I stopped v1 about 1 1/2 months ago, and I recently realized that I may have left myself in a state of it being in the middle of working on things. I mentioned in my journal I went on a few porn binges, and it was generally when i'd get to a level of frustration about girls. Basically v1 was pushing me to talk to girls again, but then i'd go out and the fear would be too much to overcome and i'd end up going home and going on a porn binge, or I would talk to 1 or 2 very briefly and then it would trigger a big overwhelm reaction after.. and the same outcome.
Also Baldurs Gate 3, combine with Starfield now especially.. i've got too much into playing them. I read a book about how porn is a hyper reality and makes you uninterested in other things in life, and feeilng like you can't be bothered. Well I decided to stop porn after that, then I realized games are the same. In the past after like 30 or 40 hours i'd have finished the game but Starfield is extremely massive. It's been enough that twice i've deleted it, and twice downloaded the whole 120gb again.
I thought I was okay, I deleted it and started to want to go and do stuff. Went out last sunday to a market and the beach, and the frustration and fear that seems unconquerable around girls, especially in bikinis I went on the biggest porn binge in a while, then spent like 2 days playing stupid adult games. Then deleted them and have been playing Starfield. I've been getting my usual daily things done still, but not much desire to socialize. A few days worked out several hours later than usual, and been regularly staying up an hour or so later because I can't stop playing.
So basically it seems that the state I left myself in stopping V1 made me go into more and more of a hole in a way.
Have had little desire to socialize, and since breaking up with the girl I was seeing like 4/5 months ago i've lost one big social outlet, alot of the group. And while trying to deal with this big 'sabotage' thing I have a while ago as I haven't been able to find a hypnotist that can deal with it, and most of them say the same old shit "it's not that, it's something else" and the same thing derailing their sessions i've been trying to deal with it myself. Sadly what I did fucked up alot of my past programming from AM, LTU, UH and such in a manner I didn't expect and I lost alot of my deservingness type programming and masculinity programming.. and was hanging around more a more low quality group and accepting it, you know the kind of people doing drugs all the time (not hardcore, but potheads, I still don't want to be around that), trailer trash types. Not that I ever have any desire to do drugs, but I want to be surrounded by higher quality positive people like I was before.
Plus I may have mentioned I went to a martial arts seminar a few months ago. I travelled to the city which I haven't done for ages, due to trauma and fear stopping me really venturing out. I kind of had a 'reversal' after that and fear come back more even though the trip and seminar was awesome. And then stopping v1 seems to have sent me back more.
I was trying something else to deal with that sabotage, but after a month last night I was like "fuck it i'm starting OGSF v2". Plus there's another seminar next month, and another thing in december and I need to really get over this fear to do these things.
It's not the whole answer as it's likely a lifelong thing. But a big chunk of this is since I did security for years and the axe incident (most current members won't be aware of this, i'm okay talking about it if you're curious) I had outside of work but it happened due to the job.. this has been there for years. On and off isolating myself, get really social for a while and then go back to feeling antisocial.. it just makes me not feel safe in the world, not want to go out and really engage with life and do these things I want to do.
It's also kind of funny in my martial arts training we do stuff like fully yell at each other aggressively, push each other around, when I had a 3rd person 2 people doing the same thing to learn to deal with that fear and I actually enjoy it and it gets me pumped. But go talk to a girl, or really go and engage with life.. nah. Plus the crazy situations I was in doing security that I survived and got through, and now these stupid fears stopping me. Though yes those situations and that job are also responsible for this issue.
I was more social than in a long time due to LTU, OF v3, UH and such.. but seem to have ruined some of that programming. It seems this sabotage leads me to do so aswell.

I'll write about the first night tomorrow, as i'm up even later now cos I wanted to write this, plus I can't think right now to type it up properly and i'll have to refer to my written journal.
I don't want to.. but just as I was about to turn off my computer I thought "I'll delete Starfield again". I want to keep playing for days and days more, and it's getting especially exciting. Keeping it on my computer and saying "I won't play it" doesn't work, it's kind of like leaving drugs on your kitchen table and saying "I won't take them" if you're addicted.
