04-16-2011, 08:38 AM
It must be resistance, Spiral because I should have NO hang-ups about my body whatsoever. I don't know when it started for sure, I just know that it did in years past. Apparently the stage 1 of SM is bringing that up. Not that I'm blaming SM on that, but the issue definitely needs to be addressed and rectified. I guess that means I need to spend more time in front of the mirror again since I've been slackin' 
Last nights dream wasn't sexual but it had some ominous storm clouds. I was in some forest with a clearing ahead so I can see the clouds. The funny thing was, that I wasn't afraid. On the contrary, I was taking in the beauty of the different shades of dark grey and slate blue of the cloud bottoms. I was warning others to take cover though and one was questioning my wisdom regarding the situation which annoyed me, lol.

Last nights dream wasn't sexual but it had some ominous storm clouds. I was in some forest with a clearing ahead so I can see the clouds. The funny thing was, that I wasn't afraid. On the contrary, I was taking in the beauty of the different shades of dark grey and slate blue of the cloud bottoms. I was warning others to take cover though and one was questioning my wisdom regarding the situation which annoyed me, lol.
Get your pickles!!!