Spoke to that girl from yesterday, keeping my frame as just being there for her. Because that's what I want. Not to intentionally break people up. She knows where to find me. I feel compelled to do some of the things I did during AM6. Re build my life. But i'm taking things as they come and appear right because I still stand by the principle of focusing on sex during this time. I can divide my efforts from one to the other. For example, when you run a sub related to sex it wouldn't make sense to consciously focus on work, but obviously they both go hand in hand, so trying to balance out both along with everything else going in my head to make decisive decisions. Feeling very horny. Talking to many girls online. Going to go out today soon to see how this days programming is
The girl just asked me to come see her at work. wow we'll see how it goes
The girl just asked me to come see her at work. wow we'll see how it goes