(06-26-2012, 11:33 AM)K-Train Wrote: Tested it with some women and I got a bit frightened...
Do explain the part in bold my good man! And by the way, you're only supposed to use 2 subs at a time but if you're getting results then onward and upward I say!
Nothing fancy yet, I use those subs one after the other. On the women, I get the sensation of a bit of nervousness on them, but they cant help it and keep looking xD (I am a very normal man).
One thing is I am very very open minded to subliminals because I have fiddled in the past with law of attraction, affirmations, radionics, etc. May be thats making a bit of it, and i had 32 days of the other subs exposure before using Luck mag.
There are some strange coincidences too, using it online too and the other day in a dating website some woman sent to me in a message the private conversation of her with some dude(an annoying conversation if you ask me). May be that woman checked the wrong send button... never happened to me in a site lol.