03-05-2015, 03:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 03-21-2015, 03:31 AM by GlaizenGold777.)
:: Good to Know ::
(01-01-2014, 10:17 PM)Shannon Wrote: Getting more vivid and sometimes unusual dreams is a normal response to subliminals that are made properly, and is one piece of evidence that they are in fact having an effect. It's primarily that as you sleep, you are processing the instructions they're giving you.
Shannon Wrote:About Wrote:Shannon Wrote:About Wrote: Interesting you say that about the emotional issue. I have a body worker that I both work with and see for acupuncture and he says that I have emotional stuff/blockages going on too.
I don't understand what is blocked but it seems like if someone who can only read what I post here can sense that, there might be something going on. Thanks for the reply.
I'm not "sensing" a blockage or anything else. I'm going on my understanding of psychology on this one, and issues I have seen produce that effect and result in the past. I'm not saying those are the cause, I am suggesting them as things to consider.
Silly me. I thought you were a shaman of some sorts. :-p
Oh, don't get me wrong, I am aware beyond the five physical senses, but that requires that I have enough energy to do it. Being genuinely aware that way also means that I am not magically able to sense on command, or anything I want. It's a journey to mastering those senses. And while I am capable of sensing at any distance under the right circumstances, those circumstances are unusual for the conditions I find in this work.
So, since I usually don't have the right conditions, I rely on other sources of knowledge or awareness for the most part.
There are those who consider me to be a shaman. Depending on the definition, I suppose I am one. But my abilities work best in person, not sight unseen at a distance, and even then I am not unlimited in my ability to sense and understand what I sense. Some of the extrasensory abilities are very challenging to understand and interpret.
The reason I use the skills I do, when one option is not available, is because they all produce good, accurate results when used properly. I am usually pretty accurate, whether regarding extrasensory perception or the use of my understanding of logic and psychology, which is what allows me to switch off as I do from one to the other whenever I am unable to use one or the other. Usually, though, I rely on my logic and knowledge of psychology more than I rely on second senses.
Interestingly, though, when I went through chemotherapy, all my psychic senses shut down completely, and it was as if I was suddenly blind... I was so lost. So I suppose I use them a lot without realizing it. But again, genuine extrasensory ability is rarely available on demand, and doesn't always even make sense enough to be understood. Sometimes I get visual images that are symbolic, but impossible to express, or even for me to interpret on occasion. Usually, at a distance, I sense empathically, which is much easier to interpret, but much less likely to happen without certain emotional vulnerabilities and expressions from the person I am sensing. Some people just don't have the right emotional expressions for me to easily connect to, and a few can hide from my senses.
I'm just making sure you understand what I'm doing, because it can lead to presumptions and expectations that aren't founded on fact, and that can lead to misunderstandings that cause trouble later on.
Shannon Wrote:Spiral Wrote: BTW Shannon what do you know about levitation and exploding things with your mind? I think this is something I want to take up. No joke
Nothing that would allow me to make such a program. :-)
Levitation is best achieved, without technological or scientific assistance, by mastering the art of bridging the physical and astral planes and existing in both fully consciously and subconsciously, simultaneously, in such a way that your subconscious mind can meld them such that your physical body responds the same as your astral body, while your conscious mind remains able to direct the situation. You are literally partially de-materializing the physical world in order to blend the laws of the Astral plane with the laws of the physical plane, and making the astral rules supercede the others in regards to your specific desires.
This is a skill that is extremely difficult to achieve, never mind master. Most people who have achieved it, no longer need it by the time they do, because they no longer need to incarnate physically. I have never even heard of someone mastering it until long after they have outgrown the Earth school. Only those those Masters who return for the purpose of guiding others and helping to balance things will be able to do things like this. They are extremely rare on Earth. As far as I know, at any given time, there are usually between 0 and 2 on the planet.
How I know all this, I cannot explain. Take it for what you will.
(03-15-2015, 02:34 AM)sub_curious Wrote:(03-13-2015, 09:38 AM)AlphaRomeo Wrote:(03-12-2015, 09:35 PM)sub_curious Wrote:(03-12-2015, 10:06 AM)AlphaRomeo Wrote:(03-12-2015, 02:25 AM)sub_curious Wrote: Hi Sub users!!
