03-03-2016, 04:53 PM
Upswing from last night. I feel like the big Mack when I go to all my usual places, wether it's the gym, restaurants or other places. Sort of like going to that place where everyone knows your name. I quickly demonstrated my powerful self improvement around the group of friends I met that was mentioned earlier in this journal. I thought they were high value but in reality they were buying the pleasures of life like the company of women and even their social circle. It was evident that these people weren't as authentic as me when I rejected one of their ideas and they got extremely defensive and immature. We but heads like lions do but not resorting to screaming in another's face makes you the higher value. I'm starting to believe I met these friends to get out of my social shell. In a lot of areas I'm performing at a competitive level. Instead of only relying on self validation I'm pushing myself to succeed like never before. In the gym so that I can achieve my goals Which is important to my life. Women are just there in my social environment. They know I'm high value so they're receptive to my approach or show extreme comfort or initiate conversation. I'm still a bit wary of the unknown so I'm cranking up the subliminal swoooooooshhhh