(07-21-2016, 03:14 PM)Shannon Wrote:(07-21-2016, 12:51 PM)thor2014 Wrote: As I have said time and time again. You cannot just listen to a sub and hope women will come to you for sex. Wakeup smell the coffee man.
(07-20-2016, 03:54 PM)Dmitry Wrote: Okey, its not much time passed since 2.2 was released but...did DMSI helped to achieve the intended goals? Did it made getting laid easier for guys...or DMSI was not intended for that?
There so many cool diary titles...I was thinking that guys almost fullfillled the sexual wildest dreams...you know: threesomes and etc.
So...who can boast with results? Just a few statistical evidences.
Thor, limiting beliefs are limiting.
Here's a list of things that were "impossible" until they were accomplished by someone who ignored the "fact" that they were "impossible".
- heavier than air flight.
- sailing around the world.
- rockets.
- self guiding rockets.
- jet engines.
- supersonic flight.
- orbiting the earth.
- landing on the moon.
- hoverboards that defy gravity.
- lasers.
- submarines.
- light bulbs.
- motors and dynamos.
- telescopes.
- Nuclear fission.
- radio.
- Television.
- Cell phones.
- remote control anything.
- I can continue, but I have to do something else.
Let's realize that we all know what the limits are supposed to be. What we don't know is... what is actually possible?
We can't figure that out by accepting limits.
What you listed is related to external objects.
Psychology, personal, however, is another story. The psychology is about 100 years old (and more) right now and I can say that NOT SO MUCH breakthrues beyond Freud's sexual theories being made.
If we look carefully at subliminal creation history we can see that all of your subs are working. BUT not entirelly as marketing says. Why? Because, THERE ARE so many variables that must be adressed and the pace must be carefully tuned & timed.
What do you suppose the most obstacle to get laid NATURALLY fast?
Fear, anxiety and etc. that is what EHPRA part is supposed to heal... And, alas, its not quite effective. Look, reading all sex related diaries I statistically evidently see that people get: more iois, more looks, slight change in behaviour, you name it! Most diaries looks like Biggs character in My best friends girl (2008)... "Ah, she looked a little sad today...".
A sense that there is a major block that is in action... Euphoric starting "Im soooo sexy and etc" and no luck. Why?
So...what I found out to be one of the most hard obstacles.

Did you know about systemic issues? Family issues and etc?
It says that if something in the family was wrong (abortions, death, mental illness and etc) that issues subconsciously affect the person EVEN if he or she did't know about it.
Not clear enough? Okey, I give my very personal example... Pfff, it intense.
My major theme with girls was like this: they were attracted to me (me 185 tall) started conversation and etc etc etc and suddenly stoped being attracted to me. I was confused because nothing in particular I was doing to repel them.
Then I learned about systemic issues and how they relate to different aspects of life.
My mother got an abortion before me... That was a girl. I didn' knew about her before my consultant showed the during systemic work. I was shocked.... Unconscielsy, I was looking for her in every girls I met, felt sad for no reason. After we solved that, I felt free at last. My relationship with girls changed DRAMATICALLY. After that, I had sex for 6 girls in one month, and yes! Naturally, without this stupid maniac intention. I just fucked. One girl said: I want to try everything with you. Other girl was amazed for being cumshot in face on first date. The main point: EHPRA and DMSI don't adress "hidden influnces". I can bet that Shannon didn' knew about it.
Once again, sorry for my english but I can argue that in present level of block understanding DMSI or other sub WILL NEVER HELP ACHIEVE THE INTENDED GOALS.
Thats the reallity of it.
Verdict, practical: EHPRA, OGSF part should be majorily upgraded before any serious results to occure.
PS: some people have deadly issues and healh problems because of loyalty to their family. Some girls will never have a husbond and babies because "her grand grand mother lost her family" and the girl dont't even KNEW about it. A man lost his business at 43 because his grandfather stoled a sum of money of his business partners. And etc.
We all want to have sub work as they intended, so we must upgrade our understanding about what blocks our progress. Aura in most cases is useless and not a major thing. Just look at guys who get laid easily and they don't vibe pretty cool.