I am interested in using the AM6 subs, but I have one major concern. I am currently reading Brian Tracy's book Maximum Achievement, and in that book he warns against using subliminal messages, because you simply do not know what is the message, and that many sold subliminals are found to contain no message at all, i.e. a scam. I find this to be a valid point. While I have no doubt that AM6 does contain messages, how do I know there are no bad messages in there? For example, the publisher can include messages like "You need to keep buying stuff from us if you want to be happy" and we won't even know we are getting such messages straight into our subconscious.
I apologise in advance if anyone is offended, especially Shannon. I have no intention to offend anyone or make any suggestions. I myself am very interested in using these subs as there are so many great transformation stories in the journals. However I do find this concern to be valid. What I am hoping for is someone can enlighten me on how I can know for sure that this sub is safe to use. I know Shannon does not publish the script of AM6 because they contain trade secrets. Anyway we cannot hear the messages, so we wouldn't know for sure whether the messages published are what we are really hearing. So is there any guarantee for the safety of this product? For e.g. it has been thoroughly vetted by some government agency? This is my mind I'm talking about, stuff like this is life changing, I do not want to take any unnecessary gambles.
If this has been covered in a thread somewhere before, then I apologise. Thank you and I really hope there is a good answer for this that will set my mind at ease so that I can use the sub.
I can see how it can be difficult to trust anyone you don´t know these days. So what I suggest is that you do some research on your own, follow this forum and Shannon for some time in order to gain greater trust, and develop your intuition. You can have all the "official words" in the world but you can NEVER know 100% for sure until you try...so in the end of the day you just have to make a decision at some point. It goes with everything in life; we can NEVER have 100% certainty about anything we "should" or "should not" do. People who get ahead in life ACTS on the roughly "70% certainty" information on any given situation,takes the risk and trusts the process. Fancy that girl/guy you saw at the coffeeshop? Should you go to talk to her/him? Want a new job? Should you start a business? Go to university? What will happen? Do you see what I mean? No 100% guarantees on any outcome,in any situation. People who keeps analyzing everything till death and never acts, or wants 100% certainty, never gets anywhere.
Having said that, I would listen to my own gut feeling over ANY "official word" any given day. Just because something is "official" does not mean its right or correct or trustworthy by any means. People put way too much weight on "official" these days. How about laws, they are "official". Are they always right? Politicians? They have been usually "officially" selected...do you trust them?
The LAST thing we need is more regulations. We should have LESS of them! Thank God (or Allah or whatever) there is no regulations for subliminal companies. Hopefully there never will be. That would only slow down Shannon´s great work. Like said, develop your intuition dude. Listen you gut feeling...gather 70% of certainty and ACT on it.
Thank you for all the input, people.
So there's no regulation at all? This is worrying to me. Basically this means that he can put whatever message he wants and instruct our subconscious to do whatever he wants, to fulfil whatever agenda, and nobody can catch him. And let's include other subliminal creators in the discussion too, not just Shannon. You don't know them, you don't know what agendas they have. They certainly wouldn't tell you any agenda they don't want you to know. They can be affiliated with political parties, with political agenda. They can have monetary agenda, aiming to suck more money out of you. Those are just the top of my head, there are so many possibilities. And the thing is, they cannot go to jail for it. We cannot hear the messages, there is no proof. They can get away with putting absolutely anything in the subs; they are not accountable to any law.
So at the end of the day, we have to trust them to use the subs, trust that they don't have any malicious intentions. We have to take a leap of faith. Read the forums, get a feel of the intentions of the scripter based on the behavior that he chooses to show (if we meet him) and the words he chooses to write, and use gut feeling to make the decision. To me, this is too shaky. Why can't we remove trust out of the picture? I don't have to know the scripter. I just have to know for sure that the messages that I am getting are the messages intended to produce the effects that are advertised for the product, and no other message for any other intention. One way I can think of is regulation, but I agree it is spotty. If a good way is found, then I don't have to trust the scripter's intentions, I just have to trust in the effectiveness of his product, that his script and technologies work.
Let's not too quickly dismiss this and say there can be no good way to do this, before even thinking about it; you need to put in trust, just like you need to put in trust and take risks in all other areas of life, without taking risks you cannot get anything out of life blah blah. This kind of suggestion is not improving the situation. There are many people who are not using subs because of this issue. Or are subs mainly aimed for those who want to change themselves so much they'd take the risk, and those who don't realise the risk? I hope not. Shannon, I don't think this is a new issue to you. What are your thoughts?
