07-03-2019, 09:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-03-2019, 09:33 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Shannon I didnt know exactly where to place this post ,I thoiught this 'field' would just as good as any to Land,so to speak.
I really got a sense tonight,as 'different' as it may sound, that with the implementation of The Magnus Engine,The Maxed-Updated 4.6 Fear Remover,coupled with the Non-Directional Shield in UMS...that MY spiritual abilities just may 'come out to play' again..like 'seeing spirits in the material world' again,Outta body trips, flying in dreams, precognition and perhaps even trip to the spirit world more often.
MY spiritual sensing has never completely gone away but had dulled some out of the priority for the High Protection and safety emotionally & physically due to certain circumstances,which additionally require high levels of energy investments to maintain keeping such protections in place. but now with these new additions included in USM...I really feel they( spiritual abilities and talents) will return in a 'fuller' way!! because the caost is cleaer once again!! Thank ya Jesus,Buddah,Mother Mary,Shiva,Ganesha,Crazy Horse, and all the loving people on the 'other side' that help guide and protect me,too!!
Ding!! Light Bulb Moment... I Just realized Im having some more TID from UMS...why...well it just literally occured ,that..MY spiritual psychic abilities of which I've been aware of since age 3,could make me some serious money,also in addiitiion to opportunities pouring into my realities as well...yes realities...I feel Like I'm walking in 5 dimensions at the same time. 5 is one of My #'s in Life..as is # 2 and 22's too.
side note: I Just feel the money is coming to me and is gonna show up in some surprising ways!!
Been a Long time coming,I fukin' ready Man. thank you. Keith/
I really got a sense tonight,as 'different' as it may sound, that with the implementation of The Magnus Engine,The Maxed-Updated 4.6 Fear Remover,coupled with the Non-Directional Shield in UMS...that MY spiritual abilities just may 'come out to play' again..like 'seeing spirits in the material world' again,Outta body trips, flying in dreams, precognition and perhaps even trip to the spirit world more often.
MY spiritual sensing has never completely gone away but had dulled some out of the priority for the High Protection and safety emotionally & physically due to certain circumstances,which additionally require high levels of energy investments to maintain keeping such protections in place. but now with these new additions included in USM...I really feel they( spiritual abilities and talents) will return in a 'fuller' way!! because the caost is cleaer once again!! Thank ya Jesus,Buddah,Mother Mary,Shiva,Ganesha,Crazy Horse, and all the loving people on the 'other side' that help guide and protect me,too!!
Ding!! Light Bulb Moment... I Just realized Im having some more TID from UMS...why...well it just literally occured ,that..MY spiritual psychic abilities of which I've been aware of since age 3,could make me some serious money,also in addiitiion to opportunities pouring into my realities as well...yes realities...I feel Like I'm walking in 5 dimensions at the same time. 5 is one of My #'s in Life..as is # 2 and 22's too.
side note: I Just feel the money is coming to me and is gonna show up in some surprising ways!!
Been a Long time coming,I fukin' ready Man. thank you. Keith/
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"