03-21-2015, 01:37 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-30-2015, 08:31 PM by GlaizenGold777.)
:: Aura Explanation ::
(03-30-2015, 08:13 PM)Shannon Wrote:Quote:I've seen you use the term 'energy' numerous times. I
understand there are different types of energy. But what
I don't understand is what do they do, how can we use
them greatly in our favour , do they interact with each
other ?
With reference to "auras" and your question of how best to use them... if they do exist, and I'm fairly certain they do, putting them to use can be as simple as choosing to have a positive mindset. That should be enough to influence your auras and make you more approachable to others. That of course would permeate your actions, choices, body language and so forth, and it would be hard to pick out the effects of "auras". But basically, as far as I can tell, we have these auras (some call them "energy bodies") and we seem to charge and polarize them (or maybe some of them) according to our thoughts, beliefs, actions, reactions, emotional state and so on. The result seems to be that we have a way to sense and communicate at subconscious levels within a small area close to the body that we might not be consciously aware of, but which can influence the perceptions and responses of others, and perhaps even their thoughts. I don't know if they interact with eachother within your own aura or auras, but I am sure that it makes sense for the energy fields of two or more people to interact in some way, for some reason.
Quote:I mean if we listen to subliminals 10 hours a
day, would that deplete our energy as a whole, would
that ,let's say, reduce our physical energy and lower our
weightlifting results?
If memory serves, the formal definition of energy is the force required to accomplish work. If you have a certain amount of energy potential in a given day, based on your health, caloric intake, etc. you can use that energy in various ways. If on a normal day you expend a hypothetical 5% of your energy for the day by radiating heat, do you suppose that it's going to affect your energy reserves for weightlifting?
Now let's say that you instruct your subconscious mind to generate one or more auras that are adjusted to accomplish goals 1 through 7. If such things do exist, and your subconscious mind complies, they must either be created and maintained, or their energy must be "polarized" toward the accomplishment of the stated goals. Either way, this will require some energy; how much, I do not know. I also don't know how much it might reduce your physical energy in general, but given the nature of such "fine and light" energy, I would presume that it would not be much. More likely to make you mentally tired.
Quote:Let's say if I am lifting weights
and doing some Type C subliminal, would that mean
that the results of both 'activities' ( lifting weights -
grow taller sub for example) slow each other down +
listening to the subliminal uses energy that could be
used for weightlifting purposes ?
No. Type C subs are telling your subconscious mind to adjust your physical body in some way. Once that instruction set is understood by the subconscious, if it is accepted and acted upon, the subconscious adjusts your normal daily physiology to accomplish that goal. If that has an impact on weightlifting, it should be minimal and to the point of undetectable, because the natural physiological processes operate slowly and gradually.
What about normal people emitting auras ? Have they
created auras somehow ? I mean they have not
instructed their SubConscious mind to create an aura for
them .
It is my understanding that we all have body heat and electromagnetic "auras" or energy fields surrounding us. If there are auras of other types of energy too, then it would make sense that "normal people" would be projecting such also. If it exists, it would be automatic and universal, likely as a function of life itself.
Quote:Right now I don't have an aura for the simple
reason that I don't use an aura subliminal but too many
women in my university (not only there, of course ) seem to be
affected by some kind of an aura of sexiness that i
could be projecting. It's strange cuz this is exactly what
I want - I want every woman to check me out and
desire me . And this is what is happening -they are
smiling in a naughty way ,touching me strangely , admiring me , even older ones
10+ do it sometimes. Do 'unsublimited' people create
auras ? What does your researches conclude ?
Again... it does not require a subliminal to have an aura. The subliminals are designed to adjust and direct the aura toward specific end goals. If you have the right qualities n other ways, you can get much the same results. Pheromones, self confidence, body language, looks, training, etc. etc.
(03-21-2015, 08:14 PM)Shannon Wrote:Quote:Auras - Projections - Belief System - Subconscious mind
Something has been bothering me lately . The power of the subconscios mind is .. limitless , almost. No doubt . But how this auras of sexiness, SM auras actually work I mean it sounds waaaaay exagarated . Yeah , your body language Mau change , your facial expressions , ur attitude and actions , bUt do auras really like exist ?