If there is a "better" way that would be great. Any suggestions? I know I will post here, if I come up with suggestion. However, in my opinion regulation would be the last thing we need for the reasons I have already mentioned. Also, what on earth makes you THINK that you can trust any regulations? Because the regulators are "men in suits"? Do you trust any "authority" just because he/she/they/it is "official"? You think regulators can not have agenda and be associated with political parties? "Regulating" (read: editing and inserting their own messages into) subliminals would be damn near perfect way to spread political agenda if done effectively. Anyway, while waiting for better solution I wish you a great day and hopefully you will find what you are looking for, that critical thing or piece of information that helps you to make the right decision for you.
Hey Alpha Romeo,
I guess we will need two things: 1. Laws that render putting other messages other than those for advertised effects punishable (jail, fine etc) and 2. a credible, independent censoring body whose only agenda is to protect the users.
I realise all these are difficult to realise. Passing new laws in a country such as the US is very slow because each state has its own laws. The censoring agency will also be difficult to set up. As you said, leaving the censoring to the government might not be entirely good, because the government definitely has its own agendas too. But if subliminal creators are really serious about helping more people and putting their subs in the ears of more people, there should be a concerted effort by them.
Thanks for the well wishes, I wish you well for your journey too. I hope for you that there are no 'other' messages in your subs. I am going to create my own affirmation tapes, something Brian Tracy recommends. I am not going to touch subliminals until those two things are in place. To illustrate, I'm not one of those people who are willing to take a 'new' medicine not approved by the FDA.
(03-16-2015, 07:44 PM)Shannon Wrote: I unfortunately cannot respond to everything you've said, but I can say this. If what we have done here to show you that our products are the best, and safe, effective and useful, then you have to follow your choices and do what is right for you.
The reasons why what you propose for laws and regulations and such are bad ideas could fill a book I don't have time to write.
I respect Brian Tracy, and I enjoy his products. I agree with him, that you really cannot know what you're getting from subliminals producers because you cannot always read the script. But, consider this. If I were to release the script for AM6, not a one of you would read it all the way through unless you were going to turn around and profit from it by competing with me. It's almost a hundred pages long, and it's mind numbingly boring.
Those sufficiently motivated and interested by potential for profit could then (try to) recompile it as a competing product, and they could also (try to) reverse engineer my secrets. They would likely discover in days or weeks what took me years and decades to learn from research and development and experimentation, and then would compete with me using that knowledge, all the while with nobody being sure they really understood it all or even used it properly. Then you have the same thing you have now, except I'm making less money to fund my current research and development, and it either slows down or stops.
On the other hand, the consumer deserves to know what they're putting in their mind. I agree. Thus, we have an impasse. You can't read the script, and I guarantee you don't want to and would not if I put it in front of you. But let's say you signed a non-disclosure agreement, and I let you come to my office and read the script of AM6. It would take you days to read it, and you would beg me for mercy before you finished. Then, you would know my scripting methods, and even though you signed an NDA, what's to stop you from taking your knowledge to someone who competes with me, who can extract said knowledge using hypnosis or some similar method? NDA or not, once that information is out, there is nothing that's going to stop it.
But again, let;s say you signed this fictitous NDA and I then had you read the whole script of AM6. Let us further presume you actually finished it without having your brain or your eyes melt, and you remained awake. Do you comprehend what you read? Very unlikely. And even more unlikely that you are qualified to know whether the script is safe or not. In fact I'd put the odds at close to zero for the latter.
Now, we've spent three days with you reading AM6's master key script, and you somehow manage to survive the boredom, brain melt and eye melt and stay awake. Now you get to watch me build a fresh copy from scratch to know that it's really safe, and this process requires not two or three days, but seven or more. So now we have about 10 days of me not working, so that you can read a script you won't read or understand, and watch me build a copy that you would not understand what I was doing well enough to follow whether or not I had built it properly. Ten days of you being bored and me not working, so you can now claim falsely that you know for sure that you got a safe and un-subverted copy. Falsely, I say, because nobody in their right mind could watch me do this job and not get so bored in a couple of hours at most (forget ten days) that they stopped paying attention. Just not going to happen. Even if you did have the training, motivation and patience to read and properly analyze the script
And that would be just for you to get one "certified" copy in your hands of one program. Now, you and I can "certify" that it's built properly, and scripted properly, but...
