Thanks man,
It's definately hard for me to drop the expectations. I've not been able to do that with anything pretty much, i'm not even sure how to.
But it is interesting, these 2 things the workout stuff and the attention I got were what I noticed from PM. I had hoped for the workout stuff, didn't necessarily expect that attention but liked it, until the resistance come up. Those are the things i've noticed the most, along with it directing me away from social media and similar bs and the think skin thing.
Interesting analogy. I guess the challenge with PM is that it's more 'self defined' which I attempted to work with by writing a detailed document of what Masculinity is to me.. but i'm not sure it's fully using that, though parts of it have made progress.
Doing the higher amount of loops is what seems to have got me results, Shannon had said a few times to experiment with a higher amount and i've been getting the urges from autoconfig. Though after reading your post I had a thought "hmm, if this sabotage is coming up so much, could it also be convincing me to do an amount of loops that isn't helpful".
Though last night seems to disprove that thought. I'll write that in a seperate post.
It's definately hard for me to drop the expectations. I've not been able to do that with anything pretty much, i'm not even sure how to.
But it is interesting, these 2 things the workout stuff and the attention I got were what I noticed from PM. I had hoped for the workout stuff, didn't necessarily expect that attention but liked it, until the resistance come up. Those are the things i've noticed the most, along with it directing me away from social media and similar bs and the think skin thing.
Interesting analogy. I guess the challenge with PM is that it's more 'self defined' which I attempted to work with by writing a detailed document of what Masculinity is to me.. but i'm not sure it's fully using that, though parts of it have made progress.
Doing the higher amount of loops is what seems to have got me results, Shannon had said a few times to experiment with a higher amount and i've been getting the urges from autoconfig. Though after reading your post I had a thought "hmm, if this sabotage is coming up so much, could it also be convincing me to do an amount of loops that isn't helpful".
Though last night seems to disprove that thought. I'll write that in a seperate post.