You have an aura of energy around you right now that can be seen with thermographic cameras and of course some types of thermometers. You have one that can be measured with electromagnetometers. Inceed, EEG and EKG are specialized variants of these electromagnetometers.
Why can we not have energies being projected from our bodies, minds and/or emotions that are able to affect those around us? Certainly you have noted that some people, regardless of what they look like to the naked eye, are difficult to make a good or bad photograph of, depending on whether or not they are "photogenic"? Or that certain personality types are difficult to photograph because their mood affects the image so much? If not, then as a former professional portraiture photographer, take me at my word that such things happen. "Photogenic" is not just about how symetrical a face is, or how well someone knows how to pose or move or follow directions. It also has to do with how the person interacts with the light and the recording medium, apparently in ways we do not yet have the capacity to measure or explain with "hard science".
Certainly you have noted that when you stare at someone they have a tendency to look back at you, even when there is no reason they should know you are looking at them? I have seen that a thousand times if I have seen it once while I am driving.
Certainly you have noticed that you have occasionally felt comfortable or uncomfortable with someone without ever speaking a word or knowing them previously?
These and other things have led me to the conclusion that it is plausible to conclude that there are energies which the human body emanates which are currently undetected by science, but that still exist and affect those around us.
Consider that the science now exists to read minds by observing brain activity patters and blood flow in the brain, and match those data to a database of previous scans which are recorded with known visual, audial or thought stimuli. Does it not make sense that if your brain is electromagnetic, that it is projecting your brain activity outside itself in some way? Indeed, again, EEGs crudely measure this from outside the body.
Is it not then possible that we have, at some subconscious level, developed the ability to sense these emanations and respond to them, even if subconsciously? It would seem to be a very plausible possibility considering the concept that it might help a creature survive when it might not otherwise.
As to definitively whether or not auras exist, I cannot give you hard scientific proof beyond what hard science can currently detect. But I can say that I have seen enough situations to believe it is plausible that auras of energy, whether physical, mental, emotional, or some other form (heat, electromagnetic, etc.) do exist, and that not all of them are currently detectable by current scientific sensory equipment.
Quote:Is really the SubC mind so powerful that the thoughts we send out create impulses which can be read by others ?
Are you familiar with the quantum physics concept that everything is part of a unified field of something that pre-exists even energy? The "zero point field"? If this is the case, then it would seem that everything is connected in some way, at a deeply fundamental level. Why then would it be so difficult to believe that our minds, bodies and/or emotions could express something that is detected and responded to by others? If quantum entanglement means that two atoms can become one atom that coexists in two places simultaneously, then why can't it be feasible that one person might be sharing atoms, or even molecules with someone else through entanglement? And, given how little we know about entanglement, is it perhaps possible that this could allow one person to influence, or be influenced by, another?
The model I work with based on my research and experimental observations is that there are several layers of consciousness, each being less focused as an individuality than the next. The so-called "conscious" mind is the most individually focused; then the subconscious mind, which appears to have access to sources of information other than the individual itself would have; then the "superconscious" mind, which appears to be sort of a collective awareness, and finally the universal mind, which would potentially correlate with the zero point field.
If this model is accurate, then all awareness is unified, but different levels of it's expression are more or less focused into individuality. It then becomes not just reasonable, but must be the case, that we are all aware of what all of the rest of us are thinking at some level below (or perhaps above) the normal level of consciousness.
The biggest issue people typically have with this concept when they are first presented with it is that they are so stuck in the rut of their concept that their conscious mind is all that exists of their awareness, that they cannot conceive of having any subconscious awareness or any awareness other than that which they experience as their "conscious mind". This often leads people to reject such possibilities.
Quote:Do the beliefs we hold which are in store for us REALLY attract those beliefs to us ( all these Attract your perfect _____ programs ) . Hm. what is the deal with these auras ?
Have you noticed that "birds of a feather flock together"? The concept of "like attracts like". When you are, for instance, a Harvard graduate, you will naturally tend to surround yourself with persons who have a similar background. These of course are the people with whom you share understanding and rapport. And the same goes for, say, people who share any other particular type of interest, experience, etc. Consider Alcoholics Anonymous. Consider the feminist movement. Consider how high schoolers tend to prefer the company of other high schoolers to middle schoolers, or how high school seniors prefer the company of other seniors to the lower classes.
