10-11-2017, 02:03 AM
Day 57
So in the spirit of returning to what this place should be about, which is posting and sharing and learning from each other's journeys, I will post today!
I've been running MLS religiously still. This week it feels like MLS is starting to manifest some clearer effects.
1. I was able to recall my credit card number and put it in when buying something, rather than having to fish the card out and read from it. This might sound like a small thing, but I could never do it before.
2. During dance class, I was able to remember new sets better than before. I am a good dancer, but my weakness has always been my slow memory. I have always been among the slower bunch, but now I am among the faster bunch. This is awesome.
3. When choreographing for my upcoming performance, I am now able to choreograph new movements much quicker than before. When I just started 4/5 weeks ago, I took a whole hour to choreograph 2 minutes of content. It's very fast movements so it's a lot of content, but still. This week I took 20 minutes to extend it by 1 minute. So it's a big improvement. New ideas just flow much more freely.
So I am very excited about running MLS long term. To be able to grasp things that took you longer last time, even just a little bit, is a priceless thing!
I have also become much more introverted, I am turning back into my old self where I was very content daydreaming and enjoying my thoughts by myself. I am so much in my head nowadays that yesterday when drawing money from the ATM, I forgot to take the cash before I left!
On the life front, things have been on hibernation. It seems like most people on this forum is affected by this bad cycle. In terms of results with women, I am also affected. I feel no desire to get new women. I only have one FWB now, and I don't enjoy sex with her. My thoughts are now on defining and creating my sexuality. These thoughts started earlier in this MLS run and were reinforced by Duke's posts. I want to gain clarity on who am I as a sexual person and what kind of sexuality I enjoy. I want to find ways to express my sexuality such that it oozes out of me. Nowadays when I interact with girls (in dance for e.g), I don't think of how to impress them or look cool to them, I focus solely on how to express my sexuality and amuse myself. I crack sexual jokes freely and laugh out loud. I actually get better reactions from them, some girls actually went near us because I was having so much fun and they literally said "we feel excluded and we have FOMO", but I find that I don't gain enjoyment from their reactions anymore, but more from my own state.
Also, I increasingly find that I enjoy it a lot when a girl is proactive during sex. I get bored to death these days with my FWB. She's a dead fish during sex. I have felt an increasingly stronger urge to go back to the hos. In my country, a hot, young and very skillful ho can be had for as low as $50. Despite our clean and professional image, Singapore has a world class prostitution scene. Even the least skillful ho is much better at sex than most of the girls I found through tinder. Currently I don't need a deep emotional connection, or any connection at all. I just need good sex, and hos is looking more and more like a time-efficient solution to that. We'll see.
On the business front, things are chugging along just fine. I recently expanded into Europe, and I will be launching a new product in around 2 weeks. Sales are moving up slowly and steadily. October is here and sometimes I get the holiday spikes sprinkled in here and there. For e.g yesterday was an unusually good day (that's becoming less unusual), I made almost $3K. Can't wait for Nov and Dec!!
So MLS has been a smooth operator in my world. In this period I am quietly building my wealth and discovering my sexuality. Riding out the cycle. Setting the stage for an explosion when I eventually switch to DMSI 3.2. The sun will rise again.
P.S. So sorry to see RTB and Duke go. Their words have changed my life in no small ways. Wishing you all the best, brothers!
So in the spirit of returning to what this place should be about, which is posting and sharing and learning from each other's journeys, I will post today!
I've been running MLS religiously still. This week it feels like MLS is starting to manifest some clearer effects.
1. I was able to recall my credit card number and put it in when buying something, rather than having to fish the card out and read from it. This might sound like a small thing, but I could never do it before.
2. During dance class, I was able to remember new sets better than before. I am a good dancer, but my weakness has always been my slow memory. I have always been among the slower bunch, but now I am among the faster bunch. This is awesome.
3. When choreographing for my upcoming performance, I am now able to choreograph new movements much quicker than before. When I just started 4/5 weeks ago, I took a whole hour to choreograph 2 minutes of content. It's very fast movements so it's a lot of content, but still. This week I took 20 minutes to extend it by 1 minute. So it's a big improvement. New ideas just flow much more freely.
So I am very excited about running MLS long term. To be able to grasp things that took you longer last time, even just a little bit, is a priceless thing!
I have also become much more introverted, I am turning back into my old self where I was very content daydreaming and enjoying my thoughts by myself. I am so much in my head nowadays that yesterday when drawing money from the ATM, I forgot to take the cash before I left!

On the life front, things have been on hibernation. It seems like most people on this forum is affected by this bad cycle. In terms of results with women, I am also affected. I feel no desire to get new women. I only have one FWB now, and I don't enjoy sex with her. My thoughts are now on defining and creating my sexuality. These thoughts started earlier in this MLS run and were reinforced by Duke's posts. I want to gain clarity on who am I as a sexual person and what kind of sexuality I enjoy. I want to find ways to express my sexuality such that it oozes out of me. Nowadays when I interact with girls (in dance for e.g), I don't think of how to impress them or look cool to them, I focus solely on how to express my sexuality and amuse myself. I crack sexual jokes freely and laugh out loud. I actually get better reactions from them, some girls actually went near us because I was having so much fun and they literally said "we feel excluded and we have FOMO", but I find that I don't gain enjoyment from their reactions anymore, but more from my own state.
Also, I increasingly find that I enjoy it a lot when a girl is proactive during sex. I get bored to death these days with my FWB. She's a dead fish during sex. I have felt an increasingly stronger urge to go back to the hos. In my country, a hot, young and very skillful ho can be had for as low as $50. Despite our clean and professional image, Singapore has a world class prostitution scene. Even the least skillful ho is much better at sex than most of the girls I found through tinder. Currently I don't need a deep emotional connection, or any connection at all. I just need good sex, and hos is looking more and more like a time-efficient solution to that. We'll see.
On the business front, things are chugging along just fine. I recently expanded into Europe, and I will be launching a new product in around 2 weeks. Sales are moving up slowly and steadily. October is here and sometimes I get the holiday spikes sprinkled in here and there. For e.g yesterday was an unusually good day (that's becoming less unusual), I made almost $3K. Can't wait for Nov and Dec!!
So MLS has been a smooth operator in my world. In this period I am quietly building my wealth and discovering my sexuality. Riding out the cycle. Setting the stage for an explosion when I eventually switch to DMSI 3.2. The sun will rise again.
P.S. So sorry to see RTB and Duke go. Their words have changed my life in no small ways. Wishing you all the best, brothers!