Ok I just done so, I hope V2 helps lessen these desires for porn and games. Obviously fear based as both are an escape from the world.
Started OGSF v2 - Wednesday 20/9/23. Usage as described on page for now.
Last Day Of Listening - 9/2/24.
Also Baldurs Gate 3, combine with Starfield now especially.. i've got too much into playing them. I read a book about how porn is a hyper reality and makes you uninterested in other things in life, and feeilng like you can't be bothered. Well I decided to stop porn after that, then I realized games are the same. In the past after like 30 or 40 hours i'd have finished the game but Starfield is extremely massive. It's been enough that twice i've deleted it, and twice downloaded the whole 120gb again.
I thought I was okay, I deleted it and started to want to go and do stuff. Went out last sunday to a market and the beach, and the frustration and fear that seems unconquerable around girls, especially in bikinis I went on the biggest porn binge in a while, then spent like 2 days playing stupid adult games. Then deleted them and have been playing Starfield. I've been getting my usual daily things done still, but not much desire to socialize. A few days worked out several hours later than usual, and been regularly staying up an hour or so later because I can't stop playing.
So basically it seems that the state I left myself in stopping V1 made me go into more and more of a hole in a way.
Have had little desire to socialize, and since breaking up with the girl I was seeing like 4/5 months ago i've lost one big social outlet, alot of the group. And while trying to deal with this big 'sabotage' thing I have a while ago as I haven't been able to find a hypnotist that can deal with it, and most of them say the same old shit "it's not that, it's something else" and the same thing derailing their sessions i've been trying to deal with it myself. Sadly what I did fucked up alot of my past programming from AM, LTU, UH and such in a manner I didn't expect and I lost alot of my deservingness type programming and masculinity programming.. and was hanging around more a more low quality group and accepting it, you know the kind of people doing drugs all the time (not hardcore, but potheads, I still don't want to be around that), trailer trash types. Not that I ever have any desire to do drugs, but I want to be surrounded by higher quality positive people like I was before.
Plus I may have mentioned I went to a martial arts seminar a few months ago. I travelled to the city which I haven't done for ages, due to trauma and fear stopping me really venturing out. I kind of had a 'reversal' after that and fear come back more even though the trip and seminar was awesome. And then stopping v1 seems to have sent me back more.
I was trying something else to deal with that sabotage, but after a month last night I was like "fuck it i'm starting OGSF v2". Plus there's another seminar next month, and another thing in december and I need to really get over this fear to do these things.
It's not the whole answer as it's likely a lifelong thing. But a big chunk of this is since I did security for years and the axe incident (most current members won't be aware of this, i'm okay talking about it if you're curious) I had outside of work but it happened due to the job.. this has been there for years. On and off isolating myself, get really social for a while and then go back to feeling antisocial.. it just makes me not feel safe in the world, not want to go out and really engage with life and do these things I want to do.
It's also kind of funny in my martial arts training we do stuff like fully yell at each other aggressively, push each other around, when I had a 3rd person 2 people doing the same thing to learn to deal with that fear and I actually enjoy it and it gets me pumped. But go talk to a girl, or really go and engage with life.. nah. Plus the crazy situations I was in doing security that I survived and got through, and now these stupid fears stopping me. Though yes those situations and that job are also responsible for this issue.
I was more social than in a long time due to LTU, OF v3, UH and such.. but seem to have ruined some of that programming. It seems this sabotage leads me to do so aswell.

I'll write about the first night tomorrow, as i'm up even later now cos I wanted to write this, plus I can't think right now to type it up properly and i'll have to refer to my written journal.
I don't want to.. but just as I was about to turn off my computer I thought "I'll delete Starfield again". I want to keep playing for days and days more, and it's getting especially exciting. Keeping it on my computer and saying "I won't play it" doesn't work, it's kind of like leaving drugs on your kitchen table and saying "I won't take them" if you're addicted.
Ok I just done so, I hope V2 helps lessen these desires for porn and games. Obviously fear based as both are an escape from the world.
Started OGSF v2 - Wednesday 20/9/23. Usage as described on page for now.
Last Day Of Listening - 9/2/24.