(07-11-2015, 09:21 AM)LionKing Wrote: How does one increase substance(jing)? Besides diet, I mean. Would I need to climb a mountain?
There are many ways to increase jing. Climbing a mountain is beneficial because the air on that height is infused with lots of chi (negative ions) that condenses to jing and can be transmuted back to chi. You could buy a negative ion generator for a similiar effect. There are many reports of people buying negative ion generators to cure their ansthma and are surprised their sex drive increases. That's because they don't know about yin/yang chi and how increased sex drives is a sign their chi is increased and how negative/positive ions increase/decrease chi.
Oxygen is also a great way to increase your chi. That's why there are so many breathing exercises in Taoist and buddhist traditions. Oxygen kills off the fungi and viruses in your blood that use up your jing. The more oxygenated your blood and body is the better you can absorb jing from food (higher efficiency of your organs) and the less jing you loose everyday (less funghi eating away you jing). You can also electrify your blood to efficiently kill off those funghi. you can take certain minerals at megadose (10000 times the RDA) that still cost you less than $2 per month. You can improve your circulation to increase jing absorbtion.
And you can do much much more than that.
But the one thing that increases your jing the most is semen retention (by far). If you don't do semen retention but everything else, you can still improve a bit, but you'll shoot jour jing out with your semen anyway. The reason is your semen gets higher quality the more jing you have through the other practices... and you will also loose more jing with loosing higher quality semen which compensates your gains.
That's why it's so hard to gather above-normal amounts of jing/chi/shen. The more jing you already have the harder it is to retain it (not ejaculate). If there would be a sub that makes it easier.... your jing,chi and even shen would grow exponentially. That way your sex drive, your health and charisma would also grow exponentially. Results of other subliminals would also grow exponentially since they have more substance to work with.