All of these are examples of "like attracts like". Now consider that "like" frequently starts in the mind, with one's belief system. If one believes one is of a certain level of worth, one will tend to validate that belief by seeking out others of that same level of belief, or those who, while of a different level of self worth belief, can in some way still validate their own belief of their level of self worth. This is largely why recreational drug users hate using drugs alone, or will even go out of their way to pay for the drugs someone else is using so they can have everyone present also using with them.
Now this may be done consciously, and it may be done subconsciously, and it may even be done through the various layers of awareness that our conscious mind is largely or wholly unaware of. If there is a level of awareness that connects all human awareness into one mind, why would it be so difficult to believe that two focal points of awareness (what we would call "individuals", "selves", or conscious minds) could not be brought together by that group consciousness?
Quote:Hope we can make a discussion out of this and come up with a common sense , logical answer. Hope Matteson will see this and help
Generally, I prefer that if you are going to address me by my last name, that you use the title Mr.
Hopefully, you can see that my use of subliminal scripting to manipulate auras is not just coming out of left field. This has roots in some aspects of quantum physics as well as things I have observed, and experiments I have done.
Whether or not the auras exist, or if the effects of trying to manipulate them are successful, is not something anyone can scientifically prove right now. But I have seen a lot of things that make me conclude that it is the most plausible explanation for them.
Of course it is also possible that some or all of this could be explained as subtle body language cues, pheromonal cues, or other things besides energy auras.
(07-15-2014, 09:59 AM)Shannon Wrote:(07-15-2014, 01:33 AM)swisston Wrote: The list of BASE inclusions is very exciting. The organisation/declutter/focus/productivity areas are the ones that will have the most impact on me I suspect.
I am interested in what 'Aura generation, resulting in maximum success in business and as an entrepreneur' would involve. For me, it would be useful if that includes AoS, as well as the more general charisma and authority auras.
My thinking behind this is that, as an entrepreneur, a lot will be based around my personal brand so building in the maximum appeal possible is important. Adding in a strong sex appeal would assist with getting clients, especially from the opposite sex.
The auric generation is going to be self optimizing/polymorphic. It will generate whatever auric effect would most benefit you toward achieving the goal. It will also shift in real time to self configure for the specific situation in which you find yourself. If sex appeal is it, boom, Sex appeal. If comforting is it, boom, comforting. If intimidating is it... well, you get the point.
(07-15-2014, 10:00 AM)Shannon Wrote:(07-15-2014, 03:10 AM)LionKing Wrote:(07-15-2014, 01:33 AM)swisston Wrote: I am interested in what 'Aura generation, resulting in maximum success in business and as an entrepreneur' would involve. For me, it would be useful if that includes AoS, as well as the more general charisma and authority auras.
Also, how would these aura generation aspects mix with those in SM3? I'm guessing there's a limit to what you can 'generate', so would running BASE/SM after SM/BASE overwrite the previous program? The program you're currently running would dominate, but what about after, would it be some sort of mix or situation dependent or what?
These will conflict on aura generation. As they should, really. Sex magnet is trying to get you laid, and BASE is trying to get you paid. The two are often mutually exclusive. Not much I can do about that.
However, BASE will install SOP (self optimizing polymorphic) aura generation, which may be much more compatible than I think.
(09-17-2014, 06:35 AM)Shannon Wrote:(09-17-2014, 12:53 AM)Clansy Wrote: Thank you for your answer. I have one more question. What would happen to BASE auras if after it I would do AM6?
Auras are dependent on dominant programming. Whatever programming is dominant will have the most impact. Whe/if you have two or more programs integrated enough to be fairly equal, they'll all be working, but you have a limit to the amount of energy you can use for auras.
(09-10-2014, 04:20 PM)Shannon Wrote:(09-10-2014, 12:14 PM)TheChosenOne Wrote: Shannon,
Will BASE "interrupt" other 6 Stage sets since it is 7 Stages ? In other words, is it too long for the refresher to work between AM6/WM/SM? You mentioned something about auras and compatibility between Money and Women and having a different focus in the subs
All of my 6 stage sets are 7 stages. The 7th Stage is always a refresher or advanced maintenance schedule that you can use as a long term "cruising" stage once you've "attained cruising altitude" with Stages 1 through 6.