If you trusted me in the first place, you would not have needed that ten days of reading script and building a program for you to watch me so you knew for sure it was scripted and built properly (again, presuming you were trained to do so effectively in the first place). So we must discount my certification, because you have demonstrated that it is invalid, which leaves your certification. Now we have you having what experience and education in the field? What history? What reason for anyone to believe something you say? Which leads to nobody believing your certification. So now, you have a copy you trust, but nobody else does, and I have had to train you to understand how to read a subliminal script and know how to know if it is safe or not; I have had to wait for you to read through the script and explain the answers to your questions; and you have had to wait for me to build this one copy. Training you to be able to read that script and know if it was safe, by the way, would take at least a week, in all likelihood. So now we're at a minimum of 17 days, with me not doing research and development or working so you can have a copy that you trust, but nobody trusts you to be honest, so now I have to do the whole thing all over again for every copy and every customer.
Now I have trained someone to compete with me. Oh, and good luck expecting that NDA to save me if someone talks.
As you can see, this is not a reasonable situation. So again, we have done what we can to make the results of the programming transparent since we cannot reasonably show you what's in them. The forum, and free examples of full version programs so you can see what others have experienced, and see what happens for yourself.
If our best efforts have not allayed your fears then you must do what is right for you. Not everyone is going to use subliminals. We get that. But if you think that creating your own audio tapes of affirmations is a better choice, I have something for you to consider.
First, do you know how to script them safely? If you think so, what makes you say that? Is it based on extensive research into how the subconscious mind differs from the conscious, and how it differs in comprehension, communication, response, capability? Have you found all the little gotchas that can cause a script to backfire? If not, do you know how to negate the risk and when to use the program you created to do so?
I got started creating my own programs by doing exactly what you're talking about. I learned the hard way that conversational speech is not a good idea when you're making affirmations, unless you understand when it is safe to use conversational speech and why.
Be careful out there. If you trust Brian Tracey, then by all means, use his programs. He's a good man. But as an expert in this field, I would not recommend anyone use a self made program unless they were trained in how the subconscious mind thinks and acts differently than the conscious mind, and how subliminal scripting has to differ from conversational speech, hypnosis scripting, NLP, etc.
Best wishes to you. I hope you find what is right for you.
Shannon Wrote: The whole thing I am trying to say is that those people who are the target audience are not going to be easily persuaded to exercise at all, never mind "harder" or more or more intensely. Most people who are overweight are overweight because they either are lazy, are unable to be more active (pain), because they are hedonists or because they are either resisting someone/something or are stuck in a mindset that results in their being overweight.
The personality that finds itself in these situations is either going to be very low energy or inactive and hard to motivate... or motivate for any steady period of time... or they are going to have emotional responses and resistances that hold them at a weight regardless of activity. Sometimes both.
The subliminal can counter some of this. I can change people's beliefs and that will change their responses. But, in some cases, it is the personality itself which leads to the issues. Can I change the personality itself? That seems unlikely to me. For instance, one of my testers has failed because he can't stay on course to save his life. His personality needs constant change and stimulation, so he constantly is out socializing in order to keep himself entertained. And, he also wants to follow, not lead... so whatever the group is doing, he is doing. This man lost 22 pounds, and gained back at least 9, because he eventually got bored with not "following the leader" and socializing in his preferred style. He happened to choose a crowd to hang out with who had extremely unhealthy eating habits, and he was eating huge portion sizes and terrible food choices for months simply because that's what everyone else was doing.
I can change some of that. But the constantly changing direction, constantly shifting from one thing to another, constantly searching for new and interesting stimulus, that's just part of what and who he is. His ex girlfriend is similar in that she is always trying to be what everyone around her is... never her own person, and she is always shifting and changing for that reason. She doesn't really have a solid self identity... and those traits will probably make it very difficult for me to affect either of them in the long run with subliminals.
So far the target market has been the hardcore cases, and I am realizing that some of them, I can't help. Some of them simply need to grow up and start taking personal responsibility for their actions and their circumstances. Some of them are so afraid that I'm not sure I can help. Some of them are so resistant that I'm not sure I can help. And while 5G/HST looks very promising so far... what if each one of these personality types needs a unique frequency?
