Hello Guys
i recently bought the AM2011 Sub and I wanted to start now a Journal of my own after getting inspired by the journals of other travelers on this path. I'll try to write daily with alot of detail on my thought proccess and feelings. I hope this way others can follow the process better. For me this journal will be a point where i can reflect back on how things used to be befor to what they will become
Alright first i wanted to write abit of where i came from and how long i've been on this Journy to improve myself. 2 Years ago i got the point where i was absolutely not happy with my social life. In social situations i always felt completly uncomfortable and overwhelmed by others. I only had negative thoughts running through my mind and couldnt open my mouth at all. Since i wanted to change, i started to look on the internet for solutions. Through Youtube and various Internetpages i eventually got to the PUA community. I thought to my self "Yea improving socially and getting women at the same time... PERFECT!" Eventually i bought one of the Neil Strauss books, the one where u are supposed to learn "the game" in 30 days. Okay so i went outside with crazy anxiety and such bad innergame that i quit on day 11 of the Book. I couldnt do it like that, it just felt so wrong. I had so much anxiety that i knew this was not the way to go. So i went back to the Internet and stumbled uppon the Approach Anxiety site from Eric Disco. Within 2 Weeks i had read the entire Blogposts and i wanted to try out doing it the way he explained it, by going out regulary and trying to get more and more comfortable doing things and progress slowly. This really helped me to get the rock rolling and build some confidence and improve socially better. I got a few approaches done thanks to the slow progression but it still felt like i was missing something inside. After reading through approach anxiety again i got hooked up on the innergame from Cory Skyy. So i read a few more articles and thought "yea this could be the missing piece". Eventually i got a copy of Magnetic Mindset and did the affirmations for 30-40days. I started to feel really good inside. Sadly i got to confident / comfortable with it, that i started to stop doing them. After the effects slowly weared of i started to go more negativ again. Eventually i thought to myself i just needed a break from it all and took like 2months off it all. Eventually i started again and tried to combine the teachings from Cory and Eric. Slowly i began feeling better again, even better then befor. I guess due to the work done befor. Atleast i started to feel like yea this is the right direction, since i got better social results
. A while ago I stumbled uppon this site and the technology of Subliminal Messaging. After reading the Journals of others and on the technology itself, i got encouraged to start the Alpha Male 2011 programm and now as i am writing this on day 8 of the Programm, i am happy that i did it
In this part i wanted to post the current Hardware i use to listen to the Subliminals and what books i read to improve the process
Speakers: http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-320-multi...004&sr=8-7
I got these for arround 40€ at a local Hardware store. They got the Frequency of 70Hz - 20kHZ. I couldnt find any Speakers in the store that went below 70Hz. So i picked up these. From what i understood from the AM instructions is, that you need the Top frequency of 20kHz for the ultra sonic Titles.
MP3 Player:http://www.amazon.de/Grundig-Mpaxx-Tragbarer-Player-schwarz/dp/B001FZTLJK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1329391487&sr=8-1 Sorry that i need to link the german Amazonpage but i could not find this on product the American one. The Mp3 Player has the Frequencys of 20Hz - 20kHz. I picked this one up befor, becouse i wanted to listen to Affirmations outside.
Books: http://www.amazon.com/How-Become-Alpha-M...1411636600. I got this book, as it is instructed in the Manuel.
The speakers are currently setup on one side of the bed Facing torwards my face. I read already that ur supposed to put them on both sides of the Bed. This is a improvement spot for the near future
AM2011 Goals
Through this programm i really hope to achiev these goals:
-Believe and really feel inside, that i am a real Man that can achiev anything
-Get even more comfortable in Social Situations
-Not get controlled by others and live life the way that i want to
Day 1 - 09.02.2012
During the Night from Wednesday to Thursday i did not sleep alot. I only had the Stream version of the Subliminal on loop, becouse i liked listening to that the most. While laying in bed, i could really feel the subliminal working which amazed me. It felt like there was pressure on the ears and my brain felt like it was working 3 full time jobs at the same time. After a short while i started to feel a slight headache. The headache didnt consist of pain tho it was more like just that the brain is working. I turned the volume down abit just to make sure that it is not to high. The thoughts in my head were like "Okay from what i feel that is going on it must be working... but how am i gonna sleep like this?" After whirling arround in bed for like 40min i fell asleep. During the night i would always wake up at random points and stay awake for a while and then fall asleep again. "I can't go on like this for the next 6months + reruns" but i stayed determind (this is important for me afterall
) and kept it on. At the end i got a longer sleep period until my alarm clock ran. When i woke up i wasnt really tired and didnt feel any headache or much diffrence. During the day my negativ thinking lessend already. I felt abit at times like when i was doing the Cory Skyy affirmations. "Okay this is a great start already, this reminds me abit of the feeling i get from doing the affirmations". Positivly thinking i went on to Day 2 
Day 2 - 10.02.2012
The sleeping process was similar to Day 1. I would randomly wake up, stay awake and then fall back asleep. After hearing the alarmclock and standing up i felt really lightweighted in my shoulders and neck area. It felt like i just lost alot of useless weight / pressure there. "Okay this is...new? not really bad though". At work i felt also really comfortable and without any pressure. While sitting in the chair i noticed that i mostly sat straight instead beeing in a slouchy position. I just felt really good that day.
Day 3 - 11.02.2012
The sleeping process improved. My head didnt really feel pressured anymore and i also wouldnt wake up as often anymore. When i woke up once i was amazingly hungry and thursty though, so i fixed that befor heading back to bed. The relaxation in my shoulders was still there and i just enjoyd that feeling. The company i work for had the yearly celebration event on that day, so i decided to go there. At the celebration i tried to talk with some coworkers i never really talkd with befor. The conversations werent the best but atleast it pushed for it. Also i didnt feel as stucked up inside, while talking to new people. Furthermore i felt more okay with saying nothing. When i got home i randomly decided to also put on the Ocean surf into the loop.
Day 4 - 12.02.2012
There is no better feeling then waking up in the night to a sudden smash of ocean waves. For me the Ocean sounded so much louder then the stream version, so i had to play arround with the volume to adjust it. The stream isnt to low and the ocean to loud. The sensation in my shoulders started to decrease or rather im getting more used to it feeling like that so it isnt as special anymore. In the Evening i went dancing. (Dancing is something i picked up in the cory skyy time, do something crazy for you and starting to dance was it for me) My dancepartneress gave me a few compliments "Wow what happend? The way you hold urself why dancing improved alot!". Me "uhh i dont know, im not really doing anything diffrent i think". While the dance teachers explained things she also always came slowly to me, until she was like slightly leaning against my shoulder. "Okay...i really seem to go into the right direction with this programm
". When i got Home i put the Ultra Sonic track on the Mp3 player, becouse i wouldnt get the ~~8-9 hours during this night and wanted to get the remaining time while working.
Day 5 - 13.02.2012
The sleeping process got to a point where its no problem anymore. No sudden wakeups anymore. I still feel like the slight pressure on the ears but my head seemed to really accept the bombardment and didnt feel any headache or much work up there. While i wanted to make some Coffee in the working kitchen a female coworker came in and started talking with me. I never really talked with her befor only on the celebration shortly like a few sentences. I was abit to unguarded for that and only managed really short small talk. During Lunch i wanted to push my luck and explicity say to the other co workers where we should go. I managed to push through and we went where i wanted to go. On the walk there though i noticed some kind of disconnect. I was basically walking infront then but alone, while they were like going next to each other talking etc. Usually im there with them in the line and talk abit also. Due to this i had some negativ feelings and thoughts. I tried to consciously disconnect me from the negativ thoughts, didnt work out 100% sadly
. The Book from the Instructions arrived and i read a few pages of that. Most of the things i already knew / heard of from past work, but it is a good refresher

