08-04-2011, 07:35 PM
Lol, I knew that it wasn't a real word but "regardless" didn't sound right to me as I was writing it so I just sticked to it. I especially didn't suspected anyone objecting to my use of that 'word' here, and if anyone would I could also use the petty excuse that English isn't my first language
But still, from now on I'll never use "irregardlessly" in a proper sentence ever again. Lesson learned.
I was still in the process of writing my summary and properly translating my notes for Stage 1, but I already made the switch to Stage 2 today with the aim of following the instructions properly as they are intended (with the exception of listening to the program for a total of 10 instead of 8 hours a day). I did believe that I had too many issues and negative inhibiting beliefs that could possibly interfere and undermine during later stages, but I won't know if this is true until after I finished the program. So there's not much sense in worrying about it in the meantime.

I was still in the process of writing my summary and properly translating my notes for Stage 1, but I already made the switch to Stage 2 today with the aim of following the instructions properly as they are intended (with the exception of listening to the program for a total of 10 instead of 8 hours a day). I did believe that I had too many issues and negative inhibiting beliefs that could possibly interfere and undermine during later stages, but I won't know if this is true until after I finished the program. So there's not much sense in worrying about it in the meantime.