So... we shall see. I have decided that I am going to give each person who has been using the last version of AYIW a free copy of 5G/HST for testing purposes. If the models are right in what they're forecasting, I'm going to end up release it formally at $500 a copy and it will do very well and be very successful. But I want to see for myself what happens first. It may just be that I have to aim it at a different target audience, since I know it works.
Shannon Wrote:mat422 Wrote: Shannon I'm just looking for maybe a little support to something that's been on my mind. I'm only 21 years old, I'd be a fool to say I know about the world. Although I feel my awareness as a person might be a little higher than the average individual. I feel very much like a scientist, taking other's hypothesis about the world and exploring it without bias to see what holds truth and what doesn't.
That being said I believe there is objective truth, not everything is as subjective as we would like to believe. Sometimes I'm not sure if I'm seeing the truth or if it's my own beliefs affecting my perception of it. I don't want to be delusional and ignore reality, but at the same time I've seen the nature of some people and I guess it upsets me. I don't really know how to put it. Just I feel like I see things deeper than the average person and while it lends me a great deal of knowledge about the behavior of people, I can't help but feel it's a cold reality.
I can't tell if it's me and my perspective, and that's the reason I feel a bit alone. Or if it's the outside and I'm just able to see it for what it is.
My perspective is that humanity in general dissapoints me on a regular basis.
I see Earth as a school of sorts, where different groups come to learn through experiencing things. Some of these groups are "younger" than others. They will be learning more basic lessons than others will, such as the difference between "me" and "not me", and that "not me" also has feelings, value, and needs to make a living. These are the people who do things like break into people's homes and steal from them just because they would rather steal than work for what they get. Or, say, hack a server and then put the stuff they steal up on pirate websites.
It's hard to remember that people who do things like that are just expressing their immaturity and ignorance by doing those things. I used to think they deserved pity, but I am beginning to think pity is wasted on them, because they're not intelligent enough to understand pity. But they do those things because they are too young mentally to understand that just because they can, doesn't mean they should. That others have value just as they do. That the work of another also has value, even though they didn't have to do it. They don't understand that by doing things like that, they are only hurting themselves along with the person they steal from, primarily because they don't see the connection and therefore don't think they are hurting themselves with such sad, ignorant actions.
The majority of the human race, Mat, is made up of people who represent those too "young" to understand these things, which is why you see all these problems. They operate from the point of view that "I have feelings and value that matters, and everything not me does not." Very childish point of view, but when you are just getting started in the world, that's how you think. People who have grown to some degree of maturity don't do things like steal, hack into servers and then pirate what they steal, cheat, etc. because they understand that others have value too, and that doing those things hurts themselves both directly and indirectly. They have maturity. They act and think like adults.
I am veiling my statements a little bit to comply with Rule #4 here, but I think you get the drift.
And while the majority are not very wise or understanding yet, there are people who do understand, who will do the right thing when faced with the choice. It can be hard to feel like there is hope for humanity, I know. Believe me, I know. But there is. Just remember that for every person you meet, there's someone out there who is a positive example of what they could have been.
Those of us who have the maturity to understand what common sense and common decency are are not the majority, sadly, but we are here to help the rest learn it. And sometimes, that means that we have to deal with them. Someone taught you to be a good person. Pay it forward. Teach ten, or a hundred, or a thousand people to be good people also, and you make a difference in the world. I know it's not easy, but if not me, then who? If not you, then who?
Be the change you want to see in the world around you. Lead by example, even if those who you are trying to lead have their eyes closed most of the time.
Hope that helps, Mat. It's not easy, but worthwhile things usually are not.
Shannon Wrote:Patti Wrote: I’m so torn between gratitude and guilt about you having to rebuild this smoking program. I know it‘s taking up so much of your time and I don‘t see many people who are struggling as I am after using the other versions. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all your work on my account and the other resistant quitters if they are out there.
I have a question. I’ve gotten violently sick 3 times in the last 2 weeks and I was wondering if there’s any statements that you think may be making me react to the program in this way? I’m sure there’s no negative statements, but could it be probable that this could be a resistance reaction from my sub-conscious? Could my resistance be that strong? I figured I ask you first before seeking out options from my doctor.
