04-26-2016, 05:40 AM
JG reporting in!
*On Stage 6 of AM 6.0
I believe that it is during this last stage of the sub that I am seeing substantial changes. First off even my colleagues have seen that I have changed. It is a bit negative though as one of them frankly said to me that I have become more boastful and rowdy. I am affected by it but something inside me is telling me to shrug it off. In reality, I felt that all this time some of my colleagues especially the women have been using me. I am a gentleman in front of them, the one bringing them their food when we eat outside, doing favours for them and even giving them presents on special occasions. I felt that all this time, I never really needed them as a friend but they needed me a lot. It's like I'm not getting anything in return for the favours that I have been doing for them. I'm sounding selfish really and it's far from the nice guy that I was. My only hope was what I am turning into is for the best.
Your post is really inspiring. My best streak was almost three months of No Porn and No Fap. I hope I am able to surpass it this time. How long have you used Overcome Pornography Addiction 4G before you finally stopped it and said I won't watch porn ever again? What about with the Stop Masturbating 4G?
I've been looking at them to give both a try after my AM 6.0 journey but also I would also want to go to undergo the Women Magnet 6.0 subliminal set.
Thanks and I wish you all the best as well.
JG out!
*On Stage 6 of AM 6.0
I believe that it is during this last stage of the sub that I am seeing substantial changes. First off even my colleagues have seen that I have changed. It is a bit negative though as one of them frankly said to me that I have become more boastful and rowdy. I am affected by it but something inside me is telling me to shrug it off. In reality, I felt that all this time some of my colleagues especially the women have been using me. I am a gentleman in front of them, the one bringing them their food when we eat outside, doing favours for them and even giving them presents on special occasions. I felt that all this time, I never really needed them as a friend but they needed me a lot. It's like I'm not getting anything in return for the favours that I have been doing for them. I'm sounding selfish really and it's far from the nice guy that I was. My only hope was what I am turning into is for the best.
(04-23-2016, 05:30 AM)CatMan Wrote: Quitting porn and masturbation have been amazing decisions for me.
I needed subs to help me do it though, I couldn't break my addictions alone.
Overcome Pornography Addiction 4G. Stop Masturbating 4G.
Use both, one at a time. I'd get rid of porn first, it has effects on the brain that take a long time to heal, so it's best to do it first. Then, follow up with ridding yourself of masturbation.
A lot of things in life will change after that. I'm at day 317 of no PMO, and day 147 of nofap. If *I* can do it, anybody can, since I was horribly addicted to both, moreso masturbation.
I wish you the best!
Your post is really inspiring. My best streak was almost three months of No Porn and No Fap. I hope I am able to surpass it this time. How long have you used Overcome Pornography Addiction 4G before you finally stopped it and said I won't watch porn ever again? What about with the Stop Masturbating 4G?
I've been looking at them to give both a try after my AM 6.0 journey but also I would also want to go to undergo the Women Magnet 6.0 subliminal set.
Thanks and I wish you all the best as well.
JG out!

"Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent."