodbye, no hug, and I went back to hunting. Glad I did, because I found probably 3 or 4 more pounds - way more than I'd found up to that point.
EDIT: A few other things: Hormonal changes continue - noticing more acne, have white head on my arms and shoulders, even one on my neck, like I'm 18 again.
So far, no libido to speak of on B. Still no desire to drink, no desire to look at porn, no desire to clean-the-pipes. Been very physically active, very productive, and very disciplined on diet.