If you don't want to use Stage 7, don't. If you want to use it as a refresher, that will need somewhere between 2 to 12 weeks, depending on various factors in play. Usually, 2-4 weeks is fine. It will only interrupt the six month pattern of you want it to.
The aura generation setup in BASE focuses on generating a polymorphic aura designed to shift itself to automagically match your current circumstances, and its focus is on making you as successful as possible as an entrepreneur. So if you're in a business meeting, it will shift to meet whatever it needs to be to make you as successful as possible. When you go down to have lunch afterwards, it will adjust to that situation as well with the same goal in mind, perhaps attracting people to talk to you who are valuable contacts, and so forth.
The aura it generates will de-focus the auras generated by AM and SM, and re-purpose that energy towards becoming a successful entrepreneur.
(09-11-2014, 04:51 AM)sebastian Wrote:(09-11-2014, 04:41 AM)Clansy Wrote: It would be best if you could keep WM/SM auras when you want to attract women and when you need business you would have BASE aura.
Not to forget the AM auras in everyday life.
(09-11-2014, 08:41 AM)Shannon Wrote: BASE is focused on getting you to become a successful entrepreneur. It doesn't give a flying rat's patoot about anything else. The aura it generates will polymorphically shift itself to whatever it needs to be for you to best achieve that goal. But the goal cannot be "becoming a successful entrepreneur, except when I wan to be a sex magnet, alpha male or some other thing focused in a different direction".
Pick your target. The run with it. Sometimes you have to put aside the pussy and focus on things that matter to get ahead in life. If that's not for you, then don't run BASE.
(09-13-2014, 11:37 AM)Shannon Wrote:(09-10-2014, 05:46 PM)DanAmerson Wrote:(09-10-2014, 04:20 PM)Shannon Wrote: The aura it generates will de-focus the auras generated by AM and SM, and re-purpose that energy towards becoming a successful entrepreneur.
Will I still be able to keep the AM/SM auras when I'm out socializing with women? I'd really like to use BASE right after SM, but it would be a shame that BASE immediately pulls apart what I've spent a year building up towards (AM&SM combined). Unless, you mean something different from "de-focus".
The AM/SM Auras will be there until they are dominated by the BASE aura. Once you stop refreshing them, and direct your subconscious mind to generate a different type of aura, the auras generated will depend on the amount of execution of the particular code in question. As you use BASE, the focus will be shifted away from the auras that AM/SM was generating because the instructions are to put that focus into a business related aura. So they should fade out within a month or two of starting BASE.
Clansy said:
Quote:It would be best if you could keep WM/SM auras when you want to attract women and when you need business you would have BASE aura.
It would be a distraction from BASE, and considering that not everyone is going to be running, or has run, AM/SM, that would not make sense to do. The goal of BASE is to become a successful entrepreneur, no matter what your gender, or age, or whatever else. Trying to preserve an aura (or maintain it) from Alpha Male or Sex Magnet For Men makes no sense. You have to go all in: do you want to become a successful entrepreneur, or not? Women and sex often become a distraction from business focus and success. Business makes you money. Achieving sex often reverses that flow. You want me to create a program that self contradicts. Sorry, mate, I can't do that.
However, whenever the BASE aura matches the AM/SM aura, that will come out, and it will be enhanced by having done those programs. For instance, if you are in a situation that requires an alpha presence, having done AM/AF will trigger that type of aura much more strongly and with much greater focus, through BASE's polymorphic aura than otherwise. And if you happen to be in a situation here having an aura from SM would help you become a successful entrepreneur (can't think of one, but whatever), then having run SM will make the resulting aura much stronger and more focused. But the ultimate goal of BASE is success in business, not success with women or sex.
Sebastian said:
Quote:I am curious. Let's say someone want to change the focus f.e. a year after running base for a while a bit more to women. Do the auras become reactivated just by running the (SM) refresher and then after a while running the BASE refresher again? Or is a run through the six stages required?
To the degree that the current input dominates according to repetition and impact, yes. You can reactivate them just by using the refresher, but it might require a month or more.
