10-22-2015, 03:08 AM
(10-21-2015, 09:31 PM)eternitys_child Wrote: stage 4 day 8
It's now 11 days since I PMO'ed and things are starting to get interesting. I did a bit of reading on nofap subreddit, and now i see how destructive porn and daily masturbation really are! WOW i never would have guessed.
Plus 11 days of nofap no porn no orgasm is REALLY starting to push the envelope in a new direction, and it's TORTURE! pure physical torture! I get slightly erect just from a girl touching me, it's ridiculous. but i like it, and i want more.
I have to be honest. I was able to easily cut out porn from my life after watching ONE video from Dr. Gary Nelson about how disastrous it is to the mind. And it's likely a very big reason why I've been so screwed up with girls for so long. That and masturbation.
The problem is, while I easily cut out the porn, I am finding the masturbation a chronic habit of daily, sometimes a few times daily. So, while I don't seem to need the OPA sub, I may need to consider the Stop Masturbation sub still. I've toyed with the idea of that sub since it came out, looks like it may be needed. I'm envious of guys having reports of having epic sexual energy with women and how they feel relaxed and anxiety free etc. It's probably time that habit went bye bye lol. Plus, I'm sure a real-life, beautiful woman is far better haha . It sounds like going nofap somehow affects your attractiveness? I'm skeptical, but hey, I'm so happy for you man! Great job on the nofap. I'll likely need the sub to accomplish that feat!
Keep up the great progress on SM3. I'm so jelly of how well it's going for you lol. My run is done in 3 days and it's been a disappointment to say the least.