02-14-2016, 08:12 AM
I like these threads where the workings are set out. Even as something is running like a charm, at some point I'm going to try to sneak a look under the hood (open Pandora's box, etc.). One quick thought that I'd advance is that while customization helps, I think it would likely follow the law of diminishing returns (unless you're expressly seeking a Manchurian Candidate-type effect
). I'll throw out three ideas that are just my own, might or might not have any standing or relevance:
* As a precondition, a subliminal message must be intelligible to the listener as translatable into speech-acts and behaviors that have some real significance in one's life (i.e. this isn't an escape into a movie/book) and one's community/life.
* Repetition and consistency are the principal mechanisms through which any message is to be imprinted on the listener as such as would lead to behavior modification of any kind (this relates to entrainment, hypnosis etc;
* Because language and, to some considerable extent, identity are social constructs, mutable and adaptive, a highly effective sub would be one that has effectively mastered the language of the community in terms, semantics, syntax ... archetypal references ... in short, it would present a picture of the change being sought in relation to a generally accepted context/reference/picture (i.e. in preference to something that reminds the listener that he/she is the one being addressed, although clearly that would have some impact).
This is out of left field, but I tend to see the subs like fractal sets, with some like ASC at the top, others, more particular, being seen more close up. Oversimplified, of course ...
Kinda lost the train of thought ...
Be Calm
(OGSF5 ongoing

* As a precondition, a subliminal message must be intelligible to the listener as translatable into speech-acts and behaviors that have some real significance in one's life (i.e. this isn't an escape into a movie/book) and one's community/life.
* Repetition and consistency are the principal mechanisms through which any message is to be imprinted on the listener as such as would lead to behavior modification of any kind (this relates to entrainment, hypnosis etc;
* Because language and, to some considerable extent, identity are social constructs, mutable and adaptive, a highly effective sub would be one that has effectively mastered the language of the community in terms, semantics, syntax ... archetypal references ... in short, it would present a picture of the change being sought in relation to a generally accepted context/reference/picture (i.e. in preference to something that reminds the listener that he/she is the one being addressed, although clearly that would have some impact).
This is out of left field, but I tend to see the subs like fractal sets, with some like ASC at the top, others, more particular, being seen more close up. Oversimplified, of course ...
Kinda lost the train of thought ...
Be Calm
(OGSF5 ongoing

"I dunno. I didn't go into Burger King." -- Pulp Fiction