07-31-2014, 01:22 PM
Good Day, everyone.
My name is Dpenguin, and i have beggined to use Absolute Self Confidence 5th generation a few days ago.
Before i engage in telling me my experiences, and begin to record my dailing results and daily issues with the file, i will like to say that if i have errors in my writing skills is mainly because english is not my main language.
Second i would like to thank Shannon for a pair of things, first to let some of the scripts of the files exposed. I ended in the subliminal shop page, when i was looking for scripts for meditation lol.
And secondly for letting for free this file that i have see give results since the first time i finish to hear the track. Is very Wonderfull your mastership not only in the script making, if not in the file making. I Have tried before some subliminal, audios, mp3, or file. And this are the ones that have the best results.
I should Say, although is only my opinion that this are the best files on the market, Sir.
Again thanks for letting the File to be free, mostly because i live in a country where accessing to dollars is hard, and the only way i have found is working in internet. lol
Now that is over i would Talk to some issues i have; Is there any problem with i don't know listen the fiel and listen music, or seeing a tv show or a youtube, meanwhile i'm using the video?. I haven't do it, because i don't know if i could sabotage the file doing this.
I haven't be able to listen all the day all the 8 hours, that is recomendate per day, i been busing with various task that sometimes don't let me hear it. So i Have to listen for more days that is recomended?.
Now that is over, i will put a little journal i have of the few few days i have using the files.
Day 0
I want it to test it.
So, i Decide to using both the Ocean track, and the streming track, so i could have an idea of how many times i have beeign hear it. IDont know if i should using the ultrasonic around my dog, so i will use this two.
I hear the file around half an hour, and i noted extremly calmness, i was concentrated, i was extremly confident, i haven't feel like this in months.
I liked the way i was feeling so i decided to begin my journal in this.
Day 1
Was mostly ok, although since this day and today, i have been feeling with more energy and a little anxious. It's Weird because i know that when i was c hild i feel it like this all the time, when i begin to age, i slowly and slowly lost this feelings.
Although it could be how i am hearin the files so who knows?
I feel more confident and less insecure
Day 2
Yesterday (Day 1), was nothing interesting to report, because i didn't get out. This days i have to say since i put the first foot outside home, i feeled diferent, in soooo many ways.
Before i noted that i was scared, or insecure of walking in the streets, now i feel like the most relaxed thing in the world, i'm confident each step i take.
And i did see i have get it womens attention, lol, some looks although i would like some aproach for them it was cool.
When i get it to my destination i found some of my friends, enagging in conversations was more easy, and the aproach anxiety, i have before was less, sometimes i have zero and i was like a fish in water.
Aproaching womens, was soo cool and easy. And getting their attetion was extremely easy.
(i have to say before i continue, i have beign using for a few weeks before Shannon some of your scripts for meditation, or positive afirmations, some like ultra motivation or overcome aproach anxiety for men; I was scared of files because there have beign some back subliminal audios that have secret things that they don't tell you, and try to manipulate you, lol for a moth i was against donloading this file, but recently i decided to risk it, and well good thing i risk it lol)
Some womens, where aproaching me other were happy and using more contact with me, and i could aproach any girl i wanted it. Lol there was a point when i decided it to try that if i visualizate that all womens will feel happy around me, that all of them flashed me a smile or extreme positive emotion when i decided to five them my atention lol.
In the end was a good day for flriting, have friends, and beign more confident in my self.
Lol Even there was a moment when i was pranked, and i taked like it was nothing. i feeled soo cool, that all the people around me didnt laugh and just apreciate me.
Indeed if this was day two i don't want to know what is going to be in the future xD.
Day 3
Was ok, i guees i have a little work, and got it a little nervous. I Talked with my friends, with zero anxiety and total control, i was a little scared around womens, but i think is because this day in the morning ii only hear the file like an hour, so, ok.
In general was a good day, i was more calm, that before when i woulde be a guy with a lots of nerves.
Days 4
I waked up a little angry, but it gor away after a time, i feel it like more cool and calm afterwards.
My mother decided to for some reason, try to begin a fight with me. I was repairing a table, and then she begin to insult me i was soing wrong or sabotaging my work soo she could say i was doint it work, so she could have an escuse to get angry at me and begin to shout me. I dodged every attempt, and begin to to concentrate in miy job with calmness, anc confidence, that if i ignored her she will go. And that was what happened, of course she got angry begin to insult me a little, but after a while that i was cool, calm, relaxed, she got angry and left me.
I have to say before i would enage in a pointless fight, with her but now? I know when to fight and when not lol
Sorry if is soo laarge post, but well i was waiting a lot since the forums get death xD.
