04-10-2014, 07:07 AM
Hi there, new user here. I've just bought LTU 3.1 and I'm hoping for the best for the following 3 to 6 months.
Anyway, I was looking at some scripts and I was wondering 2 things:
1st: Why don't I see a script telling us to imagine stuff? Imagination is one of the more powerful tools we have. Imagining bigger and bigger goals to achieve in life is one of the single most important and powerful things we can do. Not doing so seems like such a waste.
2nd: Why not emulate what Transcendental meditation or Psychedelics do?
They are by far the best self growth tools on existence. When you transcend the Ego you lose all your fears because you realize you are an immortal being and your body is just a vessel to be used. Btw, not that its needed but scientists recently proved that life does in fact continue after the body/mind death. They basically killed themselves on a laboratory and were revived later. After their body/brains were proven to be completely shut off all of them said life continued in a much bigger and different realm. That's just something the Ancients and spiritual gurus have been saying for thousands of years. Scientists also recently found that the quantum particles form geometric patterns and that giant super computers will no longer be needed to study quantum physics as now it will be very easy to predict what quantum particles will do. Soon, all you will need is a pen and paper to make what formerly appeared to be insanely complex calculations. And again the ancients told us about that thousands of years ago (research Sacred Geometry).
When we stop fearing death most of all our fears and life problems simple vanish forever. Wouldn't it be simpler to take that single fear away than keep repeating hundreds of words that lead to the same exact thing? When you truly realize you are an immortal being and that you are just here to fail, learn and keep growing in life most of your problems will simply vanish. Life's purpose it to gain experience until your spirit (call it whatever you prefer) gains enough experience and maturity to get out of the lowest form of vibration that we know as "life" or the material World/Universe.
Just some food for the mind.
Anyway, I was looking at some scripts and I was wondering 2 things:
1st: Why don't I see a script telling us to imagine stuff? Imagination is one of the more powerful tools we have. Imagining bigger and bigger goals to achieve in life is one of the single most important and powerful things we can do. Not doing so seems like such a waste.
2nd: Why not emulate what Transcendental meditation or Psychedelics do?
They are by far the best self growth tools on existence. When you transcend the Ego you lose all your fears because you realize you are an immortal being and your body is just a vessel to be used. Btw, not that its needed but scientists recently proved that life does in fact continue after the body/mind death. They basically killed themselves on a laboratory and were revived later. After their body/brains were proven to be completely shut off all of them said life continued in a much bigger and different realm. That's just something the Ancients and spiritual gurus have been saying for thousands of years. Scientists also recently found that the quantum particles form geometric patterns and that giant super computers will no longer be needed to study quantum physics as now it will be very easy to predict what quantum particles will do. Soon, all you will need is a pen and paper to make what formerly appeared to be insanely complex calculations. And again the ancients told us about that thousands of years ago (research Sacred Geometry).
When we stop fearing death most of all our fears and life problems simple vanish forever. Wouldn't it be simpler to take that single fear away than keep repeating hundreds of words that lead to the same exact thing? When you truly realize you are an immortal being and that you are just here to fail, learn and keep growing in life most of your problems will simply vanish. Life's purpose it to gain experience until your spirit (call it whatever you prefer) gains enough experience and maturity to get out of the lowest form of vibration that we know as "life" or the material World/Universe.
Just some food for the mind.