Patti, do you hear me complaining that I have to do this for you? No. You know why? Because it needs to be done. If you can resist it, someone else can too. This isn't something I blame you for. You're just showing me that it still needs work. Sometimes I get frustrated... but as a well known genius from the 1800's once said... success is 99% perspiration, and 1% inspiration. He didn't get to be well known by giving up when he hit a wall. Success doesn't happen by accident. It's the result of a stubborn refusal to fail. So here I am, stubbornly refusing to fail. My goal is to make this program eventually work for every person who uses it according to the directions. I don't know if that's actually possible, but I think it's a worthwhile goal, and you're helping me test and refine the program.
Yes it's frustrating. Yes, it is a lot of work. But to make the program do what it needs to be doing, this has to be done and dealt with. That's just a fact. If you want to feel guilty, make that part of you that is resisting feel guilty, because so far it obviously does not. lol Otherwise, it's a useless negative response. I despise guilt, even as a useful way to deal with things, because it's negative. But it's that 5% (1%?) like you who really need this from me. And, from a purely practical business standpoint, you guys are a niche market who will be otherwise untapped. So everybody wins if I succeed. Although it's not the business aspect that really has me motivated to crush this.
As for you getting violently sick... it is possible that it could be a response to the program, but just telling me you got sick doesn't give me enough information. Under what circumstances did you get sick? What were you doing when you got sick? What exactly happened when you got "violently sick"? How long did it last? What was the timing between the experiences?
If the program is triggering this response, it will be either resistance, or a reaction to cigarettes. If it is a resistance reaction, you will have the sickness whenever the resistance gets strong enough, which could technically be just about any time... but would probably be right around when you're lighting up, or during a cigarette. If it's a reaction to cigarettes, then it would always be while you're smoking a cigarette, smelling cigarette smoke, or otherwise experiencing a cigarette - but most probably while you're smoking them, at least to begin with.
You see, it's unnatural for the body to inhale smoke, which is why it makes people cough to do so. Your body is trying to get rid of it, and trying to clear the smoke out of your lungs. And nicotine is poison, which is why most people have a violent coughing fit the first few times they try to smoke. It's your body saying, "Hey, you're feeding me poison, stop!"
But once you get addicted, the body surrenders. If you're actually having this sickness response from the program, it will most likely be as a response to having your body begin to remember that cigarette smoke is poison. Vomiting, if that's what you're experiencing, is of course an effort by your body to express poisons from your system and keep you safe... once you have gotten used to the cigarette smoke, you probably won't cough (until you start getting sick with smoker's cough), so your body may resort to whatever it can (vomiting) do in desperation.
If this is associated with the program, Patti, I would say it's a very, very good thing. It means that the program is getting through and making the changes in spite of the resistance. But I can't know if it is or not based on what you've told me.
I know that breaking this habit is going to be a challenge for you. I know that even though I am going to make a program that can do it, you will have to deal with some unpleasantness to get to the other side, because this has such a strong hold on some part of you. That's why I made you promise me to use the program I am making you without fail through all six stages. It will work, but first we have to kill the resistance, and that resistance is going to go down fighting to the death. It might try to make things extremely unpleasant for you on the way down, and it might refuse to give up in the face of your body having begun returning to a healthy state that is no longer compatible with smoking cigarettes comfortably.
One way or the other, you can do this. All it takes is a stubborn refusal to fail.
I'd say that what's happening is most likely that the program has begun successfully returning your body to the status of "non-smoker" but you continue to force it to deal with cigarette smoke, which is poisonous. Of course it's gonna get sick. That's it's job: purge poisons, and keep you alive!
Perhaps you should try to intentionally stop smoking and see if the sickness stops?
Shannon Wrote:Patti Wrote: That all sounds great for you guys and I was wondering if sometime around 2014 when you have a minute haha, it would be possible to use some of what ever is killing the social anxiety in this program, to incorporate in an upgrade for the actual social anxiety program for any gender? Anxiety is such a major restriction for me anymore that it seems to be making me a recluse the older that I get. I used to be such a people person and now I’d rather stay home and read a good book. Not that that is a bad thing but it’s getting worse and worse and I’d like to nip it in the bud, so to speak if possible.
Good for you staying away from other’s wives, fiancé’s and girlfriends! You don’t need that drama in your life just for sex.
That's a very good idea, Patti. I'm sure if things weren't so hectic around here I'd have made that connection myself.