Good day, Dpenguin
My name is Dpenguin, and i have beggined to use Absolute Self Confidence 5th generation a few days ago.
Before i engage in telling me my experiences, and begin to record my dailing results and daily issues with the file, i will like to say that if i have errors in my writing skills is mainly because english is not my main language.
Second i would like to thank Shannon for a pair of things, first to let some of the scripts of the files exposed. I ended in the subliminal shop page, when i was looking for scripts for meditation lol.

And secondly for letting for free this file that i have see give results since the first time i finish to hear the track. Is very Wonderfull your mastership not only in the script making, if not in the file making. I Have tried before some subliminal, audios, mp3, or file. And this are the ones that have the best results.
I should Say, although is only my opinion that this are the best files on the market, Sir.

Again thanks for letting the File to be free, mostly because i live in a country where accessing to dollars is hard, and the only way i have found is working in internet. lol
Now that is over i would Talk to some issues i have; Is there any problem with i don't know listen the fiel and listen music, or seeing a tv show or a youtube, meanwhile i'm using the video?. I haven't do it, because i don't know if i could sabotage the file doing this.
I haven't be able to listen all the day all the 8 hours, that is recomendate per day, i been busing with various task that sometimes don't let me hear it. So i Have to listen for more days that is recomended?.
Now that is over, i will put a little journal i have of the few few days i have using the files.
Day 0
I want it to test it.
So, i Decide to using both the Ocean track, and the streming track, so i could have an idea of how many times i have beeign hear it. IDont know if i should using the ultrasonic around my dog, so i will use this two.
I hear the file around half an hour, and i noted extremly calmness, i was concentrated, i was extremly confident, i haven't feel like this in months.
I liked the way i was feeling so i decided to begin my journal in this.
Day 1
Was mostly ok, although since this day and today, i have been feeling with more energy and a little anxious. It's Weird because i know that when i was c hild i feel it like this all the time, when i begin to age, i slowly and slowly lost this feelings.
Although it could be how i am hearin the files so who knows?
I feel more confident and less insecure
Day 2
Yesterday (Day 1), was nothing interesting to report, because i didn't get out. This days i have to say since i put the first foot outside home, i feeled diferent, in soooo many ways.
Before i noted that i was scared, or insecure of walking in the streets, now i feel like the most relaxed thing in the world, i'm confident each step i take.
And i did see i have get it womens attention, lol, some looks although i would like some aproach for them it was cool.
When i get it to my destination i found some of my friends, enagging in conversations was more easy, and the aproach anxiety, i have before was less, sometimes i have zero and i was like a fish in water.
Aproaching womens, was soo cool and easy. And getting their attetion was extremely easy.
(i have to say before i continue, i have beign using for a few weeks before Shannon some of your scripts for meditation, or positive afirmations, some like ultra motivation or overcome aproach anxiety for men; I was scared of files because there have beign some back subliminal audios that have secret things that they don't tell you, and try to manipulate you, lol for a moth i was against donloading this file, but recently i decided to risk it, and well good thing i risk it lol)
Some womens, where aproaching me other were happy and using more contact with me, and i could aproach any girl i wanted it. Lol there was a point when i decided it to try that if i visualizate that all womens will feel happy around me, that all of them flashed me a smile or extreme positive emotion when i decided to five them my atention lol.
In the end was a good day for flriting, have friends, and beign more confident in my self.
Lol Even there was a moment when i was pranked, and i taked like it was nothing. i feeled soo cool, that all the people around me didnt laugh and just apreciate me.
Indeed if this was day two i don't want to know what is going to be in the future xD.
Day 3
Was ok, i guees i have a little work, and got it a little nervous. I Talked with my friends, with zero anxiety and total control, i was a little scared around womens, but i think is because this day in the morning ii only hear the file like an hour, so, ok.
In general was a good day, i was more calm, that before when i woulde be a guy with a lots of nerves.
Days 4
I waked up a little angry, but it gor away after a time, i feel it like more cool and calm afterwards.
My mother decided to for some reason, try to begin a fight with me. I was repairing a table, and then she begin to insult me i was soing wrong or sabotaging my work soo she could say i was doint it work, so she could have an escuse to get angry at me and begin to shout me. I dodged every attempt, and begin to to concentrate in miy job with calmness, anc confidence, that if i ignored her she will go. And that was what happened, of course she got angry begin to insult me a little, but after a while that i was cool, calm, relaxed, she got angry and left me.
I have to say before i would enage in a pointless fight, with her but now? I know when to fight and when not lol
Sorry if is soo laarge post, but well i was waiting a lot since the forums get death xD.
Good day, Dpenguin