02-22-2018, 12:05 PM
Also, this is T3 by Troy T. If this is posted anywhere and either Geodude or Troy T isn't mentioned as the creator, then the person posting it is an impostor.
Hey guys I wanted to share with you how to do T3 which is my tapping technique that I invented. It’s in my opinion, the most powerful tapping technique on the planet.
A lot of you guys got great results from the tapping threads that I made a few years back. So I figured I'd share my personal tapping technique with you guys so that hopefully you can start getting great results yourselves.
It's simple. The reason you have problems with women is because as a child, you had negative experiences with them. So the logical thing to do, is to release all the negative emotions from those past experiences. When you do so, you heal the problem at the root.
A lot of guys try doing the numbers game, where they approach girl after girl and get rejected. In my experience, you don't have to do things that way. When you heal your past experiences with women, you come from a far better place and can just instantly connect with them without any issue. .
It doesn't just stop there, you can pretty much heal any mental / emotional issue that you have. I've permanently cured stuff like PTSD, social anxiety disorder, panic and anxiety disorder, phobias, low self-esteem, problems with women/money, misanthropy, etc etc. If it's in your head, it can be healed. And I would go as far as to say that 80 to 90% of people's problems only exist in their head.
Furthermore, tapping has made subliminals work far better for me because there's no resistance anymore. The programming takes root, and I get most of the results that are promised on the sales page.
So overall, if you want an awesome technique to add to your personal development arsenal, you can’t go wrong with T3.
So how do you do it?
Step 1: Get a negative feeling.
Step 2: Send the feeling back in time to either you as a baby or a younger version of you in a specific memory.
Step 3: Visualize tapping on the younger version of you or “baby you” while you tap on yourself on the same point.
Step 4: Say, “Release all _____” with the blank being whatever word comes to mind while you’re tapping. (Make sure to tap on the meridian that represents that word. Just guess if you’re not sure.)
Step 5. Repeat until the negative feeling is gone.
Where do you tap?
You tap continuously on the point that represents whatever word comes to mind while you’re tapping.
(EB) Eyebrow Point - Trauma, sadness, hurt, frustration, dread
(SE) Side of Eye - Anger, resentment, fear of change
(UE) Under Eye - Fear, worry, nervousness, disappointment
(UN) Under Nose - Embarrassment, powerlessness, guilt, fear of ridicule
(CH) Chin Point - Confusion, uncertainty, embarrassment
(CB) Collarbone - Worry, stuckness, stress
(UA) Under Arm - Guilt, worry, insecurity, hopelessness, low self esteem
(UB) Under Breast - Hate
(There’s several more points, but this is a great starting point.)
For example, the word I get a lot is “pain”. Since the EB point represents hurt, I know to tap there. I also will get words like, “hell”. I have no idea what emotion that is, so I just guess and tap on the EB point.
Everyone is different, but personally almost all of my rounds go something like this:
(EB) “Release all pain” X5
(UN) “Release all shame” X3
(UB) “Release all hate” X8
(UE) “Release all fear” X3
(SE) “Release all rage” X2
(The X5, X3, ... represents how many times I’m saying that phrase.)
Remember, if you’re tapping on a point, imagine tapping “Baby/Younger You’s” same point as well.
When do I tap?
Any time something negative happens to you. Alternatively, you can imagine doing something that triggers you, like approaching a girl, for example. The idea is just to bring up a negative feeling. Then you send it back in time, and release it forever.
A lot of guys on these forums have low self-esteem so I would recommend just visualizing yourself in 3rd person or looking at yourself in the mirror and then sending whatever feeling you get back in time and release it forever.
Low self-esteem is generally a result of other people abusing you as a child so this can be bullies, parents, teachers, siblings, random people, etc. If you have memories and can clearly feel the feeling, you can release that shit right now and notice a tangible positive difference in your quality of life.
In my case, the abuse I suffered was so traumatic that I can't remember any memories or feelings from that time. So I send the feeling back to me is a baby and do the process and it releases it anyway.
Is it possible to release positive feelings?
No it's not. Think of positive feelings as flowing rivers circulating throughout your body. imagine negative feelings as dams or blockages in your body. The purpose of tapping is to clear blockages. So if the energy is flowing, you're good to go.
It's also really important to release feelings that are just kind of neutral. Because if the feeling is not positive and flowing, it’s a blockage. Even though it may not feel that way.
There’s a lot more nuance and secrets to this stuff, but this is a great starting point. Hopefully I didn’t undersell this technique. You can seriously transform your life in a week if you’re tapping 30 minutes to an hour a day.