Honestly, I don't remember the script of the SM 2.0 program - 32 pages of it - well enough to remember what might have triggered that response. But one consideration is that I used the program for six months, whereas most people don't use a single stage program for six months. I take it you have tried Overcome Social Anxiety? I'm definitely going to do a six stage set for this when I get a chance though.
And thank you. Drama aside, I don't want just sex... I want a worthwhile woman I can trust who is worth being faithful to, whom I know will be faithful to me. I want a relationship with her that includes sex as part of an overall loving intimacy. I used SM 2.0 primarily because I needed to have the experience in order to be able to be the authority on it that I need to be to answer questions, etc. Really, I have been not wanting to use it the entire time; but if I don't follow my own rules (Stay the course when you start a program!), who else will?
One thing using it has done is show me how I want to change it so that it will improve a man, instead of making him willing to have sex with anyone who offers. Not every man has my willpower or moral structure, and I can assure you that there was sometimes extreme temptation when women offered me sex. There were nights I went home wanting to cry with the frustration of it. Stunningly beautiful women literally breaking the ice for me, walking over and introducing themselves to me, and spending hours sitting at the bar giving me very "come F me" signal a woman can give shy of literally dragging me into the bathroom... on more than one occasion, I had gorgeous married women sitting at the bar talking to me with their husbands behind them (talking to someone else), who were wearing skirts, and having their legs open with the goods on full (and obviously intentional) display. No panties, shaved, and very obviously lubed up, warmed up and ready to go. Let me tell you, it's REALLY hard to get up and walk away from that. Twice! Now this normally would turn me off for the "being easy for everyone" factor, but I could tell that these women were not normally the type to do this sort of thing... and a friend of mine who has known them for years also tells me they never do that, except to their husbands. Aside from offering sex to me, those two women are both loyal, faithful wives.
But I am experienced enough to know that sex with a taken woman is very self destructive, and of course damages her and her significant other as well. It would not just be damaging, it would kill my self respect, which would kill my self esteem, which would make me lose myself.
I just hope AM kicks in fast enough to kill that increased openness to sex with taken women quickly. Two of the important keys to AM are doing the right thing, and maintaining/increasing self respect. While a lot of guys don't have trouble with sleeping with a taken woman, I feel as though SM 2.0 has made me much more willing than I used to be to do that, and that does not sit well with me morally. That's why SM 3.0 will specify single women only. I don't want to encourage the destruction of other people's relationships.
Shannon Wrote:Benjamin Wrote: Hey Shannon, who did you do the course with?
It's hard to find good hypnotists as there is dodgy ones around. Major Mark Cunningham is one of the best ones.. i've done sessions with one of his students and it really motivated me for my business.
It's a correspondence course. Self paced study, read a lot of books, take a lot of exams, etc. That sort of thing. I am planning to do hypnotherapy training next, as I can afford it, but that may have to wait for next year. There's an institute in Orlando I am thinking I could attend, although that is still 2 hours each direction. But that's not any different from when I was attending college...
What I'd really like to do is study with Dick Sutphen and Richard Bandler. In time, I suppose. I've been studying hypnosis since I was sixteen, since my grandmother was a hypnotherapist, but I never really did it. Just read about it. Part of why I got into subliminals was because I wasn't comfortable with my ability to think on my feet in live hypnosis sessions. But that will be changing big time shortly, and of course I can always make recordings. Before I start building XL-17 stuff, which will include hypnosis, I wanted to know I had certification.
Knowing me, once I have enough practice actually doing it, I'll become very skilled at it, and eventually start finding new ways to do it better and better. That seems to be my modus operandi.
For the time being though, practicing on people is difficult. The only willing subjects I have tend to be dealing with 2-3 kids and several neurotic pets at once, with two or three TVs going and a few cell phones to boot.
But the real reason I decided to get certified was that it's time for me to get serious about hypnosis, because I need to start using it to make XL-17 stuff.
Shannon Wrote:Spiral Wrote: so what does XL-17 stand for?
XL-17 stands for Xtremely Loud-17 decibels more than your ears can withstand.
Just kidding.It actually stands for "Excellence", referring to it being the best and most powerful programming I can possibly create, and the 17 was put there because XL-7 is trademarked, and 17 is my favorite number. It very much represents "me". So in effect, XL-17 stands for "The best possible work Shannon can create".
Of course I am a lot more experienced with subliminals and BWE than hypnosis, but then, XL-17 won't be on the horizon until I have a lot more training and certification.