09-16-2017, 12:26 PM
(09-16-2017, 11:07 AM)Shannon Wrote: Self optimizing polymorphic scripting causes the subliminal to become what you need it to be to achieve the goal. If the goal is the same, but the starting point is vastly different between users, the results can seem to be an entirely different sub for different people. In this case, everyone has a completely unique "intoxication state" to begin with. The mind, emotions, etc. are not going to be identical in their levels, directions, degrees and types of "intoxication", so the sub becomes something very different for each of you to achieve the same goal.
For example, if person A has severe sexual abuse that led to a series of beliefs being formed that were toxic concerning sex, relationships and one particular gender, and person B had a father who beat him and the result was that he becomes abusive to himself and others, then UD will be primarily a sexual healing and clearing sub for person A, and an abuse healing and clearing sub for person B.
That's very much the impression that I'd been getting while comparing my own experiences with the other UD journals. This certainly explains why.
(09-16-2017, 11:07 AM)Shannon Wrote: This is the beauty of SOPS - Self Optimizing Polymorphic Scripting.
Creating that scripting, however, is a freaking nightmare.
That "freaking nightmare" resulted in a work of art that I feel honored to experience. Thanking you seems like an insufficient gesture, but, until I find a better way of putting it, thank you, Shannon, for your continued efforts to improve the world and all who dwell upon her.