9 hours ago
(Yesterday, 09:27 PM)Shannon Wrote:(Yesterday, 02:36 PM)papagani24 Wrote: Hello, I am now on day 4 of the second cycle of the X4A-1600. Summary of 14 days:
- After two dates with a 6.5/10 girl I met randomly, she wanted to be my girlfriend and I refused and she asked 'well do you know friends with benefits?'
- A girl I knew before but who didn't interest me much, who still doesn't interest me much, is constantly trying to communicate with me
- Developments with the ex
- Small (this is important, because it’s small) hints of interest from some beautiful women.
Yes, I'm on day 14 in total with rest days, so I'm in the second week. So far the program is going well, but here's what's on my mind and what I'm curious about for the rest, this part is especially for @Shannon
I am now following the 3 loops instruction, the second instruction. I'm not a virgin or inexperienced, but I haven't had as much experience in the last 2 years as in the previous years. So I'm a little rusty. I haven't chased a girl in particular and I haven't pushed myself for a date, so I haven't pursued them too much. X4A-1600 is definitely helping me, but I'm not sure if I'm following the right instruction for my current situation. One reason is that I don't think I'm getting much feedback from really pretty girls (so far, of the girls I mentioned above, only my ex was very, very pretty). I know I'm good looking etc, I don't have any insecurities about it. Sometimes I even have an unnecessary confidence in this regard.
So my question is, you told me in the discussion thread that if I use too many loops, a lot of people who would normally be able to answer might get scared and they would hesitate to answer or run away. And those who do respond will not be very attractive. In this case, except for my ex, the two girls who responded are not 'really' beautiful girls. Right now I started with 3 loops to get rid of my 2 years of rust, but maybe that was a mistake. Do you think I should change it to 1 loop, that is, change the instructions to the first instruction and listen to it that way?
I think you should look at your results as being very positive. But if you have too intense an aura, you will scare away the more sensitive girls, who often include the higher sexual value girls who get hit on constantly.
I also think you should be following the instructions on days on to days off. There is a reason for the days on to days off. Not only does your mind need a break, but you also need time to work through whatever may be holding you back.
You've seen that 1600 works. Now see what happens if you follow the instructions for a while. Also see what happens if you do 1 loop. You may find that 1 loop actually works better for you.
The days off are going to be useful for working through anything holding you back. If, after 2-3 full usage cycles, you find that that is too many days off to maintain results, you can shorten your days off to compensate and keep the results going.
I can't say for sure which instruction set will work better for you, but "rust" isn't one of the reasons for using the 3 loops.
I'm following the days on-days off rules, so I'm following the instructions completely. I've always followed the second instruction.
The program is working well. I just want to know if 3 loops is too many. As you mentioned, my perception of "rusty" dating skills is not a valid reason for three loops. This is more suitable for guys who are genuinely inexperienced and have difficulty connecting with women.
6G is serious business. I can see its impact on X4A-1600, and even the finest details make a difference in execution. I'll stick to listening to one loop and keep an eye on the results. My desire to change the instruction I was following was just a feeling; I wanted to make sure by asking you.
Thanks for your reply.