12-26-2015, 08:28 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-26-2015, 08:28 PM by cashmerecat.)
Hi everyone,
I'm new here and before Subliminal Shop, I've had no experience with audio subliminal. I am always open minded and like to experiment so I was really excited to try it out. Started with the free ASC, it was intense! I could see the effect after a few days: I walked straighter, could hold the gaze with people for longer, was not afraid to speak my mind. I stopped it after 3 weeks because I was already naturally very aggressive for a woman and it brought out more aggression in me which I didn't like.
Recently, I met someone who I thought was the one, but it ended much faster than I was ready for. Not sure why but it made me want to go for Luck Magnifier. Might seem unrelated but luck has always been very important to me my whole life and I consider myself a very lucky person. I guess I just wanted to hold on to something I have and maybe even magnify it when I felt so lost after breaking up with this person. I also believe in "thoughts attracting things" so I thought it would help with my manifestation.
I have been running Luck Magnifier for 34 days now (1 week - 5 day break because I was on a trip + 4 weeks). 10-16 hours everyday. Ultrasonic on my laptop speakers at home and Trickling Stream on headphones when I commute / am at work.
I've noticed more synchronicity, things just happen to fall into place for me and people going out of their way to help me. But the most notable "luck" was a new job opportunity. I just got a new job recently which bumped up my pay for more than 50% but the environment is not the best and the boss is picking on me over trivial things. At the same time this company found me on LinkedIn and called me for an interview. The job scopes seemed perfect for me as it was something I have a lot of experience in. I asked for an even higher salary, it was at a range that a year ago I could only dream about. They are sending me a test early this January, and if they liked what I could do...I'd be hired. So it seems to me that the first new job is just a perfect stepping stone to my ideal job, thanks to it I could ask for a better salary, and thanks to it not being perfect I decided to go for the interview! Wish me luck...
I've decided to run LM for a while more or until I get the job...then maybe switch to AYP boyfriend or husband.
I'm new here and before Subliminal Shop, I've had no experience with audio subliminal. I am always open minded and like to experiment so I was really excited to try it out. Started with the free ASC, it was intense! I could see the effect after a few days: I walked straighter, could hold the gaze with people for longer, was not afraid to speak my mind. I stopped it after 3 weeks because I was already naturally very aggressive for a woman and it brought out more aggression in me which I didn't like.
Recently, I met someone who I thought was the one, but it ended much faster than I was ready for. Not sure why but it made me want to go for Luck Magnifier. Might seem unrelated but luck has always been very important to me my whole life and I consider myself a very lucky person. I guess I just wanted to hold on to something I have and maybe even magnify it when I felt so lost after breaking up with this person. I also believe in "thoughts attracting things" so I thought it would help with my manifestation.
I have been running Luck Magnifier for 34 days now (1 week - 5 day break because I was on a trip + 4 weeks). 10-16 hours everyday. Ultrasonic on my laptop speakers at home and Trickling Stream on headphones when I commute / am at work.
I've noticed more synchronicity, things just happen to fall into place for me and people going out of their way to help me. But the most notable "luck" was a new job opportunity. I just got a new job recently which bumped up my pay for more than 50% but the environment is not the best and the boss is picking on me over trivial things. At the same time this company found me on LinkedIn and called me for an interview. The job scopes seemed perfect for me as it was something I have a lot of experience in. I asked for an even higher salary, it was at a range that a year ago I could only dream about. They are sending me a test early this January, and if they liked what I could do...I'd be hired. So it seems to me that the first new job is just a perfect stepping stone to my ideal job, thanks to it I could ask for a better salary, and thanks to it not being perfect I decided to go for the interview! Wish me luck...

I've decided to run LM for a while more or until I get the job...then maybe switch to AYP boyfriend or husband.