01-14-2015, 11:58 PM
Day 14 into the refresher.
I have this overall feeling that I can't pin point to any particular label or feeling, I will try and describe it.
My eyes are acting as if they are tired, or can't be bothered to open fully, which is linked in with an overall back bone that is intruding into my heart area.
People are being more nice to me and I am wondering why, I am thinking more and more often what are these people up to, why are they being so nice to me.... are they all seemingly separate but all together secretly plotting something against me? What don't I know?
I feel I have a sense of direction I am going towards now, which I have,
I have this sense of standards, snobbery, I am valuable, high status but in a positive, keep to my self, humble, I don't need to prove or justify to anyone, Imma gonna just do what I want to do, on my own, kind of way.
I have this overall feeling that I can't pin point to any particular label or feeling, I will try and describe it.
My eyes are acting as if they are tired, or can't be bothered to open fully, which is linked in with an overall back bone that is intruding into my heart area.
People are being more nice to me and I am wondering why, I am thinking more and more often what are these people up to, why are they being so nice to me.... are they all seemingly separate but all together secretly plotting something against me? What don't I know?
I feel I have a sense of direction I am going towards now, which I have,
I have this sense of standards, snobbery, I am valuable, high status but in a positive, keep to my self, humble, I don't need to prove or justify to anyone, Imma gonna just do what I want to do, on my own, kind of way.