Also, this is T3 by Troy T. If this is posted anywhere and either Geodude or Troy T isn't mentioned as the creator, then the person posting it is an impostor.
Hey guys I wanted to share with you how to do T3 which is my tapping technique that I invented. It’s in my opinion, the most powerful tapping technique on the planet.
A lot of you guys got great results from the tapping threads that I made a few years back. So I figured I'd share my personal tapping technique with you guys so that hopefully you can start getting great results yourselves.
It's simple. The reason you have problems with women is because as a child, you had negative experiences with them. So the logical thing to do, is to release all the negative emotions from those past experiences. When you do so, you heal the problem at the root.
A lot of guys try doing the numbers game, where they approach girl after girl and get rejected. In my experience, you don't have to do things that way. When you heal your past experiences with women, you come from a far better place and can just instantly connect with them without any issue. .
It doesn't just stop there, you can pretty much heal any mental / emotional issue that you have. I've permanently cured stuff like PTSD, social anxiety disorder, panic and anxiety disorder, phobias, low self-esteem, problems with women/money, misanthropy, etc etc. If it's in your head, it can be healed. And I would go as far as to say that 80 to 90% of people's problems only exist in their head.
Furthermore, tapping has made subliminals work far better for me because there's no resistance anymore. The programming takes root, and I get most of the results that are promised on the sales page.
So overall, if you want an awesome technique to add to your personal development arsenal, you can’t go wrong with T3.
So how do you do it?
Step 1: Get a negative feeling.
Step 2: Send the feeling back in time to either you as a baby or a younger version of you in a specific memory.
Step 3: Visualize tapping on the younger version of you or “baby you” while you tap on yourself on the same point.
Step 4: Say, “Release all _____” with the blank being whatever word comes to mind while you’re tapping. (Make sure to tap on the meridian that represents that word. Just guess if you’re not sure.)
Step 5. Repeat until the negative feeling is gone.
Where do you tap?
You tap continuously on the point that represents whatever word comes to mind while you’re tapping.
(EB) Eyebrow Point - Trauma, sadness, hurt, frustration, dread
(SE) Side of Eye - Anger, resentment, fear of change
(UE) Under Eye - Fear, worry, nervousness, disappointment
(UN) Under Nose - Embarrassment, powerlessness, guilt, fear of ridicule
(CH) Chin Point - Confusion, uncertainty, embarrassment
(CB) Collarbone - Worry, stuckness, stress
(UA) Under Arm - Guilt, worry, insecurity, hopelessness, low self esteem
(UB) Under Breast - Hate
(There’s several more points, but this is a great starting point.)
For example, the word I get a lot is “pain”. Since the EB point represents hurt, I know to tap there. I also will get words like, “hell”. I have no idea what emotion that is, so I just guess and tap on the EB point.
Everyone is different, but personally almost all of my rounds go something like this:
(EB) “Release all pain” X5
(UN) “Release all shame” X3
(UB) “Release all hate” X8
(UE) “Release all fear” X3
(SE) “Release all rage” X2
(The X5, X3, ... represents how many times I’m saying that phrase.)
Remember, if you’re tapping on a point, imagine tapping “Baby/Younger You’s” same point as well.
When do I tap?
Any time something negative happens to you. Alternatively, you can imagine doing something that triggers you, like approaching a girl, for example. The idea is just to bring up a negative feeling. Then you send it back in time, and release it forever.
A lot of guys on these forums have low self-esteem so I would recommend just visualizing yourself in 3rd person or looking at yourself in the mirror and then sending whatever feeling you get back in time and release it forever.
Low self-esteem is generally a result of other people abusing you as a child so this can be bullies, parents, teachers, siblings, random people, etc. If you have memories and can clearly feel the feeling, you can release that shit right now and notice a tangible positive difference in your quality of life.
In my case, the abuse I suffered was so traumatic that I can't remember any memories or feelings from that time. So I send the feeling back to me is a baby and do the process and it releases it anyway.

Is it possible to release positive feelings?
No it's not. Think of positive feelings as flowing rivers circulating throughout your body. imagine negative feelings as dams or blockages in your body. The purpose of tapping is to clear blockages. So if the energy is flowing, you're good to go.
It's also really important to release feelings that are just kind of neutral. Because if the feeling is not positive and flowing, it’s a blockage. Even though it may not feel that way.
There’s a lot more nuance and secrets to this stuff, but this is a great starting point. Hopefully I didn’t undersell this technique. You can seriously transform your life in a week if you’re tapping 30 minutes to an hour a day.