Backstory: Ok so I am creating a journal to force myself to be accountable and also to keep track of my progress. I have been listening MLS 5.5G from November so almost 5 months now. I started listening to it because I want to have my own business and thought MLS would be a good choice (apart from BASE). But I travel often and BASE is a 6-stager sub which would really make it inconvenient for me to listen to it according to Shannon`s instructions.
MLS results so far: I have definitely not turned into Bradley Cooper from Limitless
However unfortunately I did have a personal issue happen to me which set me back a lot in every way. So there really was little chance to actually see how MLS would help me in my business which was the reason I started listening to it in the first place. I also assume that I have been resisting it in some form. What I have noticed in general is my increased thirst for knowledge and improving myself in all aspects. I have been reading a lot of books, articles etc. Every now and then I would come up effortlessly with an excellent solution to some issue which has been there forever. And then I would think to myself "It was so obvious...why didn`t I think of it before?" My friend even commented one time "wow, you are really on a roll today". I have also been comprehending easier some difficult things. Like...things click faster in my head...if that makes any sense. Also, I read Shannon`s answer to Jake`s question which was "You need to take personal responsibility and do this yourself, not rely on a sub." I believe I have been doing this on a certain level. Hence, this journal.
The Plan: I am posting it here so if I don`t stick to it, I will look and feel like a complete idiot.
Rule no. 1: Wake up at 6am
Out of 30/31 days in the month, wake up at 6am at least 25 times. To wake up at 6am you need to be asleep by 10:30 pm. That gives you a healthy 7.5 hours of sleep. If you fall asleep later than 10:30pm, you still have to get up at 6am. If you feel tired and sleep deprived, take a 20 minute nap in the afternoon or just suck it up and get to bed earlier the following night.
Rule no.2: Have a morning routine
Morning routine will consist of the following:
- hot/cold shower
- 5 tibetan rites
- meditation (15 mins for now)
- quick gratitude journaling
- listen to a motivational video from Youtube or dance to an upbeat song (I know the dancing part sounds cheesy but whenever I do it randomly, it really sets me in a great mood)
- make your bed immediately, not 5 hours later
Rule no.3: Work on your business every day
Every day, no exceptions. Even if it`s only 5 mins. It`s 11:45pm and you still haven`t done anything towards your dream? Tough shit. You still have 15 mins left until midnight to work on it. No excuses.
Rule no. 4: Running
Run everyday for 30 mins. You can do more but you can`t do less. Only allowed to skip it if sick or if it`s pouring rain all day long. Run in the evenings, around 7-8pm. If not possible then, adjust it according to social activities and run whenever possible.
Rule no.5: Learn something new every day
There are some excellent Youtube channels with crash courses on every topic you can imagine. There is so much you don`t know. The goal is 15 mins per day. You can do more but you can`t do less.
Bedtime routine:
- be in bed by 10pm
- read something to wind down (Physical books and/or quality newspapers, not e-books. Don`t read any more personal development books. But you can re-read what you already have in physical form. Remember that knowledge is not power until it`s applied.)
Note to myself:
- write down here my thoughts and experience
- if you need a reality check, listen to this video until it sinks in:
- if you fail to adhere to the plan, forgive yourself and move on. Don`t be a perfectionist. Doing anything is better that doing nothing at all.
- you can only watch your favorite TV shows after you have done your work for the day (business-wise)
Let`s roll baby
MLS results so far: I have definitely not turned into Bradley Cooper from Limitless

The Plan: I am posting it here so if I don`t stick to it, I will look and feel like a complete idiot.
Rule no. 1: Wake up at 6am
Out of 30/31 days in the month, wake up at 6am at least 25 times. To wake up at 6am you need to be asleep by 10:30 pm. That gives you a healthy 7.5 hours of sleep. If you fall asleep later than 10:30pm, you still have to get up at 6am. If you feel tired and sleep deprived, take a 20 minute nap in the afternoon or just suck it up and get to bed earlier the following night.
Rule no.2: Have a morning routine
Morning routine will consist of the following:
- hot/cold shower
- 5 tibetan rites
- meditation (15 mins for now)
- quick gratitude journaling
- listen to a motivational video from Youtube or dance to an upbeat song (I know the dancing part sounds cheesy but whenever I do it randomly, it really sets me in a great mood)
- make your bed immediately, not 5 hours later
Rule no.3: Work on your business every day
Every day, no exceptions. Even if it`s only 5 mins. It`s 11:45pm and you still haven`t done anything towards your dream? Tough shit. You still have 15 mins left until midnight to work on it. No excuses.
Rule no. 4: Running
Run everyday for 30 mins. You can do more but you can`t do less. Only allowed to skip it if sick or if it`s pouring rain all day long. Run in the evenings, around 7-8pm. If not possible then, adjust it according to social activities and run whenever possible.
Rule no.5: Learn something new every day
There are some excellent Youtube channels with crash courses on every topic you can imagine. There is so much you don`t know. The goal is 15 mins per day. You can do more but you can`t do less.
Bedtime routine:
- be in bed by 10pm
- read something to wind down (Physical books and/or quality newspapers, not e-books. Don`t read any more personal development books. But you can re-read what you already have in physical form. Remember that knowledge is not power until it`s applied.)
Note to myself:
- write down here my thoughts and experience
- if you need a reality check, listen to this video until it sinks in:
- if you fail to adhere to the plan, forgive yourself and move on. Don`t be a perfectionist. Doing anything is better that doing nothing at all.
- you can only watch your favorite TV shows after you have done your work for the day (business-wise)
Let`s roll baby