i recently bought the AM2011 Sub and I wanted to start now a Journal of my own after getting inspired by the journals of other travelers on this path. I'll try to write daily with alot of detail on my thought proccess and feelings. I hope this way others can follow the process better. For me this journal will be a point where i can reflect back on how things used to be befor to what they will become

Alright first i wanted to write abit of where i came from and how long i've been on this Journy to improve myself. 2 Years ago i got the point where i was absolutely not happy with my social life. In social situations i always felt completly uncomfortable and overwhelmed by others. I only had negative thoughts running through my mind and couldnt open my mouth at all. Since i wanted to change, i started to look on the internet for solutions. Through Youtube and various Internetpages i eventually got to the PUA community. I thought to my self "Yea improving socially and getting women at the same time... PERFECT!" Eventually i bought one of the Neil Strauss books, the one where u are supposed to learn "the game" in 30 days. Okay so i went outside with crazy anxiety and such bad innergame that i quit on day 11 of the Book. I couldnt do it like that, it just felt so wrong. I had so much anxiety that i knew this was not the way to go. So i went back to the Internet and stumbled uppon the Approach Anxiety site from Eric Disco. Within 2 Weeks i had read the entire Blogposts and i wanted to try out doing it the way he explained it, by going out regulary and trying to get more and more comfortable doing things and progress slowly. This really helped me to get the rock rolling and build some confidence and improve socially better. I got a few approaches done thanks to the slow progression but it still felt like i was missing something inside. After reading through approach anxiety again i got hooked up on the innergame from Cory Skyy. So i read a few more articles and thought "yea this could be the missing piece". Eventually i got a copy of Magnetic Mindset and did the affirmations for 30-40days. I started to feel really good inside. Sadly i got to confident / comfortable with it, that i started to stop doing them. After the effects slowly weared of i started to go more negativ again. Eventually i thought to myself i just needed a break from it all and took like 2months off it all. Eventually i started again and tried to combine the teachings from Cory and Eric. Slowly i began feeling better again, even better then befor. I guess due to the work done befor. Atleast i started to feel like yea this is the right direction, since i got better social results

