06-09-2016, 05:58 AM
Hey guys -- ain't no f*cking in this one. Hopefully, that comes tonight.
I'm gonna record some videos. One before AOSI. One after AOSI when I'm on my way downtown. And one after... unless I'm busy (even maybe if I'm busy ;D).
Called it. Scroll up. Said multiple times that the resistance would pass. I bet you feel good as hell, too. I know I do. In all of my two runs of AM6, I can honestly say I haven't felt this good and "clear." Which honestly... kinda convinces me to run E2 after I finish this AM6 + AOSI combo. Can't imagine what it'd be like to just feel "clear" all the time.
Waves don't die
Let me crash here for the moment
I don't need to own it
Yeah, I've been walking around singing all morning. Last night, I had a revelation in regards to what I wanna do with the rest of my life. I've been running all these websites -- like 8 of them, which bring in an OKAY income for my life right now. Like, I don't have to deal with a shitty 9-5, but it's not enough to get me out of this back studio. I want to spend next year traveling. Exploring. So, I need to find a vocation and dedicate myself to it. The money will come. I know what that vocation is. Always have known, just been afraid because society doesn't consider it as important as other things.
My vocation is storytelling. Writing. Literature. I can write my ass off if need be. Come up with amazing plots. Tell kick-ass stories. I write the dopest critical analysis papers. I've lectured at conferences at USC on certain elements of storytelling. I've run a writing consultant service for years, but never buckled down and grew it into a scalable business. Just treated it like a hobby. So now, I'm going to put all my efforts into that. Writing more novels (I already have a few on the Kindle store). Writing screenplays. Creating Kindle e-courses.
My tentative future sub plan is - AM6 + AOSI, E2 (until I feel clear enough) then BASE 4g until I get the cash to invest in 5g. However, if by any chance Ultimate Writer 5.5 or 6g is out, I'm going to sell an organ or something to grab it on day one.

(06-08-2016, 08:25 PM)wolverine_i_am Wrote: My resistance is over. I'm thinking I may run it again too.
Called it. Scroll up. Said multiple times that the resistance would pass. I bet you feel good as hell, too. I know I do. In all of my two runs of AM6, I can honestly say I haven't felt this good and "clear." Which honestly... kinda convinces me to run E2 after I finish this AM6 + AOSI combo. Can't imagine what it'd be like to just feel "clear" all the time.
Waves don't die
Let me crash here for the moment
I don't need to own it
Yeah, I've been walking around singing all morning. Last night, I had a revelation in regards to what I wanna do with the rest of my life. I've been running all these websites -- like 8 of them, which bring in an OKAY income for my life right now. Like, I don't have to deal with a shitty 9-5, but it's not enough to get me out of this back studio. I want to spend next year traveling. Exploring. So, I need to find a vocation and dedicate myself to it. The money will come. I know what that vocation is. Always have known, just been afraid because society doesn't consider it as important as other things.
My vocation is storytelling. Writing. Literature. I can write my ass off if need be. Come up with amazing plots. Tell kick-ass stories. I write the dopest critical analysis papers. I've lectured at conferences at USC on certain elements of storytelling. I've run a writing consultant service for years, but never buckled down and grew it into a scalable business. Just treated it like a hobby. So now, I'm going to put all my efforts into that. Writing more novels (I already have a few on the Kindle store). Writing screenplays. Creating Kindle e-courses.
My tentative future sub plan is - AM6 + AOSI, E2 (until I feel clear enough) then BASE 4g until I get the cash to invest in 5g. However, if by any chance Ultimate Writer 5.5 or 6g is out, I'm going to sell an organ or something to grab it on day one.