09-10-2018, 12:27 PM
(This post was last modified: 09-10-2018, 12:33 PM by ncbeareatingman.)
Do you want a psychic/spiritual sub? Lord Buddah Yes!!! Hell Ya Bubba!! dang Yawl Im late as hell to this party!! I made it though. I dont even think to come to such an area,Im always on the abouve pages...checking out Shannon's Journey/Journal and of course the Men's journal to see what the other chaps are doing and going thru,ect. the reason Im here,is that IM convinced of it ,is because I just started USLM (2 days into it ! and already,talk about stare shifting and such...IM having some" IM going into the future" kinds of expereinces and conncting with my future conencted successful self/alternate self" kinds stuff Man,powerful indeed!!)and its opening up new vistas of reality for me,on top of what all else I've been up to and into for the past 35 yrs.etc...USLM is Muther and Lord knows what the future holds for Shannon's work. dag gawn yawl... this shits phenominal.
I would Love to see/have a Digital Subliminal version of "Bufo"...talk about shifting your reality, shifting and up leveling your awareness and consciousness...many have done this trip and their lives have NOT been the same since,in the positive,its very similar to a serious near death,outta body into Spirit expereince. For the record I do NOT smoke anything,sort anything, shoot or other wise hob Knob with drugs legal or illegal,nor imbibe Al-key-hall( Old western cowboy accent optional) or smoke cancer sticks. Also for the record I am NOT promoting the abouve mentioned or the like. I however am for the expansion of consciousness ,awareness and of our hearts...in short over time, WAKING the fuck up! why? to massively increase the love joy and light and diminish the suffering,agony and pain when and where possible, in our Heart and on Da Planet...
Video Below on da "Bufo" process and expereince.
Lemme know what cha think,this shit looks beyound expansive!
I would Love to see/have a Digital Subliminal version of "Bufo"...talk about shifting your reality, shifting and up leveling your awareness and consciousness...many have done this trip and their lives have NOT been the same since,in the positive,its very similar to a serious near death,outta body into Spirit expereince. For the record I do NOT smoke anything,sort anything, shoot or other wise hob Knob with drugs legal or illegal,nor imbibe Al-key-hall( Old western cowboy accent optional) or smoke cancer sticks. Also for the record I am NOT promoting the abouve mentioned or the like. I however am for the expansion of consciousness ,awareness and of our hearts...in short over time, WAKING the fuck up! why? to massively increase the love joy and light and diminish the suffering,agony and pain when and where possible, in our Heart and on Da Planet...
Video Below on da "Bufo" process and expereince.
Lemme know what cha think,this shit looks beyound expansive!
Sherlock-your're an amazing fellow,Watson.Though You,yourself,not luminescent, you're an amazing conductor of Light"/"Loving You ,Heals Me"-an-NDE'er."-Trust is abouve ALL else!!"Money,does NOT change people,it ONLY reveals them!"