IronSmooth said:
Quote:Say one was to run BASE 5G, then AM6, then SM/WM. Back to back. Would BASE programming still be noticeable and/or evident? Or would a lot be overwritten.
Yes, it would be. However, it would require years to achieve a sort of overall equilibrium between all the scripts so that they all became generally present at all times, while just the one in play was "in focus". Probably 2-3 years of doing that.
Johnathan4all said:
Quote:Ok fine it diminishes SM /Am/WM's auras but will it still have all other characteristics or habits that we have built during the run? will it hamper that too? because goals are different money instead of women.
Those will remain and be strengthened that are for the achievement of the goal through self improvement. So most if not all of AM would remain, for example, while SM may fade out almost completely because AM is all about achievement through self improvement and SM is all about getting your dick wet. And as we know, business makes money, and getting to sex drains money.
Quote:Another thing I would like to know After AM I want to run, suppose, SM or WM for a while then go for BASE for 1 year. With the refresher, Can I get back WM zone back and will it interwoven if I build any success so far I have from BASE ?
You should be able to.
Quote:I was thinking instead of running SM/WM now it's better to run BASE and then AYP sub since SM/WM diminishes, if I use BASE which I have to use in the end anyway. I believe money is the biggest goal for any man compare to women's goal.In the end, we all need money !!
Then My mind says of course Shannon won't do anything that one subliminal loses all its power while listening another. May be only a little on aura part who knows.
I appreciate your answer Shannon.
There are laws of reality that Shannon cannot defy. If you turn your head left and focus on your left shoulder, you don't see your right shoulder. If you turn your head right and focus on your right shoulder, you don't see your left shoulder. When using subliminals, you must remember that what you are using will be dominating what you are not using as soon as it develops a large enough "snow pack" (see "Snowdrift Theory").
This is simply the nature of the beast. Unless they are in harmony with one another, the active one will e dominant to the one that is not being constantly activated once it achieves equal strength, as long as the repetitions continue.
athanas said:
Quote:The subs create unconscious habits in you while you're running them. And while BASE is running of course it is going to create different habits than what SM/WM did. Those SM/WM habits diminish over time as they don't get strengthened while the BASE habits continue to grow and get stronger.
But if you start SM/WM a second time after Base is done it's not like you start from scratch again. Yeah you might feel a bit "rusty" first, as you haven't used those habits for a long time so obviously you won't continue how you left the end of SM one year ago but it's going to be much faster, instead of having to completely recreate all the neural pathways SM just has to awaken the current dormant ones.
It's the same with most skills you train to an uncoscious competence level. You can get rusty but you'll never completely forget them.
But Shannon will probably clarifiy this soon better than I can.
Well said.
Dan Amerson said:
Quote:EDIT: The post below is basically asking: "Are service-based, person-based, or performance-based business covered by BASE?"
Given my specific "business desire", I might have a loophole to the entire 'Deactivate SM auras" concept.
Most businesses or websites I've started were to try to make money on the side to fund my music performances. It's really just a way to excuse myself from performing, as I'm "working on the business". Naturally, they peter out very quickly.
So I thought "Why not make myself the business, where my services in the form of live performances is the product, and planning these events is the business?"
I could come up with tons of ways to make money in this way, and ACTUALLY follow through.
The point I'm making is that when I'm performing live, I want sex appeal, joy, and a sense of mastery when I'm playing, hence playing off of SM.
When I'm booking shows, there's something else going on.
If that's not the case, that's fine, I get it; it's like working out the left arm for 6 months, and then stopping that completely and working out your right arm afterwards for 6 months. There's always the SM refresher, but I want to be able to blow off some steam if I want to, ala keep meeting great women, hanging out and hooking up. It's not like I become a nerd all over again, right? lol
The reason for the polymorphic nature of the aura that BASE generates is that it will auto-adapt itself to whatever is best for you, in your situation, at the current time, for achieving the goals of BASE. So if you need sex appeal, BAM! Sex appeal. If you need dominance, BAM! dominance. But you have to know that the program will focus you on the goals of the program, regardless of everything else.
You're not going to become a nerd all over again, but you won't be focused primarily on women unless that is your ticket to achieving the goals of BASE somehow.