08-06-2019, 08:29 PM
(08-06-2019, 02:44 PM)Shannon Wrote:(08-05-2019, 10:50 PM)Asanti Wrote:(07-24-2019, 03:25 PM)HearDontListen Wrote: I've been doing some research on EMF with the upcoming "5G networks" and cell towers being implemented and it's definitely some concerning stuff in my opinion.
Hi there!
Authorities claim that EMF and 5G networks (I don't talk here about Shannons 5G subliminals - Shannon's 5G subs are awesome, I talk about the 5G network technology) are safe, but that's not the case. Research has been done and it shows that it's unsafe, might cause cancer, but we can protect ourselves through tachyon technology, check out Tachyonized Phone Micro-Disks - you can use them to protect yourself from radiation from your cell phone
P.s. I listen to these subs every night and I put my cell phone next to my head.... I was wondering if that would cause me issues in the future.. so I've found out that I can neutralize radiation from the cell by using tachyonized disks..
I'm sorry if my post violates the rules of this forum - if so I will delete it. My intention is to help, not to sell anything.
You will have to differentiate between research and conspiracy theory. One is the result of data aggregated by scientific method. The other is "These studies said this! Believe me because I said 'studies' and that's scientific!" Science is easily manipulated to say whateever you want it to say if you never check the sources. Anyone can claim that "studies have been done, and they say X." What studies? When were they done? By whom? Who peer reviewed them? Who paid for them? Were they conclusive or suggestive or indeterminate? How many experiments were done? How many different researchers did the experiment? N=? What were the criticisms made against the studies' methods and conclusions, and by whom?
Without knowing all this, I could claim, with equal validity, that "Research has been done and it shows that tachyonized disks are unsafe, might cause cancer, but we can protect ourselves through eating the feces of rats infected with the ebola virus."
Quite literally, "tachyonized disks" means nothing if you really understand what a tachyon is. It's just someone using a sciency-sounding word ("tachyonized" - means nothing; literally everything is "tachyonized" in the sense that it has interacted with a tachyon at the same amount as everything else) that causes people who don't really understand what a tachyon is to assume that it's valid because they associate it with "science", which they assume must be correct and valid. So I've got the feeling you're into a conspiracy theory here.
You're not going to neutralize the radiation from a cell phone unless you expose yourself to the exact anti-wave of it, or the cell phone is in a Faraday cage. And you're not gonna get the anti-wave.
Right now, even if you have a cell phone next to your head, you're probably using a 4G network, which has been shown for at least a decade to be reliably safe. The 5G networks are going to have a lot of fear mongering a conspiracy theories associated with them, because that's what people pay attention to - what they fear. But if you think about it, the reason they need so many towers for 5G is that 5G networks use an energy frequency band that can't penetrate much of anything. And if you care to, I'm sure you can find plenty of research that shows that 5G is harmless.
Don't just look at one side of the story. Try to prove them both wrong, and you'll usually end up with the truth. That's why science relies so heavily on skepticism. And believe me, this wouldn't be public if it was a legal risk to the companies putting it out. They are in business to make money, not pay settlements for lawsuits.
Follow the money.
ehh I really wish every company out there was as honest as Indigo Mind Labs and You Shannon. However, to believe that cell phones have no negative effect on health and are 100% safe would be like to believe that genetically modified foods are healthy to eat and that Monsanto is awesome

It's true that they on tachyon webpage have some research, but it's not extensive, so... maybe I'm wasting my money buying their product, but I'll give it a shot anyway and try it out for myself