In this part i wanted to post the current Hardware i use to listen to the Subliminals and what books i read to improve the process
Speakers: http://www.amazon.com/Logitech-320-multi...004&sr=8-7
I got these for arround 40€ at a local Hardware store. They got the Frequency of 70Hz - 20kHZ. I couldnt find any Speakers in the store that went below 70Hz. So i picked up these. From what i understood from the AM instructions is, that you need the Top frequency of 20kHz for the ultra sonic Titles.
MP3 Player:http://www.amazon.de/Grundig-Mpaxx-Tragbarer-Player-schwarz/dp/B001FZTLJK/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1329391487&sr=8-1 Sorry that i need to link the german Amazonpage but i could not find this on product the American one. The Mp3 Player has the Frequencys of 20Hz - 20kHz. I picked this one up befor, becouse i wanted to listen to Affirmations outside.
Books: http://www.amazon.com/How-Become-Alpha-M...1411636600. I got this book, as it is instructed in the Manuel.
The speakers are currently setup on one side of the bed Facing torwards my face. I read already that ur supposed to put them on both sides of the Bed. This is a improvement spot for the near future

AM2011 Goals
Through this programm i really hope to achiev these goals:
-Believe and really feel inside, that i am a real Man that can achiev anything
-Get even more comfortable in Social Situations
-Not get controlled by others and live life the way that i want to
Day 1 - 09.02.2012
During the Night from Wednesday to Thursday i did not sleep alot. I only had the Stream version of the Subliminal on loop, becouse i liked listening to that the most. While laying in bed, i could really feel the subliminal working which amazed me. It felt like there was pressure on the ears and my brain felt like it was working 3 full time jobs at the same time. After a short while i started to feel a slight headache. The headache didnt consist of pain tho it was more like just that the brain is working. I turned the volume down abit just to make sure that it is not to high. The thoughts in my head were like "Okay from what i feel that is going on it must be working... but how am i gonna sleep like this?" After whirling arround in bed for like 40min i fell asleep. During the night i would always wake up at random points and stay awake for a while and then fall asleep again. "I can't go on like this for the next 6months + reruns" but i stayed determind (this is important for me afterall

Day 2 - 10.02.2012
The sleeping process was similar to Day 1. I would randomly wake up, stay awake and then fall back asleep. After hearing the alarmclock and standing up i felt really lightweighted in my shoulders and neck area. It felt like i just lost alot of useless weight / pressure there. "Okay this is...new? not really bad though". At work i felt also really comfortable and without any pressure. While sitting in the chair i noticed that i mostly sat straight instead beeing in a slouchy position. I just felt really good that day.
Day 3 - 11.02.2012
The sleeping process improved. My head didnt really feel pressured anymore and i also wouldnt wake up as often anymore. When i woke up once i was amazingly hungry and thursty though, so i fixed that befor heading back to bed. The relaxation in my shoulders was still there and i just enjoyd that feeling. The company i work for had the yearly celebration event on that day, so i decided to go there. At the celebration i tried to talk with some coworkers i never really talkd with befor. The conversations werent the best but atleast it pushed for it. Also i didnt feel as stucked up inside, while talking to new people. Furthermore i felt more okay with saying nothing. When i got home i randomly decided to also put on the Ocean surf into the loop.
Day 4 - 12.02.2012
There is no better feeling then waking up in the night to a sudden smash of ocean waves. For me the Ocean sounded so much louder then the stream version, so i had to play arround with the volume to adjust it. The stream isnt to low and the ocean to loud. The sensation in my shoulders started to decrease or rather im getting more used to it feeling like that so it isnt as special anymore. In the Evening i went dancing. (Dancing is something i picked up in the cory skyy time, do something crazy for you and starting to dance was it for me) My dancepartneress gave me a few compliments "Wow what happend? The way you hold urself why dancing improved alot!". Me "uhh i dont know, im not really doing anything diffrent i think". While the dance teachers explained things she also always came slowly to me, until she was like slightly leaning against my shoulder. "Okay...i really seem to go into the right direction with this programm

Day 5 - 13.02.2012
The sleeping process got to a point where its no problem anymore. No sudden wakeups anymore. I still feel like the slight pressure on the ears but my head seemed to really accept the bombardment and didnt feel any headache or much work up there. While i wanted to make some Coffee in the working kitchen a female coworker came in and started talking with me. I never really talked with her befor only on the celebration shortly like a few sentences. I was abit to unguarded for that and only managed really short small talk. During Lunch i wanted to push my luck and explicity say to the other co workers where we should go. I managed to push through and we went where i wanted to go. On the walk there though i noticed some kind of disconnect. I was basically walking infront then but alone, while they were like going next to each other talking etc. Usually im there with them in the line and talk abit also. Due to this i had some negativ feelings and thoughts. I tried to consciously disconnect me from the negativ thoughts, didnt work out 100% sadly