Hello Guys!
I just thought of starting my journal with my use of the subs.
A little background about my self... I got interested with the subs when some of my PUA friends told me about the Aura of Sexiness subs. I was also using subliminals but this is my first time to hear about this kind. My curiosity lead me searching over at google and found this site.
The first thing that caught my attention was the subs for men. Since, I'm into PUA stuff myself and got to a level of even being part of a local pua company as one of the instructors way back. I never really had a problem about being Alpha male and especially being with the ladies, because, I was able to somehow develop a my skillset as a Pua. I got that part of my life handled a few years back.
But when I got into a serious LTR I got a little rusty until, after 5 years my LTR ended early this year. I found myself going back in circulation(dating) with what happened. It kinda affected me and somehow left me in a place where going out and engaging the opposite sex became a little challenging, again. Then, I told myself maybe these subs would help.
At first I started with a bunch of subs playing them all at the same time. (I have like more than 20 programs in my folder, still waiting for me to use them) Then I trimmed it down to just 3 to just focus on it and see what happens. Now I'm on my 3rd stage of the Alpha Male 2010 and 3rd month of DAS and BIABW. I use the Alpha Male at night and the other 2 in the morning. Oh! and every morning I listen to 30mins of Ultrasuccess and Manifest Unlimited Wealth for maintenance purposes.
I like the first weeks of using the subs. Negative self-talk were lessen and I seem to become unaffected with the drama and negativity around me and I really liked it because, it gets my mind clear most of the time.
In the early stages whenever I am talking to the opposite sex I can't really determine if the subs is what is working or my social skills or pua skills that is doing the work. I got to a point that flirting, social awareness and and conversational dynamics became automatic with me w/c is why I'm sometimes wondering if is it the subs or is it just me?
Until these past few days the changes have become really obvious to a point that not only me but also my friends tell me that something is different about me. Last night, I went out with my mentor on PUA we haven't seen each other for 6months. He said that there is something different with my vibe and aura, he doesn't know what it is but he could tell that there is something different.
In my case, what I experienced is that I now move/walk very relaxed and slow and I hold very sexual eye contact with girls. I even realized that I slowly turn my head. And it really help me a lot in conversations with girls and my most favorite part is girls always gives me the Doggy Dinner Bowl Look w/c is for me is a strong indication of attraction.
The sexual vibe and eye contact I think is the cause of these reactions I'm getting with the girls. They seem to really find me irresistible w/c makes me work less in seducing them, to a point of like its effortless. Its like my personality became magnetic with the opposite sex. Also, the rejections and the drama that girls do doesn't bother me that much anymore. Although there are some instances where some of my old programming kicks in from time to time But it doesn't stay long, w/c is good.(who wants it anyway?)
This day marks my 3rd month on Alpha Male, Develop an Aura of Sexiness and BIABW. Still excited and fascinated with the results. So far the results are nothing but amazing.
I just thought of starting my journal with my use of the subs.
A little background about my self... I got interested with the subs when some of my PUA friends told me about the Aura of Sexiness subs. I was also using subliminals but this is my first time to hear about this kind. My curiosity lead me searching over at google and found this site.
The first thing that caught my attention was the subs for men. Since, I'm into PUA stuff myself and got to a level of even being part of a local pua company as one of the instructors way back. I never really had a problem about being Alpha male and especially being with the ladies, because, I was able to somehow develop a my skillset as a Pua. I got that part of my life handled a few years back.
But when I got into a serious LTR I got a little rusty until, after 5 years my LTR ended early this year. I found myself going back in circulation(dating) with what happened. It kinda affected me and somehow left me in a place where going out and engaging the opposite sex became a little challenging, again. Then, I told myself maybe these subs would help.
At first I started with a bunch of subs playing them all at the same time. (I have like more than 20 programs in my folder, still waiting for me to use them) Then I trimmed it down to just 3 to just focus on it and see what happens. Now I'm on my 3rd stage of the Alpha Male 2010 and 3rd month of DAS and BIABW. I use the Alpha Male at night and the other 2 in the morning. Oh! and every morning I listen to 30mins of Ultrasuccess and Manifest Unlimited Wealth for maintenance purposes.

I like the first weeks of using the subs. Negative self-talk were lessen and I seem to become unaffected with the drama and negativity around me and I really liked it because, it gets my mind clear most of the time.
In the early stages whenever I am talking to the opposite sex I can't really determine if the subs is what is working or my social skills or pua skills that is doing the work. I got to a point that flirting, social awareness and and conversational dynamics became automatic with me w/c is why I'm sometimes wondering if is it the subs or is it just me?
Until these past few days the changes have become really obvious to a point that not only me but also my friends tell me that something is different about me. Last night, I went out with my mentor on PUA we haven't seen each other for 6months. He said that there is something different with my vibe and aura, he doesn't know what it is but he could tell that there is something different.
In my case, what I experienced is that I now move/walk very relaxed and slow and I hold very sexual eye contact with girls. I even realized that I slowly turn my head. And it really help me a lot in conversations with girls and my most favorite part is girls always gives me the Doggy Dinner Bowl Look w/c is for me is a strong indication of attraction.
The sexual vibe and eye contact I think is the cause of these reactions I'm getting with the girls. They seem to really find me irresistible w/c makes me work less in seducing them, to a point of like its effortless. Its like my personality became magnetic with the opposite sex. Also, the rejections and the drama that girls do doesn't bother me that much anymore. Although there are some instances where some of my old programming kicks in from time to time But it doesn't stay long, w/c is good.(who wants it anyway?)
This day marks my 3rd month on Alpha Male, Develop an Aura of Sexiness and BIABW. Still excited and fascinated with the results. So far the results are nothing but amazing.