09-26-2010, 06:23 PM
(09-26-2010, 05:44 PM)Cortez Wrote:(09-26-2010, 01:24 PM)Shannon Wrote: There's two reasons my avatar is a lion. One is, I'm born in August. The other is... Alpha Male.
Great read, man, keep it up.
On the taken women showing interest, by the way, I have been getting a lot of that for the last 6 months now. And from virtually only taken women. Been shooting women down left and right because of it. I had a woman come to my house at 4:30 am the other night tipsy and obviously interested in being sexually intimate with me. It was tempting, but she's married, and no matter how much she might want me, or how good the sex might be, taken is off limits. I can't really allow myself anything with her even after she gets her inevitable divorce, really, since she's not suitable for me anyway. So I had this woman on my couch wanting me to make a move - any excuse at all for her to give in and strip - and I didn't do it. I am proud of that, and you should be proud of yourself too. As a man, you deserve to be treated like you have the value that you do. A high value man deserves to get all of a woman he is with, not share her and definitely has no time or interest in drama or backstabbing other men.
A felliow Leo! I was born on July 31st. I dont meet too many other Leo's.
That would be yet another reason why I feel so connected to cat's.
And you're absolutely right. We do deserve quality women and there are plenty of them out there. There's so many women in the world I can't see why anyone would ever need to get involved in some drama like that...you know unless they just love the drama,haha. This girl has still not given up yet and she probably never will. He husband is of course always acting weird around me. The funny thing is that there are plenty of people around that he knows that actually would cheat with his wife at the drop of a hat and I'm not one of them. I think it's because he can't really be mad at her so he has to take out his anger on me. Beta males that try extremely hard to act alpha cause alot of unneccesary problems in this world. Acting alpha only slightly covers up your insecurities and not very well at that.
I commend you you Cortez and Shannon and anyone else who can say no.. It is extremely hard thing to do especially if there is a connection.
I too am a Leo and strongly think you should never get with or try to take a married/taken woman. (even if you could do so easily)

like Shannon said tell him to stop with the BS or GTFO of my life. Drama is never welcomed