Since this is the chatterbox, and we can post anything on here, as long as it doesn't have to do with politics or religion, I'll be posting rants.
You can also post your rants, if you want. I don't care.
Year 2014. It's amazing how far we have come, in terms of technology. Touchscreen devices, biological weapons that can destroy an entire population, Robots, traveled to the moon and etc..
But we can't seem to manage to get a ***** vending machine to work!
I'm so tired of losing my money to shitty vending machines. I have a very low tolerance level. I remember one time when I forgot to eat breakfast, and I was running late to school. So, I thought, 'I'll just get a snack at the vending machine'. Got to the vending machine, looked at the unhealthy choices that were placed on display in front of me and I chose some mini oreo cookies.
Placed my dollar in, and punched in the digits. The machine started whirling and whirling around the snack I chose, and it stopped.
*****. Stopped.
Oh, that's not all kids. It didn't just get stuck, it's never that simple. It was basically hanging, like the cock tease it is. Teasing you with what you paid, but didn't get.
I'm pissed. SO, I walk away and go get a drink from the probably disease infected water bottle.
Then I see two other girls going up to the vending machine. One puts in a dollar, and punches in the digits.
Bitch #1 - Wow, Ash look. Two snacks.
Me - Oh hey, yeah. That's actually mine, haha. It got stuck up there, stupid vending machines, eh?
Bitch #1 & naughty little girl #2 glance at each other.
Bitch #2- Stop trying to get free food, just pay for it yourself. Let's go, Meg.
I start twitching, bones are cracking, skin is stretching. I grow 10x times bigger and my skin turns to a weird shade of green.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I holler. I take my inhumanely large hand, form a fist and slam it on the bitches.
I then take the vending machines, and dump all the snacks into my mouth. Feeling happy and content, ending with a big, BURP.
I flip both of them off, and walk away, stomach slightly growling.
*le cries*
I feel better now.
Ciao xx
You can also post your rants, if you want. I don't care.

Rant #1- Vending Machines
Year 2014. It's amazing how far we have come, in terms of technology. Touchscreen devices, biological weapons that can destroy an entire population, Robots, traveled to the moon and etc..
But we can't seem to manage to get a ***** vending machine to work!
I'm so tired of losing my money to shitty vending machines. I have a very low tolerance level. I remember one time when I forgot to eat breakfast, and I was running late to school. So, I thought, 'I'll just get a snack at the vending machine'. Got to the vending machine, looked at the unhealthy choices that were placed on display in front of me and I chose some mini oreo cookies.
Placed my dollar in, and punched in the digits. The machine started whirling and whirling around the snack I chose, and it stopped.
*****. Stopped.
Oh, that's not all kids. It didn't just get stuck, it's never that simple. It was basically hanging, like the cock tease it is. Teasing you with what you paid, but didn't get.
I'm pissed. SO, I walk away and go get a drink from the probably disease infected water bottle.
Then I see two other girls going up to the vending machine. One puts in a dollar, and punches in the digits.
Bitch #1 - Wow, Ash look. Two snacks.
Me - Oh hey, yeah. That's actually mine, haha. It got stuck up there, stupid vending machines, eh?
Bitch #1 & naughty little girl #2 glance at each other.
Bitch #2- Stop trying to get free food, just pay for it yourself. Let's go, Meg.
I start twitching, bones are cracking, skin is stretching. I grow 10x times bigger and my skin turns to a weird shade of green.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I holler. I take my inhumanely large hand, form a fist and slam it on the bitches.
I then take the vending machines, and dump all the snacks into my mouth. Feeling happy and content, ending with a big, BURP.
Real Version-
I flip both of them off, and walk away, stomach slightly growling.
*le cries*
I feel better now.